Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus <p> Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus ISSN : 2651-2009 (Online) is An Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus. The main objectives of the journal 1)To promote and publicize the academic and research works on Buddhism, Philosophy, Education, Political Science, Public Administration and interdisciplinary studies of the Humanities. 2)To be the forum for exchanging knowledge and views concerning the research methodology and the research infrastructure in the field of Buddhist studies and social sciences in order to cope with the educational quality assurance. 3)To promote innovation and develop the quality of the research on the fields that are helpful to national development. The target groups are faculty member, authorities, researchers and students both inside and outside the university. Open to research articles Academic Articles And or book reviews to consider published in a journal. All published articles have been reviewed by at least 3 experts in a double blind peer-reviewed manner. Period of issue : Two volumes per year (January-June and July-December). The Journal accepts manuscripts in both Thai and English language.</p> <p> Since the 9th year, issue 2 (July - December 2020), the journal has been discontinued as a copy of the ISSN: 2286-6906 (Print) document available online. International Standard Number of Journalism (ISSN) Online Type of Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus is E-ISSN: 2651-2009 published search. And download information at <a href=""></a></p> มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตร้อยเอ็ด en-US Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2651-2009 THE ASSOCIATION WITH THE FALSE FRIENDS (MITTRAPATIRUPAKA) LEADS KING AJATASATTRU TO COMMIT THE CRIME : THEORY OF DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION <p>This academic article aimed to present the learning of criminal behavior according to theory of differential association. This theory focused on the frequency, intensity, and duration of association in criminal behavior group more than the environment. This theory showed that the frequency, intensity, and duration of association in criminal behavior group supported the persons to learn the criminal behavior. Whenever, the persons were accepted by the criminal behavior group, it could create the inside motivation to commit the crime. For the example, King Ajatasattru associated with Venerable Devatatta, who was the false friend (Mittrapatirupaka) and criminal behavior. Then, King Ajatasattru learned the criminal behavior and killed King Pimpisara, who was own father.</p> Woratep Waingkae Prakaipech Kaw-in Warinee Sopajorn Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 586 598 YI COSTUMES AT LIANGSHAN, CHINA: ETHNIC IDENTITY AND SELF-REPRESENTATION OF A MINORITY IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERNITY <p>‘Yi Costumes at Liangshan, China: Ethnic Identity and Self-Representation of a Minority in the Context of Modernity’ is qualitative research with four research objectives. 1) To study the historical development of Yi people in Liangshan Province. 2) To study costumes in the dimension of ethnicity and material culture; 3) To study Yi's costume in the dimension of commoditization; 4) To study modern fashion from Yi's costumes in the context of modernity. two research concepts: ethnic identity and self-representation.</p> <p>The results of the research are Yi costumes at Liangshan, China, which are produced to cater directly to the ethnic context of the Yi people. Such garments are being practiced on Yi people's bodies in various situations. The such costume can therefore very well indicate the ethnic identity of the Yi people. But nowadays, with the ethnic development policy of the government, it has become an important context to add the new roles of Yi costumes. This allows the Yi people to present themselves to others and to the outside world. The Yi people have chosen to present their identities through unique costumes. However, the process of presenting oneself to others. As a result, the Yi people have been creating a variety of cultures in their costumes under different conditions. Including in terms of making culture a commodity.</p> Ding Xuerui Prathapjai Suwanthada Supachai Singyabuth Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 599 613 THE DEVELOPMENT OF A MUSICAL SCALE CYCLE ON MAJOR SCALE AND A LEARNING MANAGEMENT PLAN USING AUSUBEL’S MEANINGFUL LEARNING THEORY <p>This research aimed 1) develop a musical scale cycle on major scale and a learning management plan using Ausubel’s meaningful learning theory, and 2) examine outcomes of using the learning management plan using Ausubel’s meaningful learning theory. The sample included 3 students of Secondary 6 with arts and music study plan. The instrument for data collection was the learning management plan based on Ausubel’s meaningful learning theory. Data were analyzed with basic statistics, including mean, standard deviation, and t-test.</p> <p>The study found that 1) the learning management plan using Ausubel’s meaningful learning theory consisted of 6 steps: (1) checking basic concepts of students, (2) identifying basic concepts that students lack, (3) enhancing basic concepts for students, (4) learning, (5) summarizing with scope of concepts, and (6) evaluating. 2) The experimental results before and after using the instrument indicated that the sample of 3 students had higher academic achievement after using learning management than before using learning management. Before using learning management, mean was 48.33, and standard deviation (S.D.) was 2.36. After using learning management, mean was 83.00, and standard deviation (S.D.) was 2.16. In comparison of scores from both periods, it was concluded that the sample of students had higher academic achievement after using learning management than before using learning management with statistical significance at.05 level.</p> Jukkrawut Udomvong Surapon Nesusin Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 1 9 THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES BY USING CREATIVITY-BASED LEARNING FOR PROMOTING IN THAI MUSICAL CREATIVITY AND LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT FOR GRADE 9 STUDENTS <p>The objectives of this research article are 1) to develop creative learning activities as a foundation that promotes Thai musical creativity and learning achievement. 2) to compare learning achievement between before and after organizing creative-based learning activities; Creative learning activities are the base. against the 70 percent threshold. and 4) to study the satisfaction toward creative-based learning activities. In this research, all samples were studied. The subjects were Mathayomsuksa 3/1 students, semester 2, academic year 2022, Padungnaree School, 1 classroom, 30 people. The research tools consisted of 1) a learning management plan. 2) Achievement test. 3) Thai musical creativity test. 4) Satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean and standard deviation, t-test (dependent Sample).</p> <p>The results of the research revealed that 1) Creative learning management is the foundation that promotes the creation of Thai music. The efficiency of 83.97/83.85 was in accordance with the specified criteria. after school is higher than before Statistically significant at the .05 level. 3) Creative ability in Thai music of grade 9 students learned by creative learning activities as a base. The average value after learning was 71.68, meeting the specified criteria. 4) Satisfaction with learning management by using creative learning activities as a basis. The highest level.</p> Supawadee Khanbutta Titiworada Polyiem Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 10 21 THE DEVELOPMENT OF UNPLUGGED CODING LEARNING ACTIVITIES TO PROMOTE COMPUTATIONAL THINKING FOR PRIMARY 1 STUDENTS <p>The objectives of the research article were: 1) to develop learning activities with unplugged coding to promote computational thinking. For grade 1 students with a performance of 70/70 criteria. 2)to compare computational thinking for grade 1 students learning with unplugged coding with the criteria of 70 percent, and 3) to study the satisfaction of Prathomsuksa 1 students towards learning activities with unplugged coding. The sample group used in this research were 43 students in Prathomsuksa 1/2, semester 2, academic year 2022, Phrakumarn Mahasakham School. The research tool was a computational thinking test. satisfaction questionnaire developed by the researcher The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, and standard deviation. One-Sample Mean Parametric Test t-test.</p> <p>The results of this study found that: 1) Learning with non-computer programming unplugged coding to promotes computational thinking for students in Grade 1 above the threshold of 70 percent. 2) Comparison of computational thinking for grade 1 students who received learning activities with unplugged coding higher than the threshold of 70 percent, and 3) The overall satisfaction of Prathom Suksa 1 students towards learning activities with unplugged coding was at the highest level.</p> Kathin Niyomtham Titiworada Polyiem Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 22 33 THE PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT OF LIFE SKILLS OF PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS UNDER OFFICE OF YASOTHON PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2 <p>The objectives of this research were to; 1) study the components and indicators of life skills of primary school students. 2) study the current situation, desirable conditions, and needs assessment of life skills of primary school students3) create program development of life skills of primary school students and 4) study the outcomes of using the life skills development program among primary school students under office of Yasothon primary educational service area office 2. The research is divided into four phases, with Phase 1:&nbsp; study the components and indicators of life skills of primary school students. The target group of 5 experts, and the research tools include interviews and assessments of the appropriateness and feasibility of the components and indicators. Phase 2 : study the current situation, desirable conditions, and needs assessment of life skills of primary school students. The sample group consists of 263 school administrators and teachers. The research tool used is a questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0.79. Phase 3:&nbsp; create program development of life skills of primary school students, the target group of 12 experts for program design and 9 experts for program validation. Research tools include interviews and assessments of the propriety, feasibility, and utility of the development program. Phase 4 : study the outcomes of using the program development of life skills of primary school students. The target group includes 33 primary school students, and research tools consist of assessments of students' life skills development and satisfaction. The statistics used in data analysis include mean, standard deviation and Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI<sub>Modified</sub>).</p> <p>The results found that: 1. The study revealed that the components and indicators of life skills among primary school students consist of 4 components and 57 indicators. These components and indicators include 1) Analytical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving with 10 indicators. 2) Establishing positive relationships with others with 14 indicators. 3) Self-awareness and recognizing the worth in oneself and others with 22 indicators. 4) Managing emotions and stress with 11 indicators. The assessment results concluded that the suitability and feasibility of these components and indicators are at the highest level. 2. The current state in overall was high average and the desirable state in overall was in the highest level. The priority need rank from high to low level was 1) self-awareness and others 2) relationships with others 3) emotion and stress management 4) analytical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving. 3. The development of program life skills of primary school students comprises five components, which are: 1) principles 2) objectives, 3) content 4) development process 5) measurement. The result of evaluation for propriety, feasibility and utility was the highest in overall. 4. The results of using the program development of life skills of primary school students after using the program, the overall difference increased. The assessment results also indicate that satisfaction with the program is at the highest level.</p> Sudarat Sosud U-rasa Promta Chumnain Poollaharn Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 34 46 THE DEVELOPMENT OF INQUIRY-BASED LEARNING TOGETHER WITH GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS; THE TOPIC OF ECOSYSTEM FOR MATHAYOMSUKSA THREE STUDENTS <p>The objectives of the research were 1) to develop of Inquiry-Based Learning Together with Graphic Organizers the Topic of Ecosystem for Mathayomsuksa 3 students, compared with 75/75 criteria 2) to compare the analytical thinking ability of Mathayomsuksa 3 students on the topic of Ecosystem by using Inquiry-Based Learning and Graphic Organizer to reach a level higher than 75 percent. 3) to compare learning achievement between before studying and after studying by using Inquiry-Based Learning Together with Graphic Organizers of Mathayomsuksa 3 students. 4) to study a level of student’s satisfaction toward instruction after by using Inquiry-Based Learning Together with Graphic Organizers of mathayomsuksa 3 students. The sample group in this research were 43 students of mathayomsuksa 3/8 frome buriram pitthayakhom school, of the 2022 academic year. The sample group was selected by cluster Random Sampling. The research instruments were 1) the learning management plan on Ecosystem 3) the learning achievement test on the learning management plan on Ecosystem 4) the satisfaction toward instruction. