Enhancing Mutual Recognition Agreements in Trade in Services Under AEC: Progressions and Constraints
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The movement of people across national frontiers to render a service has been a highly regulated in ASEAN. Removing restrictions to labour flows within the region is admitted by ASEAN leaders as an essential component in formation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). The AEC Blueprint 2025 has specifically stated the significance of the regime of mutual recognition on qualifications for professionals in ASEAN as it would facilitate implementation of the ASEN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS) and Agreement on Movement of Natural Persons (MNP). Without the qualification harmonisation the ASEAN efforts to liberalise the service can be easily mitigated or nullified.
This paper will review the existing commitments and policies of ASEAN countries under the MRA, and to identify measures that could be considered by individual countries and by the ASEAN to expand the trade in services specific to the supply mode of movement of natural persons.
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AEC Blueprint, para 19 sec 5.
AEC Blueprint, para 21 sec 5.
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