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Udin = Silalahi


Digital economy is developing rapidly worldwide. New digital opportunities create new business opportunities like online taxi. The existence of online taxi in Indonesia is unavoidable because the developing of digital economy.  Online taxi, like Grabcar and Gocar is operated its business through digital platform, such androids application (smartphone application). It makes customer easier to order and the rate of online taxi is cheaper than conventional taxi rate. The competition conventional taxi and online taxi is unavoidable. From the demand (consumer) side taxi online conventional taxi is in the same relevant market. They compete each other very fierce. The market share and income conventional taxi supposed decreased. The taxi online supposed doing price cartel. The question is how to determine that online taxi is occuring price cartel. This paper will attempt to analyze and provide feasible solutions concerning the regulation of Algorithm-Based Price Cartels in the Taxi-Online Business in Indonesia.

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How to Cite
Silalahi, U. =. (2020). REGULATION OF ALGORITHM-BASED PRICE CARTELS IN THE TAXI-ONLINE BUSINESS IN INDONESIA: QUO VADIS?. ASEAN Journal of Legal Studies, 2(1), 92–110. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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