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, One-Smple t-test, t-test Dependent.</p> <p>The results showed that 1) The efficiency of The Development of Inquiry-Based Learning Together with Graphic Organizers the Topic of Ecosystem for Mathayomsuksa 3 students was 84.10/87.29 2) The analytical thinking ability of Mathayomsuksa Three students after the intervention was 87.09 percent, which was higher than the established requirement. 3) The comparison of learning achievement for Mathayomsuksa 3 students by using Inquiry-Based Learning Together with Graphic Organizers the Topic of Ecosystem was achievement of surface area and volumne in posttest was higher than in pretest. was statistically significant at the .05 level. 4) The level of students' satisfaction toward instruction based on Inquiry - Based Learning Together with Graphic Organizers the Topic of Ecosystem which was at the highest level.</p> Wilailak Wichairam Titiworada Polyiem Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 47 58 INQUIRY - BASE LEARNING (5E) AND LOGICAL PHYSICS-SOLVING STRATEGIES TO DEVELOP THE ABILITY TO SOLVE PHYSICS PROBLEMS OF MATHAYOMSUKSA 4 <p>The purposes of this research were 1) To develop inquiry-based learning (5E) combined with strategies for solving logical physics problems; of Mathayom 4 students according to the criteria 70/70. 2) To compare the ability to solve physics problems after learning of students who received inquiry-based learning (5E) combined with logical physics problem-solving strategies with students who received learning. Knowledge inquiry model (5E). 3) To study satisfaction with inquiry-based learning (5E) combined with logical physics problem solving strategies. of Mathayom 4 students. The sample group used in this study is students who are studying in Mathayom 4, Semester 2, academic year 2022, Suea Kok Wittayasan School. Wapi Pathum District Maha Sarakham Province By random sampling, 1 classroom, 29 people. The research tools include an inquiry-based learning plan (5E) along with strategies for solving logical physics problems. A test to measure your ability to solve physics problems. Academic achievement test and satisfaction questionnaire Statistics used in data analysis include percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and hypothesis testing statistics include One Sample t-test and t-test (Independent Samples)</p> <p>The result was as follows: 1. The effectiveness of the inquiry-based learning management (5E) combined with logical physics problem solving strategies. of Mathayom 4 students had an efficiency of 74.28/71.84, which was higher than the specified criteria. 2. Group of students who received inquiry-based learning (5E) combined with logical physics problem solving strategies. The ability to solve physics problems after studying was significantly higher than before studying at the .05 level. 3. Students are satisfied with inquiry-based learning (5E) combined with logical physics problem solving strategies. To develop the ability to solve physics problems. Overall, it is at the highest level.</p> Kanda Nimala Titiworada Polyiem Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 59 70 DEVELOPING A PROGRAM TO STRENGTHEN INNOVATIVE LEADERSHIP OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS UNDER THE CHAIYAPHUM PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2 <p>This research aimed 1) to study the current conditions, desirable conditions, and the needs to enhance Innovative leadership of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 2 2) to design, build and evaluate programs to enhance innovative leadership of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 2. The researcher defined the research method into 2 phases: Phase 1 was to study the current conditions, desirable conditions, and the needs to enhance innovative leadership of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 2. The samples were 155 educational institute administrators or acting in positions under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 2, in the academic year 2022. The research tool was an estimation scale questionnaire. Phase 2 was to design, build and evaluate programs to enhance innovative leadership of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 2, the group of experts who provided information in the study with best practices were educational administrators or supervisors in the educational service area office from the educational service area office, 3 people. A group of experts assessed the suitability and feasibility of an innovative leadership of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 2 namely school administrators and university professors, amounting to 5 persons. The research tools were structured interviews, appropriateness, and feasibility assessment form for an innovative leadership of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 2. Statistics for data analysis were mean, standard deviation. and the priority needs index.</p> <p>The results showed that: 1. Innovative leadership of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 2. the current conditions, all 4 aspects were at the moderate level and all aspects were at the moderate level. The desirable conditions in all 4 aspects were at a high level and all aspects were at a high level. In terms of priority needs, in descending order, Take risks with innovation, Innovation creativity, Teamwork and Innovation vision. 2.The innovative leadership program of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office has 4 modules of activities according to the components of innovation leadership, Module 1: Innovation vision, Module 2: Innovation creativity, Module 3: Take risks with innovation and Module 4 Teamwork. The overall innovative leadership program assessment results were appropriate at the highest level. and has the highest level of possibility.</p> <p> </p> Yutthachai Toemvithi Lakkhana Sariwat Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 71 83 THE GUIDELINES DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS CARE SYSTEM BY USING DEMING CYCLE FOR SUKSASONGKROH SCHOOLS IN THE NORTHEAST UNDER SPECIAL EDUCATION BUREAU <p>The objectives of this article were to investigate the currents situations, desirable situations and needs, design and evaluate the guidelines of students care system by using Deming cycle for Suksasongkroh schools in the northeast under special Education bureau. The study divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 was the study related to currents situations, desirable situations and needs of students care system, the sample was 40 consisted of schools' vice directors, head of students care system department and teachers who responsible for students' dormitory. The instrument used was 5 rating scales of questionnaire with 63 items, the statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation and priority needs index. Phase 2 was the design and evaluation guidelines of students care system, the informants were 4teachers in schools where there was the best practicing of students care system and 5 experts who evaluated the guidelines of students care system. The instruments used were interview form, guidelines evaluation form. The statistics used were mean and standard deviation.</p> <p>The results of the study revealed that; 1) the currents situations of students care system for Suksasongkroh schools in the northeast under special Education bureau was rated in more level, the desirable situations rated in the most. level, and priority need was knowing each of students, screening students and encouraging students respectively. 2) the results of design and evaluation of students care system guidelines using Deming cycle for Suksasongkroh schools in the northeast under special Education bureau comprised of 5 aspects and 54 guidelines, 1) knowing each of students consisted of 12 guidelines, 2) screening students included 10 guidelines, 3) encouraging students comprised of 11 guidelines, 4) protecting and coping with the problems consisted of 10 guidelines and 5) referring students included 11 guidelines. The results of guidelines evaluation related to the possibility and feasibility rated the most level.</p> Pornsuda Luangsuk Lakkana Sariwat Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 84 100 INNOVATIVE LEADERSHIP OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS UNDER ROI ET PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 3 <p>The objectives of this research 1) to study the level of innovative leadership of school administrators 2) to compare the levels of innovative leadership of school administrators, classified by position, education level and work experience, and 3 to collect recommendations for innovative leadership of school administrators 3) The sample group consisted of 313 school administrators and teachers. The research tool was a 5-point scaled questionnaire. The Statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, t-test and F-test.</p> <p>The results show that: The innovative leadership of school administrators overall, it was at a high level. 2) The comparison of opinion levels towards the innovative leadership of school administrators, classified by position, overall was not different. By each aspect, it was found that the vision of change was not different. Other than that, the difference was statistically significant at the .05 level. 3) Recommendations on Innovative leadership of school administrators, it was found that school administrators should clearly specify the school’s vision for the operation, there should be a clear timeline, school administrators should promote knowledge transfer and exchange of knowledge, internal relations activities, appropriate scope of authority should be assigned to personnel and responsibilities were clearly divided, school administrators should promote the new innovations creation to be used in management, teachers should be encouraged to have a variety of options for developing their work to cause innovation, new creativity in practice, school administrators should provide training for personnel in the use of information technology, Teachers should be encouraged to innovate in the form of research and a risk management committee should be established, reporting on the progress of performance of risk according to the school’s scheme, action plans should be developed to create and understanding to teachers in schools.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Onnapha Lokhom Vimonporn Suwanseantavee Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 101 112 MODEL OF ENHANCING SOCIAL MOVEMENT AND SOCIAL CAPITAL NETWORKS FOR DEMOCRATIZATION IN MAHA SARAKHAM PROVINCE <p>The purposes of this research were to study: 1. The aspect of social movement and social capital which support democracy development in Maha sarakham province. 2. The variables relationship among social movement, social capital and democracy development in Mahasarakham Province. 3. To report model of social movement network for democracy development in Mahasarakham Province. The sample groups are related to the member of groups activity and organizations in 4 communities by amount of 210 persons were involved in the study. Mixed research method was applied as methodology in this study consisted of quantitative research and qualitative research by in-depth interview and group discussion.</p> <p>The results can be summarized as follows 1. the aspect of social movement in the community are groups activity have been moving by social capital and its networks to perform their own activity achieving the goal. The members of a group are connected by rule and regulations enacted by the members decision for quality of life. 2. The variable relationship among social movement, social capital and democracy development in Mahasarakham province are in the same direction aim toward democracy development. The group activity or organizations movement in the community are supported by social capital and many sectors such as governments and private sectors because the social movements in this aspect are not the opposite side of government sectors. 3.The model of enhancing social movement network and democracy development consist of 2 path forms and these are: 1) to increase some strong components by developing network, area movement and human capital. 2) to increase some weak factors by developing social capital, physical capital, cultural capital, natural capital, people relation and group activity, and the most important factors to achieve the goal of enhancing network are looking for the best practice as outside resources and learn from them by making MOU to exchange information and co-ordination which look forward to have good connection.</p> Silpa Chuennirun Patcharee Silarat Pipat Kantha Prakruanukulpariyatikarl Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 113 126 THE APPLICATION OF THE KING’S SCIENCE IN THE OPERATION OF THE STUDENT SUPPORT SYSTEM KALASIN PHILOSOPHY EDUCATION CENTER <p>The objectives of this research paper were 1) to study the application of King’s Philosophy in the operation of the student support system&nbsp; Kalasin Special Education Center 2) to compare the application of King’s Science in the operation of the student support system, Kalasin Special Education Center, and 3) to collect recommendations for the application of King’s Science in the operation of the student support system,&nbsp; Kalasin Special Education, The target group consisted of 107 administrators, classroom teachers, and caregivers for disabled children of Kalasin Special Education Center. The research tool was a questionnaire Statistic used in data analysis was percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent t-test and F-test (One-way ANOVA). When the differences were found, the pairwise heterogeneity teat was performed using Scheffe’s method.</p> <p>The results of the study recommendations showed that: 1) The condition of the application of King’s Science in the operation of the student support system, Kalasin Special Education Center overall and individual aspect was at a high level.&nbsp; 2) The comparative results of the application of King’s Science in the operation of the student support system, Kalasin Special Education Center found that administrators, classroom teachers, and caretakers of disabled children with different positions, applying the King’s science in the operation of the student care system overall, there was no difference. Administrators, class teachers, and caretakers of disabled children with different ages, there was an application of King’s Science in the operation of the student support system both overall and individual aspects were not different, and administrators, class teachers, and caretakers of disabled children with different work experience, there was an application of King’s Science in the operation of the student support system both overall and individual aspects, the difference was statistically significant at the 0.05 level. 3. The results of the study recommendations the application of King’s Science in the operation of the student support system, found that:&nbsp; 3.1 knowing student individually: there should be a home school relations project which it will create a close relationship with parents such as, student home visits, individual interviews, and parent meetings which will create teachers understand students more 3.2 student screening: should coordinate cooperation with all parties to participate in student screening 3.3 promotion and development: parents should be informed about the importance of promoting and developing students by meeting parents and explaining the importance of the promotion and development approach for parents to know the student’s behavior, guidelines to promote, and develop your child’s behavior was shared with teachers, counselors, and other parents&nbsp; 3.4 prevention and problem solving: training and knowledge should be organized for class teachers, caretakers of disabled children on guidelines for preventing and solving student problems, class teachers, and caretakers of disabled children, equal intimacy should be given to all students, and 3.5&nbsp; referral: should have contact with parents of students through online or regular meetings for as to solve the problem in the next step.</p> Wannakorn Mankeb Vimonporn Suwanseantawee Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 127 141 STRATEGIES ENHANCING PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES OF SCHOOLS UNDER SURIN PROVINCE PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 3 <p>The research aimed to 1) to study the current conditions, desirable conditions, and the needs of quality of enhancing Professional Learning Communities of schools under Surin Province Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 and 2) to develop strategies enhancing Professional Learning Communities of schools under Surin Province Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. The sample group were 101 school principals and 240 teachers, totaling 341 people. The informants were school administrators and heads of academic affairs teachers total 6 people finding by purposive sampling. Moreover, there were 5 experts who assessed the suitability and feasibility of the strategies finding by purposive sampling. Research instruments were 1) questionnaire: Reliability current condition is 0.977 and Reliability desirable conditions is 0.961.2) semi-structured interview and 3) appropriateness and feasibility assessment of the strategies. The frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, Pearson product-moment correlation, Cronbach's alpha coefficient and Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI<sub>modified</sub>) were employed to analyze data.</p> <p>The findings of this research were as follows: 1) The overall current condition of enhancing Professional Learning Communities of schools was in the high level. Moreover, the desirable conditions of enhancing Professional Learning Communities of schools were in the highest level. Additionally, the priority of needs on enhancing Professional Learning Communities of schools was sorted in descending order including learning and professional development, collaborative team, kalayanamit community (true-friendship community), co-leadership community, community-supportive structure, and shared vision. 2) Strategies enhancing Professional Learning Communities of schools under Surin Province Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 consisted of 7 strategies for the shared vision, 8 strategies for the co-leadership, 8 strategies for the community-supportive structure, 10 strategies for the collaborative team, 7 strategies for the kalayanamit community (true-friendship community) and 7 strategies for the learning and professional development, totally 6 aspects 47 strategies. The result’s assessment of suitability and feasibility of strategies enhancing Professional Learning Communities of schools under Surin Province Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 indicated that suitability and feasibility in the highest level.</p> Siriporn Saengtatton Sinthawa Khamdit Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 142 154 DEVELOPING THE COMPETENCIES OF TEACHERS IN MANAGING ACTIVE LEARNING IN MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL USING THE POEK INSTRUCTIONAL APPROACH IN SCHOOLS AFFILIATED WITH THE OFFICE OF NAKHONRATCHASIMA PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE <p>This research aims 1) To study the current situation, problems, and needs related to enhancing the competencies of mathematics teachers in managing active learning in elementary. 2) To develop a teaching instructional model to promote the competencies of mathematics teachers in managing active learning in elementary.&nbsp; 3) To examine the outcomes of implementing the teaching instructional model to enhance the competencies of mathematics teachers in managing active learning in elementary. 4) To assess and refine the teaching instructional model to enhance the competencies of mathematics teachers in managing active learning in elementary schools affiliated with the Office of Basic Education Commission (OBEC) Educational Area Office, District 6, Nakhon Ratchasima, in four phases: Phase 1: Studying the current status, problems, and development needs of primary school mathematics teachers, consisting of quantitative data from 720 people through opinion surveys and qualitative data from 19 people through focus group discussions. Phase 2: Developing a teaching supervision model to promote proactive learning management competencies of mathematics teachers, with 5 experts to find guidelines for drafting the model and verifying the model, with 5 experts, testing the model. Phase 3: Applying the supervision model in the field; Sample groups include mathematics teachers, academic mentors, school directors, academic heads, educational supervisors, and students. Phase 4: Evaluating and improving the teaching supervision model through focus group discussions; Research instruments include semi-structured interviews and appropriateness and feasibility assessments; and statistics used for data analysis include index of consistency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.</p> <p>The results showed that: 1. The study of the current situation, problems, and needs related to enhancing the competencies of mathematics teachers in managing active learning in elementary revealed that overall, there is limited practice in active learning, and there is a high demand for its development. 2. The development of a teaching instructional model to promote the competencies of mathematics teachers in managing active learning in elementary resulted in the creation of the POEK Model, which consists of four steps: Planning, Implementing, Knowledge Managing, and Assessment, along with conditions for its application. 3. The implementation of the teaching instructional model to enhance the competencies of mathematics teachers in managing active learning in elementary led to a high level of satisfaction among teachers. 4. The evaluation and refinement of the teaching instructional model to enhance the competencies of mathematics teachers in managing active learning in elementary schools, after its use showed that the components of the instructional model were aligned and could be effectively applied. In summary, the research demonstrated that the implementation of the POEK Model effectively improved the competencies of mathematics teachers in managing active learning in elementary schools in the specified educational area.</p> Pratumwan Domthaisong Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 155 169 FACTORS AFFECTING POLITICAL PARTICIPATION BEHAVIOR OF STUDENT OF ARMY NON COMMISSIONED OFFICER SCHOOL <p>This research aimed to study the factors affecting the political participation behavior of students at the Army Non-Commissioned Officer School in Thailand. A case study of the students from the 2<sup>nd </sup>Army NCO Student Battalion and data was collected from a sample of 400 students through accidental sampling. The tools used for data collection was a 5-level estimation scale questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean, and standard deviation. Statistics used to test the hypothesis were t-tests and One Way</p> <p>The study revealed that 1) personal factors, including age, company of study, educational level, and monthly family income, significantly influenced the political participation behavior of students at the Army Non-Commissioned Officer School in Thailand at a statistical significance level of 0.05. Moreover, political socialization from family, peer groups, educational institutions, and mass media had a positive effect on their political participation. Recommendations in enhancing the political participation behavior of students at the Army Non-Commissioned Officer School in Thailand included family institutions, educational institutions, and relevant government agencies should instill values, knowledge, and understanding in line with democratic principles with the King as Head of State. This will ensure that students participate in political activities appropriately.</p> Apisith Seeken Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 170 179 FORN BUANG SUANG : THE FAITH ARTIFICIAL DRAMA AND SOFT POWER GENERATION <p>The Research Forn Buang Suang: The faith artificial drama and soft power generation. the objectives are 1) to study the beliefs and the creation of light power in the sacrifice dance, 2) to study the form of the artificial dance in the sacrifice dance. It is qualitative research. By means of a documentary study and collecting data from field observations and interviews. The tools used for data collection were observational forms and interview forms. from a group of knowledgeable people of 3 people, a group of practitioners of 20 people, and a group of general people of &nbsp;20 people. The results of the data analysis were presented by descriptive analysis.</p> <p>The results of the research showed that the sacrificial dance was an artificial dance that was created to be used as a communication tool by using the body. facial expressions and words overseen voice Composing produces literary arts that are aesthetically pleasing to listen to. to express the thoughts, feelings, and needs of actors who play roles in the space that determines the style of the performance Both ordinary and fine contents are both realistic and imaginative. Sacrifice dance has been used as a communication tool between people. Sacred things and society by communicating according to beliefs and rituals. Sacrifice dance has a long history as the foundation that is cultural capital, becoming soft power. which is known and appreciated by people all over the world when combined with the power and potential of Thailand's creative industries that consists of talented Thai artists Skilled and expert behind-the-scenes team and government support It will create opportunities and push creative industries to bring income to the country and drive the Thai economy. Sacrifice dancing is also the creation of a light power that drives the spread of culture to be reproduced and culture to be a tradition in all areas of the community. And can also create incentives for many groups of people with different races, occupations and social status to express their faith, with "drama" as the driving force want their own.</p> Supakorn Chalongpak Pattamawadee Chansuwan Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 180 194 DEVELOPING CHINESE CHARACTER WRITING SKILLS USING EXERCISES TO PRACTICE WRITING CHINESE CHARACTERS <p>This research has the following objectives 1) To develop a learning management plan using a Chinese character writing skills practice format with an effectiveness criterion of 75/75 2) To compare Chinese character writing skills in stroke order using the writing skills practice format before and after learning 3) To study the satisfaction of students with the learning activity of Chinese character writing skills. The sample group for this research consists of 30 first-year students majoring in Chinese language teaching at the Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, in the first semester of the academic year 2022. The sample was randomly selected using Cluster Random Sampling. The research tools used include 1) Learning management plan for Chinese character writing skills (3 plans) 2) Test form to measure Chinese character writing skills in stroke order using the writing skills practice format 3) Questionnaire to assess student satisfaction with the learning activity of Chinese character writing skills in stroke order using the writing skills practice format Statistical analysis includes percentages, averages, and standard deviations.</p> <p>The research findings indicate that 1) The development of Chinese character writing skills in stroke order using the practice format has an effectiveness score of 78.10/83.67, meeting the established criteria 2) The ability to write Chinese characters in stroke order using the practice format is higher after learning compared to before learning, exceeding the 75% criterion 3) Overall, student satisfaction with the learning activity of Chinese character writing skills is at the highest level.</p> Chinnawat Sripol Wu Huanglien Sahatsawat Suwannatrai Pitchaya Rawipan Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 195 206 FACTORS INFLUENCING SUCCESS IN DRIVING AN EXEMPLARY MORAL ORGANIZATION FOR A CASE STUDY OF THE KALASIN PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 1 <p>The objective of this research is to study the factors influencing the success of driving a model moral organization, with a case study of the Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The sample group used in the study consists of 80 personnel and officers from the Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, fiscal year 2022. The tool used for data collection is a questionnaire with a reliability score of 0.80. The statistics used for data analysis include percentage, mean, standard deviation, and frequency checks to provide a descriptive summary.</p> <p>The research findings reveal that the factors influencing success in driving an exemplary moral organization, as observed in the case study of the Kalasin Primary Education Service Area Office 1, These factors are ranked from highest to lowest average as follows: personnel-related factors, followed by process-related factors, and support-related factors. When considering each aspect individually, the top 3 factors contributing to the highest success levels in each aspect are as follows: Personnel-related factors 1) Management is dedicated to driving the organization as a model of ethics. 2) Management acts as a good example. 3) Management possesses leadership qualities. Process-related factors: 1) Clear goal setting collaboratively. 2) Involvement of all members in the organization at every stage. 3) Communication creates awareness and acceptance among organization members. Support-related factors 1) Time spent on operations affecting success. 2) Budget allocated to drive the model ethical organization. 3) Adequate materials and equipment for use. In addition, it has been found that every aspect and factor influence the success of driving an exemplary ethical organization at the highest level in every dimension.</p> Nippita Kulchit Somwang Puntalee Rattiya Phumsaidorn Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 207 217 DEVELOPING THE PROGRAM TO ENHANCE TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS UNDER BURIRAM PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2 <p>The purposes of this study aimed to 1) investigate the current conditions, desirable conditions and the necessary needs of transformational leadership of educational institution administrators under the Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 and 2) develop transformational leadership programs for educational institution administrators under the Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The research was a research and development method, divided into 2 phases: Phase 1 was a study of the current condition desirable condition and needs of the transformational leadership of educational institution administrators. The sample group included educational institution administrators and teachers under the Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, a total of 359 people were obtained through a stratified random sampling method. Phase 2 was developing transformational leadership programs for educational institution administrators. The group of informants included 3 educational institution administrators with Best Practice by specific selection. The instruments used to collect data were questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and the assessment of suitability and possibility of the program. The statistics used for analyze data were percentage, mean, standard deviation and PNI.</p> <p>The research results revealed that: 1. Current condition of transformational leadership of educational institution administrators Overall and each aspect was a high level. The aspect with the highest average value was the aspect of stimulating the use of intelligence and the aspect of considering individuality. which had the same average. As for the desired conditions of transformational leadership of educational institution administrators overall and each aspect was the highest level. The aspect with the highest average was the aspect of considering individuality. And the necessary needs for strengthening the transformational leadership of school administrators in order of importance from highest to lowest include having influence with ideology. inspiration Consideration of individuality and stimulating the use of intelligence, respectively 2. The Program to Enhance Transformational Leadership of School Administrators under Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 consists of principles, objectives, content, classified into 4 modules, there was Module 1 Ideological influence, Module 2 Inspiration, Module 3 Consideration of individuality, and Module 4 Stimulation of intellectual use. The method of operation is carried out according to the concept of 70:20:10, including training, study visits. and operating meeting and evaluation which has been assessed for suitability and feasibility by experts at the highest level.</p> Godchanipha Kaewthaisong Thatchai Chittranun Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 218 229 PREDICTION-OBSERVATION-EXPLANATION LEARNING ACTIVITIES TO DEVELOP SKILLS IN THE INTEGRATED SCIENCE PROCESS AND ACHIEVEMENT FOR MATHAYOMSUKSA 1 STUDENTS <p>This research aims to 1) develop the Prediction-Observation-Explanation (POE) learning activities for Mathayom 1 students to be effective according to the 70/70 criteria. 2) compare the integrated science process skills of Mathayom 1 students before and after learning by organizing the Prediction-Observation-Explanation (POE) learning activities 3) compare the science achievement of Mathayom 1 students before and after using the Prediction-Observation-Explanation learning activities. The research sample consisted of 40 Mathayom 1 students. The research tools included 1) a Prediction-Observation-Explanation (POE) learning activity plan, 2) an integrated science process skills test, and 3) a science learning achievement test. Statistics used in data analysis include mean, percentage, standard deviation and t-test (Dependent Sample).</p> <p>The results of the research found that 1. Prediction-Observation-Explanation &nbsp;(POE) learning activities for Mathayom 1 students had an efficiency of 72.77/74.67. 2. Integrated science process skills of students using Organize learning activities using Prediction-Observation-Explanation (POE) before class with a mean value of 11.85 and after class with a mean value of 15.68, which shows that after class is higher than before class with statistical significance at the .05 level. 3. The academic achievement of students who used the Prediction-Observation-Explanation (POE) learning activities before studying had an average of 16.43 and after studying the average was 22.40, which was clearly higher than before with statistical significance at the .05 level.</p> Jiraporn Pholyiem Satjatham Phorntaweekul Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 230 241 THE EFFECTS OF 4MAT LEARNING SUPPLEMENTED WITH LEARNING LOGS ON UDERSTANDING FOOD NUTRIENTS AND DIGESTIVE SYSTEM CONCEPT OF GRADE 6 STUDENTS <p>The purposes of this study were to study and compare conceptual understanding of food nutrients and digestive system before and after learning by using 4MAT learning supplemented with learning logs of grade 6 students in medium size school under the Thungfon District of UdonThani Primary Education Service Area Office 3 in the first semester of academic year 2022. The sample consisted of 14 students that selected by purposive sampling. This study design was one-group pretest-posttest design. The instruments of this study were: 1) lesson plans on food nutrients and digestive system by using 4 MAT learning supplemented with learning logs and 2) conceptual understanding of food nutrients and digestive system test. The data were analyzed for mean, standard deviation, percentage and hypothesis test for compare conceptual understanding of food nutrients and digestive system after learning higher than before by t-test for dependent sample.</p> <p>The results of this study showed that students’ conceptual understanding of food nutrients and digestive system after learning had an average score of 8.29 points, accounting for 34.52 percent, and after studying, students had an average score of 20.93 points, accounting for 87.20 percent. When comparing the average scores before studying and after studying, it was found that the average scores after studying were higher than before studying. Statistically significant at the .01 level.</p> Wuttichai Atsaphai Chanchira Choomponla Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 242 254 MORE LEARNING SUPPLEMENTED WITH A CONCEPT MAP ON ELECTRIC FAN TO ENHANCE MODELING SKILLS OF GRADE 9 STUDENTS <p>The purposes of this study were to study and compare the modeling skills of Mathayom 3 students learning with MORE learning supplemented with concept maps on the subject of electric fans. The sample group used in this research was 20 grade 9 students. This study design was one-group pretest-posttest design. The research tools consisted of 1) a MORE learning plan supplemented with concept maps on the topic of electric fans, 2) a modeling skills test, which was a subjective test. The data were analyzed for mean, standard deviation, percentage and hypothesis test for compare conceptual understanding of food nutrients and digestive system after learning higher than before by t-test for dependent sample.</p> <p>The results of this study showed that the mean score for Issue 1; simulated drawing was 3.15 (78.75%), the result was in a 'good' level. The mean score for Issue 2; complete writing was 2.55 (63.75%), the result was in the 'moderate' level. Overall, the mean score for modeling skills was 5.70 (71.25%), the result was in the 'moderate' level. When comparing the mean score of modeling skills with the post-learning criterion of not less than 70%, it was found that students had statistically significant higher modeling skills in Issue 1 - complete simulated drawing - compared to the criterion of not less than 70%, at a significant level of .01. However, in Issue 2 - complete writing of the workflow - their skills were lower than the criterion of not less than 70%. Overall, their post-learning modeling skills were higher than the criterion of not less than 70%.</p> Kanokpol Kittipanyasiri Chanchira Choomponla Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 255 266 EFFECTS OF TASK- BASED LEARNING SUPPLEMENTED WITH GOOGLE CLASSROOM ON ENGLISH LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT OF GRADE 6 STUDENTS <p>The objectives of this research were:1) to compare the students' learning achievement of Pratom Suksa 6 students received Task-based learning on Google Classroom between before and after studying 2) to study satisfaction of Pratom Suksa 6 students by using Task-based learning on Google Classroom. The research pattern used was one group pretest-posttest design. The sample was drawn by using cluster random sampling totaling 19 students. The research instruments were 1) English language learning management plan together with Task-based learning on Google Classroom. 2) The English language learning achievement test had discrimination values between 0.48 - 0.76, difficulty values between 0.25 - 0.83 and reliability values was 0.89. 3) The satisfaction questionnaire of students in Pratom Suksa 6 students. It has 5-levels estimation scale. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and t-test.</p> <p>The study found that: 1) The students' learning achievement after studied by using Task-based learning on Google Classroom was higher than before at the .05 level of statistical significance. 2) The students' satisfaction who studied using learning management by using Task-based learning on Google Classroom were at a high level.</p> Pawittra Wongkanya Wilai Ponpuak Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 267 277 THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES BASED ON GOOD GOVERNANCE PRINCIPLES FOR THE SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE BURIRAM <p>This study aims to 1) investigate the current state, desirable conditions, and essential needs of school administration based on the principles of good governance, and 2) develop guidelines for school administration based on the principles of good governance for schools under the supervision of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office in Buriram. The research utilized a mixed-methods design conducted in two phases. In Phase 1, the study focused on the current conditions, desirable conditions, and necessary needs for school administration based on the principles of good governance. The sample comprised 344 participants, including 83 school administrators and 261 teachers. The sample size was determined using Krejcie and Morgan's table, and the stratified random sampling technique was applied based on the sizes of educational institutions. To determine the final participant groups, a proportional sample size for each stratum was then determined. This evaluation involved five qualified experts. The research tools comprised questionnaires. In Phase 2, guidelines for school administration based on the principles of good governance were developed for schools under the supervision of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office in Buriram. This involved interviewing 11 school administrators from three schools that demonstrated best practices, selected through targeted sampling. Five qualified experts conducted the evaluation. The research tools included structured interview forms, suitability assessment forms, and feasibility assessment forms. Statistical analyses employed in data analysis included percentages, means, and standard deviations.</p> <p>The research findings indicate that: 1) The current state of school administration, following the principles of good governance for schools under the supervision of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office in Buriram, is generally high. When examining specific aspects, it is rated high in two areas and moderately in two areas, with the average scores ranging from high to low. These areas include academic management, general management, personnel management, and budget management. The preferred condition for school administration, adhering to the principles of good governance for schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office in Buriram, is at the highest level overall. When examining specific aspects, the scores are highest for personnel management, budget management, general management, and academic management. 2) The developed guidelines for school administration, grounded in the principles of good governance, consist of four dimensions and 24 recommendations. The overall evaluation indicates that their suitability is at the highest level, and their overall feasibility is also at the highest level.</p> Chayavat Saingram Pacharawit Chansirisira Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 278 290 TEAMWORK OF TEACHER AFFECTING MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION ON CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER’S STANDARD UNDER THE LOCAL ADMINISTRATION ORGANIZATION IN CHONBURI PROVINCE <p>The objectives of this research were to study 1) the level of teamwork of teacher of the child development center, 2) the level of effectiveness of management administration in child development center, 3) the relationship between teamwork of teacher and management administration in child development center, and 4) Teamwork of teacher affecting management administration in child development center’s standard under the local administration organization in Chonburi province. The sample group consisted of 274 child development center teachers. Data collection tools It was a 5-point rating scale opinion questionnaire. Statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis.</p> <p>The research found that: 1) Teamwork of teacher of the child development center administrators under the local government organization, Chonburi province. The overall level was at a highest level. 2) The effectiveness of management administration in child development center administrators under the local government organization, Chonburi province. The overall level was at a highest level. 3) Teamwork of teacher and management administration in child development center. There was a positive correlation at the highest level and statistically significant at the .01 4) Teamwork of teacher in four aspects: aspect of interaction, aspect of mutual trust, aspect of acceptance, and aspect of have the same goal affecting efficiency management administration in child development center’s standard under the local administration organization in Chonburi province received 87.50 percent.</p> Thanutcha Arunchoksiri Kanporn Aiemphaya Niwat Noymanee Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 291 305 DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDHOOD TEACHER COMPETENCY STRENGTHENING PROGRAM OF ACTIVE LEARNING MANAGEMENT UNDER BURIRAM PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2 <p>The purposes of this study aimed to 1) investigate the current conditions, desirable conditions and the necessary needs for Early Childhood Teacher Competency Strengthening of Active Learning Management for educational institutions under Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 and 2) Design and evaluate Early Childhood Teacher Competency Strengthening Program of Active Learning Management under the Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The research is a combined method research, divided into 2 phases: Phase 1 was a study of the current condition desirable condition and needs for Early Childhood Teacher Competency Strengthening of Active Learning Management. The sample group included educational institution administrators and early childhood teachers under the Buriram Primary Educational Service Area &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Office 2, a total of 248 people were obtained using a stratified random sampling method. &nbsp;Phase 2 Design and evaluate a program to strengthen early childhood teacher competency in active learning management. The group of informants included 3 early childhood teachers who were role models in active learning management and 5 experts in education by purposive selection. The instruments used to collect data were questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and the assessment of suitability and possibility of the program. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, average, standard deviation and PNI.</p> <p>The research results revealed that:1. The overall current conditions of active learning management was at a high level. The overall desirable conditions were at the highest level. As for the Necessity Index, it was found that the area with the highest Necessity Index was the organization of learning activities that focused on the learner, second is the design of learning activities. And using media and technology in learning management, respectively. As for measuring and evaluating learning development It has the lowest need index value. 2. Program to strengthen early childhood teacher competency in active learning management for educational institutions under Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, it consists of 1) principles, 2) objectives, 3) content and activities; divided into 4 modules: Module 1 designing learning activities, Module 2 organizing learning activities that focus on learners, Module 3 Using media and technology in learning management and Module 4 Measuring and evaluating learning development 4) Development methods include self-learning through actual practice, Professional Learning Community (PLC) and workshops and 5) evaluation, consisting of evaluating one's own knowledge and understanding Before and after development, Assessment of ability to organize active learning activities and evaluating the satisfaction of development participants. The results of evaluating the appropriateness and feasibility of the programs were at the highest level in both items.</p> Sunattha Nawanin Thatchai Chittranun Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 306 319 FACTORS AFFECTING NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF COMMUNITY LEADERS IN UDON THANI PROVINCE <p>This research has the objectives 1) to study the new style of public management in operations, 2) to study the factors affecting the new style of public management in operations, and 3) to Study New Public Managementnew approaches in the performance of community leaders in Udon Thani Province. Use a mixed methods research method by quantitative and qualitative Full stop Tools used includes Questionnaires and interviews Sample group: 400 people. Statistics used include: Basic Statistics Average and standard deviation percentage multiple regression analysis is an advanced statistical technique, summarizing and interpreting descriptive analysis.</p> <p>The results of the research found that (1) the New Public Managementnew approach in the performance of community leaders in Udon Thani Province is at a moderate level arranged in order from highest to lowest as follows. The highest value is good governance at a moderate level followed by creating quality services is at a moderate level and managing money and budgets is at a moderate level, respectively. (2) Factors affecting the New Public Managementnew approach in the performance of community leaders in Udon Thani Province Statistically significant at the .05 level are participatory administration (X<sub>1</sub>), community development (X<sub>3</sub>), and creative thinking (X<sub>5</sub>). All 3 independent variables have coefficients of the predictors. In raw scores (b), they were 2.128, .326, and -.534, respectively and (3) there should be good governance for the happiness of the people in the community with quality participatory management by relying on network partners to take part in planning, coordinating and creating more quality services. And there should be brainstorming to manage money and budgets with transparency and accountability for the well - being, and happiness of the people in the community effectively.</p> Boonpeng Sittivongsa Phramaha Cholaphat Janthawilai Phra Krissada Manmuang Phramaha Aekaraj Butin Phrakhruwirojthammasarn (Phaithun Phakato) Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 320 329 A DEVELOPMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE ENGLISH READING CURRICULUM BY USING SQ6R METHOD WITH THE ACTIVE LEARNING TECHNIQUE FOR GRADE 5 STUDENTS <p>The objectives of the research were (1) to create and verify the quality of A development of comprehensive English reading curriculum by using SQ6R method with the active learning technique for grade 5 students, and (2) to study the result of the curriculum for enhancing the ability of comprehensive English reading using by SQ6R method with the active learning technique for grade 5 students. This was the pre-experimental research. The design was the one-group Pretest-Posttest design. Simple cluster sampling methodology was used to sample the school under Lampang Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. A group of medium-sized primary schools, Thoen District, Lampang Province which has 4 school groups. Got a group of Thoen 2. The result of the sampling was 18 grade 5 students in 2nd semester academy year 2023 at Maewawittaya School. The instruments used for data collection were the curriculum, the curriculum instructions, tests for ability of comprehensive English reading. The data were analyzed by average ( ), standard deviation (S.D.), and t-test dependent.</p> <p>The results revealed that: 1. A development of comprehensive English reading curriculum by using SQ6R method with the active learning technique for grade 5 students consists of 7 components which are 1) background 2) principles 3) objectives 4) content in the curriculum including 5 units such as 1st Home &amp; Happiness 2nd What’s Up Guys? 3rd Love You Pets! 4th Take A Short Break and 5th Fest. &amp; Fantasy and percentage 5) teaching activities 6) teaching resources 7) assessment and evaluation. The average of the curriculum appropriateness and the overall of the curriculum instructions appropriated were at high level. 2. The results of using A development of comprehensive English reading curriculum by using SQ6R method with the active learning technique for grade 5 students was found that the posttest score was higher than the pretest at the significant level of .05.</p> Wasita Promwang Parinyapast Seethong Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 330 343 A STUDY OF GUIDELINE IN CULTIVATING VIRTUES AND MORLITY OF STUDENTS IN NIKOMSANGTONENG SCHOOL CHIENGPIN 1. IN NONG BOUBAN SUBDISTRICT, NONG VOURSO DISTRICT, UDONTHANI PROVINCE <p>The purposes of this research are (1) to study the cultivation of virtue and morality’ students in accordance with the Buddhist way (2) to study the cultivation of virtue and morality of students of Nikomsangtoneng School, Chiengpin 1, Bourban Subdistrict, Nong Vourso District, Udonthani Province and 3) to propose the way to cultivate virtue and morality of students of Nikomsangtoneng School, Chiengpin 1 Nongbourban Subdistrict, Nongvourso District, Udonthani Province. This is qualitative research by studying documents and interviews. Data analysis was done using descriptive analysis.</p> <p>The cultivation of students’ virtue and morality in accordance with the way of Buddhism is the development of human beings to be perfect in body, mental and wisdom by the principle, that is, 1) to have virtue and morality in the fame of the significant Dhamma in Buddhism 2) to universal knowledge in managing the life problems 3) to have good physical health by assistance of exercise and sport playing 5) to love the nation and to be aware of the Thai and world population and to be conscious of protecting the culture. Local intelligence, and Thai intelligence. 2. The cultivation of the students’ virtue and morality in Nikomsangtoneng School, Chiengpin 1, Nong Bourban Subdistrict, Nongvorso District, Udonthani Province 1) to create the participation with the temples and the experts in order to build up the medias for learning and teaching 2) to provode simple meditation training for students and suitable for them in the third class in the primary school 3) to train personnel who take responsibility for the ethics is organized in order to create knowledge and ability in learning and teaching. 3. The guideline for cultivation of students’ virtue and morality in Nikomsangtoneng school, Chiengpin 1. Nongbobauban Subdistrict, Nongvosor District, Udonthani Province is found that 1) the teaching teachers will focus on cultivating the virtue and morality and insert the virtue and morality in every subject while students emphasize on the practice with other development in physical, verbal and mental expression and to provide the activities related to Dhamma 2) the format of cultivation in the educational institute by focusing on the management of institutional curriculum related with virtue and morality. The students’ virtue and morality are cultivated in the educational institute by focusing on participative learning both creating the curriculum of educational institution related to virtue and morality 3) that students pay respect to the teachers or not depends on the teachers, that is, the teachers’ goodness to express with consciousness by having the goal that it is good action and the students focus on the application for solving the social problems for a long length and to be able to cultivate the consciousness by cultivating from school but the format of good behaviors must be cultivated from family and schools.</p> Phra Amonthep Buddabuut Somdej Namket Phramaha Prateep Aphiwattano Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 344 355 A STUDY OF GUIDELINE IN DEVELOPING THE POTENTIALITY OF THE BUDDHIST MONKS TEACHING MORALITY IN SCHOOLS IN PHO TAK DISTRICT, NONGKHAI PROVINCE <p>The purposes of this research are 1) to study the potentiality of Buddhist monks teaching morality in schools of Thailand 2) to study the state of Buddhist monks teaching morality in Pho Tak District, Nongkhai Province, 3) to propose the guideline for developing the potentiality of the Buddhist monks teaching morality in schools in Pho Tak District, Nongkhai Province. This is qualitative research by studying documents and interviews. Data analysis was done using descriptive analysis.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the results of research are found that: 1. The development of the potentiality of Buddhist monks teaching morality in schools of Thailand is found that to provide the conference for planning to designate the policy and to make understanding related to carry out the projects clearly by leading the policy to the practice and encourage the learners to develop continuously and regularly and to encourage the Buddhist monks teaching morality to take responsibility for teaching the principle of Buddhadhama, to support the fund for providing activities and evaluation both learning and teaching and Buddhist activities both teachers and students and to support the fund for improving the learning and teaching to be sufficient and thoughtful for students’ learning. 2. The state of the Buddhist monks teaching morality in schools in Pho Tak District&nbsp; is found that in the aspect of teaching the Buddhist subjects in accordance with the basic of educational curriculum, it lacks the integration of teaching media with the teaching contents. In the aspect of leading the students to practicing meditation, the Buddhist monks still lack of knowledge and ability to motivate students and the atmosphere in practicing is not ready and the sounds interrupt meditation practice. Teachers lack of teaching technique to be able to motivate students. In the aspect of teaching or reviewing Dhamma education for students, the teachers have limitation of the length of time in learning, mostly, the schools provide the subject for the Buddhist monks to teach only one period for each week. While in the aspect of integrative teaching with the daily life, the development of teaching media is not modern, that is, lack of interesting, integration of other teaching medias to apply for teaching. 3. The way to develop the potentiality of the Buddhist monks teaching the morality in schools in Phon Tak District, Nongkhai Province is found that the aspect of Buddhist subject in accordance with the curriculum of the basic education should integrate the teaching medias with contents that are taught in compliance with curriculum. in the aspect of leading students to practice meditation, the teachers should provide teaching plan and provide activities for students’ practice continuously in order to create the motivation and teaching atmosphere. In the aspect of teaching or reviewing Dhamma education for students, the schools should provide the increasing time for teaching to be suitable by using new modern teaching. In the aspect of teaching Buddhist subject integrated with daily life, teachers should prepare themselves for teaching increasingly and developing various teaching medias by agreeable with learners and teaching contents.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Phrakhru Piyathammawat Sandadhammo (Sangvesh) Phrakruchirathamthat Phramaha Paitoon Siridhammo Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 356 365 AN APPLICATION OF BUDDHADHAMMA PRINCIPLE IN DEVELOPING THE POTENTIALITY OF THE AGED PEOPLE IN PHON NGAM SUBDISTRICT, NONGHAN DISTRICT, UDONTHANI PROVINCE <p>The purposes of this research are 1) to study the Buddhadhamma principle in developing the potentiality of the aged people in Phon Ngam Subdistrict, Nonghan District, Udonthani Province 2) to study the problematic states in developing the aged people in Phon Gham Subdistrict, Nonhan District, Udothani Province and 3) to apply uddthe Buddhadhama principle for developing the potentiality of the aged people in Phon ngam Subdistrict, Nonghan district, Udothani Province. The research instrument was an interview form. Data analysis was performed using descriptive analysis.</p> <p>The results of research are found that: 1. The Buddhadhamma principles in developing the potentiality of the aged people in Buddhism are found that the Biddhadahmma principles practiced by the aged people and appropriate for them are the Five Precepts and Five Ennobling virtues, the three bases of the meritoriousness and the Insight development. All of these are the Dhamma principles for prolonging the aged peoples’ life and making the physical and spiritual health well matching with the tradition of the local Heet Sib Song tradition. 2. The Buddhadhamma principles for developing the potentiality of the aged people in Phon Ngarm subdistrict, Nonghan District, Udonthani Province are found that 1) The physical problems result in the aged peoples’ health are mostly found because of the physical decay. Mostly, they are the diabetes, blood pressure and various diseases tfrom eating with their wishes 2) the aspects of the spiritual and emotional problems Some aged people are afraid of abandonment, living alone etc. Some people are in the depressive disorder and can not endure with the things that happen 3) the aspect of family and social problems mostly will be the problems related the income not sufficient for payment because the aged people wait for money from their offsprings effecting on the social status that are divided in groups of the aged people who have different society. So, the creation of participation in various activities of the aged people seem to be difficult. 3. An application of the Buddhadhamma principle in developing the potentiality of the aged people in Pho Ngam Subdistrict, Monghan District, Udonthani Province is found that all activities are the participated activities of Administrative Organization of the Subsets of Subdistricts, community, and temples by using the community activities and the local traditions with integration with Dhamma principle and community activities.&nbsp;</p> Phra Naruchit Santacitto (Sahastas) Bunsong Sinnok Phramaha Prateep Aphiwattano Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 366 376 AN APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIP OF THE FOUR VIRTUES CONDUCTIVE TO THE BENEFITS IN THE PRESENT FOR DEVELOPING THE AGRICULTURISTS’ QUALITY OF LIFT IN PARA RUBER PARK IN BUENGKAN PROVINCE <p>The purposes of this research aim at (1) studying the principles of the Four Virtues conductive to the benefits in the present in Buddhism (2) studying the state of developing the agriculturists’ quality of life in Para rubber park in Buengkan Province (3) offering the application of the principles of the Four Virtues Conductive to the Benefits in the Present for developing the agriculturists’ life in Para rubber park in Buengkan Province. This research is qualitative research. The research instrument was an interview form. Data analysis was performed using descriptive analysis.</p> <p>The results of research are found that: 1. The principles of the Four Virtues conductive to the Benefits in the Presnet in Buddhism are the Four Benefits in the present, sometimes. it is ca;;ed as the heart of millionaires, “U, A, KA SA”, that is, 1) Utthanasampada: to be endowed with energy such as to be diligent to work, not to be lazy in that work 2) Arakkhasampada: to be endowed with the wealth protection and to know how to spend the wealth with carefulness 3) Kalayanmitta: to associate with good company, not to associate with bad persons and to associate with persons who comply with faith, charity, intelligence and 4) Samajivita: to live economically and to know the way of progressiveness and ruin of wealth. 2. The state of developing the agriculturists’ quality of life in Para rubber park in Buengkan Province is found that majority of people who are the agriculturists performing Para Rubber park has good quality of life because there are the factories transforming Para rubber locating in various areas of Buengkan Province in order to buy Para resin to be processed for exports. These Para resin products can be sold in the high price. 3. The application of the principle of the Four Virtues conductive to the benefits in the present for developing the agriculturists’ quality of life in Para rubber park in Buengkan Province is found that 1) in the aspect of Utthanasampada, people earn living with diligence and to be endowed with orderly model in upholding the life with regulation and to have wisdom associated with diligence until it creates expert in that work and they will accomplish easily without seriousness&nbsp; 2) in the aspect of Arakkhasampada, majority of local people know how to protect the received properties by knowing the virtue of them, learn the new issues passing the media on line in order to integrate various things to increase the value and income 3) in the aspect of Kalayamitta: majority of people understands how to associate with good persons not to associate with bad persons. To uphold oneself, discussion, conversation with persons in family or in village with friendly language, pure respectfulness, faith, precepts, charity and wisdom and 4) Samajivita: to earn living with sufficiency, to know the progressive way of property and ruin of wealth.</p> Phra Somkriat Saenbuapho (Saenbuapho) Phramaha Paitoon Siridhammo Phramaha Prateep Aphiwattano Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 377 388 AN APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIP OF THE FOUR VIRTUES CONDUCTIVE TO THE BENEFITS IN THE PRESENT FOR DEVELOPING THE AGRICULTURISTS’ QUALITY OF LIFT IN PARA RUBER PARK IN BUENGKAN PROVINCE <p>The objectives of this research are (1) to study the operation of the Five Precepts observing village project in Thailand (2) to study the management of the Five precepts observing village projects in the territory of Phon Pisai District Nongkhai Provinc and (3) to study the enhancement of operation in the Five precepts observing village projects in the territory of Phon Pisai District, Nongkhai Province. This research is the qualitative research. The research instrument was an interview form. Data analysis was performed using descriptive analysis.</p> <p>The results of research are found that: 1. The operation of the Five Precepts observing village Projects in Thailand is the project that provides the Five Precepts for moving the operation in the integrative formats of participation from the Buddhist monks, state sector and private sector by having the committee of the Five Precepts observing village project in the level of provinces, districts, subdistricts and village in order to encourage all sectors in society to participate in operation and creation of unity by using the principle of Dhamma in Buddhism. 2. The management of the Five Precepts observing village project in the territory of Phon Pisai District, Nongkhai Province is found that the characteristics of management that connect with the national strategy 1 consist of process of managing the personnel administration, managing the budgets and materials to be equivalent and to be sufficient and to have the concept in developing the machinery for operating the Five Precepts observing village project for accomplishment and achieving the objectives agreeable to the tradition of local society. 3. The enhancement of operating the Five Precepts observing Village Project in the territory of Pho Pisai District, Nongkhai Province is found that to have 4 methods, that is, 1) Planning: to provide the meeting the village committee and propagate or broadcast the news to people in the village or the community to realize of value of Five Precepts 2) to provide the organization for operating the connection with Buddhist monks and the officials in the District level as concrete 3) the personnel work is to enhance the new personnel or find out the heiress to operate the Five Precepts observing village project in the territory of Phon Pisai District, Nongkhai Province and 4) for direction, to provide creation of machinery for convenience in communication with various organizations by ordering in accordance with the administrative direction for operating the project effectively.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Phramaha Phutthaphat Buddhasaro (Khamwimon) Phrakruchirathamthat Phramaha Paitoon Siridhammo Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 389 398 FACTORS AFFECTING POLITICAL PARTICIPATION OF MEMBERS OF THE STATE RAILWAY WORKER’S UNION OF THAILAND <p>The objectives of this study were: 1) to study the level of political participation of members of The State Railway Worker's Union of Thailand, 2) to investigate factor affecting political participation of members of The State Railway Worker's Union of Thailand, and 3) to propose guidelines for promoting political participation of members of The State Railway Worker's Union of Thailand. The study was quantitative research. The study utilized questionnaires to collect data from 384 samples, members of The State Railway Worker's Union of Thailand. Statistics used for analyzing data were Mean , percentage , standard deviation , and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.</p> <p>The research found that the level of political participation of members of The State Railway Worker's Union of Thailand was moderate. Personal factors such as gender, age, educational level, revenue, and work place affected political participation of members of The State Railway Worker's Union of Thailand. The research also found that psychological factor had positive relationship with political participation of members of The State Railway Worker's Union of Thailand at the statistical level of .05. The research suggestions were that The State Railway Worker's Union of Thailand should support the knowledge and attitude of political participation to members and all Worker's Union networks especially through social media and social networks.</p> Thanit Charoenchai Jidapa Thirasirikul Chanchai Chitlaoarporn Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 399 408 SUPERVISION DEVELOPMENT MODEL FOR ENHANCING ENGLISH TEACHER COMPETENCIES OF COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING ACCORDING TO CEFR UNDER ROI ET PROVINCIAL EDUCATION OFFICE <p>This research aimed to study the current conditions, issues, and needs; to create and develop; to assess the effects of the use; and to evaluate a supervisory model designed to enhance teachers' competencies in managing English language learning for communication, in accordance with the CEFR standards. The research followed a four-stage research and development framework; academic year 2023. The target group included 12 volunteer English teachers of Grade 9 and 304 Grade 9 students taught by these teachers. The research instruments were questionnaires and assessment forms, and data analysis was conducted using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and hypothesis testing with a t-test (Dependent Samples).</p> <p>The research findings revealed that: 1. The current conditions, issues, and needs in teacher learning management development indicated that, overall, the quality level of teachers' development in teaching English for communication according to CEFR standards was moderate. Teachers faced considerable challenges in managing learning, with the primary need being the development of learning management skills. 2. The supervisory model comprised six components: (1) model principles, (2) model objectives, (3) content development, (4) implementation process, consisting of five steps, (5) assessment and evaluation, and (6) success conditions. Expert evaluations rated the model's suitability as highly appropriate. 3. The outcomes of the supervisory model included the following: 3.1) Teachers' knowledge and understanding of teaching English communication skills showed a statistically significant improvement at the .05 level from pre- to post-training. 3.2) The ability to design learning units averaged 4.52, which was rated at the highest level. 3.3) The ability to write lesson plans averaged 4.57, also rated at the highest level. 3.4) Practical teaching skills averaged 4.71 at the highest level. 3.5) Teacher satisfaction with the training was high. 3.6) The integrated digital-based internal supervision and professional learning community approach across 12 schools had an overall average success rate of 82.78%, rated as excellent. 3.7) Grade 9 students’ listening and speaking skills for communication showed a statistically significant improvement at the .05 level post-instruction. 3.8) Grade 9 students' satisfaction was at the highest level. 4) The overall evaluation of the supervisory model to enhance teachers' competencies in managing English language learning for communication according to CEFR standards rated all four aspects at the highest level.</p> Suthat Sangkhaphan Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 409 421 ETHICAL LEADERSHIP OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS AFFECTING TEACHER PERFORMANCE IN SCHOOLS UNDER THE OFFICE OF ROI ET PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA 3 <p>The objectives of this research were 1) to study the ethical leadership of school administrators 2) to study the performance efficiency of teachers in schools 3) to study the relationship between the ethical leadership of school administrators and the performance efficiency of teachers in schools and 4) to study the ethical leadership of school administrators affecting the performance efficiency of teachers in schools under the office of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area 3. The sample of this research was 311 people, consisting of school administrators and teachers under the office of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area 3. The research instrument used to collect the data was a five- rating scales. The research instrument with the reliability as 0.92. The statistics are used for analyzing the data. It consists of percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Moreover, to examine the hypothesis by Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis.</p> <p>The results of the study were as follows: 1) The ethical leadership of school administrators in overall was at a high level. 2) The performance efficiency of teachers in schools in overall was at a high level. 3) The relationship between the ethical leadership of school administrators and the performance efficiency of teachers in schools revealed that all components had a high positive relationship, with statistical significance at a level of .01 and 4) The ethical leadership of school administrators affecting the performance efficiency of teachers in schools under the office of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area 3 indicated that the ethical leadership of school administrators could be used to predict performance efficiency of teachers, as 81.60 percent with a statistical significance at a level of .01, written with a forecasting equation as follows:</p> <p> Forecasting equation of the performance efficiency of teachers in schools under the office of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area 3 using raw scores:</p> <p> Y´ = .092 + .330X<sub>3</sub> + .160X<sub>4 </sub>+ .238X<sub>1 </sub>+ .151X<sub>2 </sub>+ .085X<sub>5</sub></p> <p> Forecasting equation of the performance efficiency of teachers in schools under the office of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area 3 using standard scores:</p> <p> Z´<sub>y</sub> = .399Z<sub>X3</sub> + .217Z<sub>X4</sub> + .206Z<sub>X1 </sub>+ .213Z<sub>X2</sub> + .082Z<sub>X5</sub></p> Charan Maardlers Chaiyon Paophan Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 422 434 TREE BANKS AND SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT: A CASE STUDY OF BAN SRI SOMDET BRANCH TREE BANK PROJECT, SRI SOMDET DISTRICT, ROI ET PROVINCE <p>The objective of this research article is to study the operation of the project under the concept of sustainable forest management. and to suggest guidelines for operation the Ban Sri Somdet Branch Tree Bank Project. Si Somdet District Roi Et Province to achieve the objectives of the concept of sustainable forest management. It is a qualitative research study. There are two methods for collecting data: 1. Collecting data from policy documents. Academic articles Project documents various online publications 2. Collect data through fieldwork using in-depth interviews with people involved in the tree bank project, including 2 leaders of the Ban Sri Somdet community, 7 people who registered to plant trees with the project, and Two officials of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) involved in the Ban Sri Somdet Branch Tree Bank Project, totaling 11 persons, used a semi-structured interview form. and present the research results in a descriptive manner through verbal descriptions.</p> <p>The results of the research found that the operation of the Baan Sri somdet Tree Bank project involves integration and cooperation through three sectors: temples, houses, and communities. All of the members are members of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC). It is a collaborative effort with the temple being the main actor that plays a central role in supporting cooperation from many sectors. This is considered the key to applying the principles of the Tree Bank project to help farmers who are in debt with the bank have a way to generate income, starting with supporting tree upkeep. Supporting loans from using trees as collateral to building up an enterprise network to increase income streams while waiting for the trees to grow. There is social work with local culture combined with beliefs that include the integration of merit into planting trees. However, the finding for the sustainability approach is that project continuation plays an important role in incentive members.</p> Nitisak Nongrueng Wanida Phromlah Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 435 447 GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPING EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION BASED ON THE OFFICE OF THE BASIC EDUCATION COMMISSION QUALITY AWARD OF THE SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE, LOEI NONGBUALAMPHU <p>The objectives of this research were to study and assess the guidelines for effectiveness of the personnel administration based on the Office of the Basic Education Commission Quality Award of the Secondary Education Service Area Office, Loei Nongbualamphu. The research was divided into 2 phases with integrated research methods. (Mixed Method Research) Phase 1: Content analysis data using a semi-structured interview with 9 experts by purposive selection to find guidelines for effectiveness of the personnel administration. Phase 3: Data were analyzed found percentage, mean, and standard deviation by purposive selection five experts assess of propriety, feasibility, congruity, and utility.</p> <p>The results were as follows: 1) workforce environment, including 1.1) workforce capability and capacity of (1) capability and capacity (2) new workforce members (3) workforce change management and (4) work accomplishment 1.2) workforce climate of (1) workplace environment and (2) workforce benefits and policies, with a total of 36 guidelines. 2) Workforce engagement, including 2.1) assessment of workforce engagement of (1) drivers of engagement (2) assessment of engagement 2.2) organizational culture 2.3) performance management and development of (1) performance management (2) performance development (3) learning and development effectiveness (4) career development (5) career advancement, with a total of 41 guidelines. The results of the evaluation of propriety, feasibility, congruity and Utility all showed the highest level.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Phichanan Supawan Sunisa Wongaree Teerapol Pengchan Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 448 461 THE GUIDELINES FOR THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM ADMINISTRATION OF STAND ALONE SCHOOL <p>The objectives of this research were to 1) find guidelines for the school curriculum administration of stand alone schools, 2) evaluate the guidelines for the school curriculum administration of stand alone schools. The research was divided into 2 phases with integrated research methods. (Mixed Method Research) Phase 1: find guidelines for the school curriculum administration using a semi-structured interview with 9 informants by purposive selection and analyzed the data from semi-structured interviews. Phase 2: evaluate the guidelines for the school curriculum administration by purposive selection. Five experts analyzed the data to find frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.</p> <p>The results of the research found can be divided into 5 parts : 1. Guidelines for the school curriculum administration of stand alone schools, follows: 1) preparation for curriculum development, including joint planning meeting between personnel and the community, study of background information of the community and creation of knowledge for curriculum development, 2) curriculum development, including establishment of a committee for curriculum development, use of background information of community to develop the curriculum through appropriate learning media, buildings as well as local scholars, 3) application of the curriculum, including planning of curriculum application, employing the community as a learning center, encouraging research in the classroom, and supplying effective internet system, 4) supervision, monitoring and evaluation of the curriculum, including appointment of an operation committee, and development of schedule for supervision, monitoring and evaluation of the curriculum, working with experts in developing instrument for curriculum evaluation, collecting evaluation results for analysis and disseminate evaluation results, and 5) curriculum improvement, including collaboration, conclusion of curriculum application, continuously improvement of the curriculum and creation of a network with other organizations. 2. Evaluation of guidelines in terms of suitability, possibility: Overall, it was at the highest level in every aspect.</p> Patcharin Kunkwa Sunisa Wongaree Teerapol Pengchan Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 462 474 QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE ELDERLY IN KUD HAI SUBDISTRICT MUNICIPALITY KUD BAK DISTRICT SAKONNAKHON PROVINCE <p>The purpose of this research was to study the quality of life of the elderly. To compare the quality of life of the elderly classified by sex, age group, educational level and occupation, and to propose a guideline to promote the quality of life of the elderly in the municipality of Kudhai Subdistrict, Kudbak District, Sakon Nakhon Province. The sample group used in this research was elderly people aged 60 years and over. In the municipality of Kudhai Sub-district, all 12 villages, using the formula of Taro Yamane, consisted of 306 people. It is a questionnaire consisting of 3 parts: statistics used in data analysis. are descriptive statistics, i.e. number, percentage, mean, and standard deviation for the general data of the sample. Inferential statistics, including T - test and F - test, were used to compare the quality of life of the elderly by gender, age group, educational level and occupation. </p> <p>The results showed that quality of life of the elderly in Kudhai Subdistrict, Kudbak District, Sakon Nakhon Province. Overall, it was at a moderate level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest mean was social relations, followed by psychological and the aspect with the least mean was environmental. The results of comparing the quality of life of the elderly in Kudhai Municipality, Kudbak District, Sakon Nakhon Province. Classified by sex, age group, education level and occupation. Different people have no different quality of life. for the elderly in the municipality of Kudhai Sub-district with different occupations. The quality of life was significantly different at the 0.05 level and the recommendation. Guidelines for promoting the quality of life of the elderly in the Kudhai Sub-district Municipality, namely, Kudhai Sub-district Municipality should provide comprehensive and adequate facilities for the elderly in government buildings, public parks.</p> Nualchawee Kotrnukul Danai Lamkham Peerayut Silaprom Surachai Chukong Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 475 485 AN ANALYSIS STUDY OF THE ESSENCE OF KALAKAT BASED ON THERAVADA BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY <p>The objectives of this research article are 1) to study Isan literary of Kalaket 2) to study the principles of Theravada Buddhist Philosophy appearing in the Isan literature of Kalaket 3) to analyze the essence of Kalaket based on Theravada Buddhist Philosophy. It was qualitative research by studying the information from Isan literature of kalaket, version of Phra Ariyanuwat, Tripitaka, academic documents in literature and Buddhism, and related researches. Then presented the research results using descriptive and analytical methods according to the meaning of intuition.</p> <p>The results showed that: 1) Isan literature about Kalaket was a Jataka tale. The theme of the story was separation and adventure. The hero was a bodhisattva reborn into the human world to atone for past karma. He defeated an evil giant until he repented of his sin and taught him to behave in a moral manner. Mrs. Malichan was a strict practitioner of Dhamma, deserved to be a heroine in a Dhamma story, supporting actors who were good human being such as Thao Kesanuratchasuriwong ahd allies both in the sky and on the earth, namely Phaya Suban and Phaya. The most important nonhuman characters were Phaya Phi Mon, the father of Nang Malee. Kalaket was like a story giving ideas in abstract form such as goodness, evil, intelligence, and stupidity which be transformed into concrete forms, created enjoyment and has an influences society were external influences, including clothing or actions. As for internal influences, they included thought influences, creating Values beliefs and attitudes. 2) Theravada Buddhist Philosophy appearing in literature. The story of the heavy karma, separated the thieves from their families in a previous life. As a result, Thao Kalaket had to be born in the world which it was an important main point of the story, which was having to separated everything you loved as retribution for your karma. Merit in the story of Kalaket was a good thing that everyone was try to find. It was goodness that emphasizes morality. The types of merit are mostly mentioned as Three meritorious deeds and ten meritorious deeds. 3) The result of the analysis of the literature on Kalaket in Theravada Buddhist philosophy was karma, an important issue in Theravada Buddhist philosophy. It showed that all human being had a different lifestyle, human life was all karma that was committed in the past, present and would affect to the future. The karma that occurred, whether it was good karma or bad karma, arisen from the expression of body, speech, and mind.&nbsp;</p> Chinvara Suttipapra Phramaha Sakol Supornmethee Sowit Bamrungphak Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 486 498 THE MODEL OF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY FOR IMPROVING STUDENTS’ QUALITY OF BANKLONGKAE SCHOOL <p>The research aims to 1) Study the guidelines for creating the model of professional learning community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School, 2) Creating and examine and handbook the model of professional learning community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School, 3) Study the effect of implementing the model of professional learning community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School, 4) Evaluate the model of professional learning community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School. The sample used in this research were 19 teachers, the researcher employed various research tools: satisfaction of the model of professional learning community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School, statistics used to analyze data are: percentage means and standard deviation. The findings were as follows: 1. Study results the guidelines for creating the model of professional learning community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School comprised five factors were as follows: 1) Principal of model. 2) Objective of model. 3) Inputs. 4) Process 5) Outputs. 2. The model of professional learning community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School was found the model was accuracy, suitability, feasibility, and usefulness are at the highest level. Handbook the model of professional learning community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School was accuracy, suitability, feasibility, and usefulness. The overall was at the highest level. 3. Result of using the model of Professional Learning Community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School. 1) Quality of learners in this semester academic in 2023, an average of 6.44 percent increased from 2022 for all subject. 2) For the competencies of learners in the academic in 2023 increased from the 2022 in all aspects average the total of students who passed the assessment at good to excellent level accounted for 8.69 percent 3) The desirable characteristics in 2023 increased from the 2022 in all items, averaging the total of students assessed at good to excellent level accounted for 9.69 percent and 4) The satisfaction of the model of Professional Learning Community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School. The overall was at the highest level. 4. The overall satisfaction assessment of the model of Professional Learning Community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School was found usefulness of the model of Professional Learning Community for improving students’ quality of Banklongkae School. The overall was at the highest level.</p> Thanate Chokwisetchaisit Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 499 513 GUIDELINES FOR PROMOTING CAREERS FOR THE ELDERLY IN THE NA SIAO SUBDISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION AREA MUEANG CHAIYAPHUM DISTRICT CHAIYAPHUM PROVINCE <p>This research aimed to 1) study the economic problems of the elderly, 2) study the factors that promote the elderly's career, and 3) study the guidelines for promoting the elderly's career in the Na Siao Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Mueang District, and Chaiyaphum Province. It was mixed-method research between quantitative and qualitative research. The sample group used in the quantitative research was community leaders, village heads, village health volunteers, subdistrict administrative organizations, and the elderly chairman, totaling 362 people. The sample group used in the qualitative research was purposively selected, totaling 10 people. The research instruments were questionnaires and interview forms. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, multiple regression analysis using the hierarchical variable selection method, and content analysis.</p> <p>The research results found that: 1) the economic problems of the elderly in Na Siao Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province (overall) were at a moderate level. 2) The factors promoting the elderly's careers in Na Siao Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Mueang District, and Chaiyaphum Province were at a moderate level overall. It was found that the factor of interest in engaging in a career (X<sub>2</sub>), the factor of participation in engaging in a career (X<sub>1</sub>), and the factor of receiving support for engaging in a career (X<sub>4</sub>) had predictive coefficients in the raw scores (b) equal to .322, .249, and .074, respectively. 3) The guidelines for promoting the elderly's careers were as follows: (1) other agencies should have important principles and systems for economic problems. (2) Create jobs for the elderly sustainably. (3) Allocate a budget for operations. (4) The network should promote a budget fund to support promotion activities. (5) Solve problems and promote careers. Manage the elderly registration system. Listen to opinions and use the results for improvement and development. (6) Community leaders are proactive about economic problems and care about the happiness and suffering of the elderly. (7) Campaign for problems. Build confidence in solving problems (8) have guidelines for developing economic problems of the elderly (9) support and promote the elderly to solve their economic problems in a tangible way (10) have various projects organized according to the policy on solving economic problems of the elderly every year and (11) the government should promote budgets through local agencies to manage and solve economic problems of the elderly in order to benefit the elderly.</p> Apisara Chumsaeng Thitirat Laokhompruttajan Nutdanai Kaewponngam Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 514 526 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS’ COMPETENCY AFFECTING EFFICIENCY OF SCHOOLS UNDER ROI ET PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 3 <p>This research aimed to 1) study the competency of school administrators under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3; 2) study the efficiency of school administrators Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3; 3) study the relationship between the competence of school administrators and the effectiveness of schools Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3; and 4) explore the competency of school administrators that affect the effectiveness of schools under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. A sample group included 318 school administrators and teachers in public schools under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office. A 5-level rating scale questionnaire was employed as a research instrument, with reliability of 0.986 for school administrators' competency and 0.970 for the effectiveness of schools. In addition, the statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression.</p> <p>The research findings were as follows; 1. The level of overall competency of school administrators was at a high level. 2. The level of overall effectiveness of the schools was at a high level. 3. The competency of school administrators and the effectiveness of the schools were positively related at a high level (r<sub>xy</sub>=.847<sup>**</sup>), with statistical significance at the level of .01. 4. The competency of school administrators that affected schools' effectiveness was comprised of administrative expertise (X<sub>5</sub>), teamwork (X<sub>2</sub>), leadership (X<sub>4</sub>), and communication (X<sub>3</sub>), which together predicted as 78.20 percent of the variance in schools' effectiveness with statistical significance at the level of .01. The forecast equation can be written as follows:</p> <p> Forecast equation in the form of raw scores</p> <p> Y´ = 1.279 + .838X<sub>5</sub> + .363X<sub>2 </sub>+ .233X<sub>4 </sub>+ .160X<sub>3</sub></p> <p> Forecast equation in the form of standard points</p> <p> Z´<sub>y</sub> = .778Z<sub>X5</sub> + .319Z<sub>X2</sub> +.208Z<sub>X4 </sub>+ .138Z<sub>X3</sub></p> Nawin KhotKham Yuwathida Chapanya Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 527 541 GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPING SELF-ESTEEM OF STUDENTS IN THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT SISAKET RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY <p>The objectives of this research were 1) study the level of self-esteem of students in the Faculty of Education and Human Development Sisaket Rajabhat University 2) Proposes guidelines for developing self-esteem. This study was research with the sample group consisted of 248 subjects in the Faculty of Education and Human Development Sisaket Rajabhat University. The research instrument was the Self-esteem scale of 30 item test with a confidence value Reliability of questionnaire was 0.82. The data were analyzed by average and standard deviation.</p> <p>The results of the research showed that the self-esteem of students in the Faculty of Education and Human Development at Sisaket Rajabhat University had a high level of self-esteem. When considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect of acceptance of one's abilities had the highest average, followed by the perception of one's own merits and the aspect of being accepted by others, respectively. Guidelines for developing students' self-esteem It was found that there were 2 approaches to developing self-esteem: Guideline 1 is developed using a teaching set of guidance activities to develop students' self-esteem. Using a group counseling program based on the theory of facing reality along with activities and Guideline 2 is to develop it using a training program to develop self-esteem emphasizing group activities according to the theory of self-efficacy. Overall, the suitability for the possibility of developing students' self-worth was at the highest level, followed by the selection of theory content and suitability for the purpose, respectively.</p> Chanamon Sookawong Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 542 556 THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MECHANISMS FOR THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY IN THE SONGKHLA PROVINCE <p>The purposes of this research article were to study the Public Administration structure and the state power in emergency management mechanisms during the COVID-19 outbreak in Songkhla province. The study is a qualitative method by using data collected from the main resource namely an official documentary, ordering, and notifications which were related to the control of disease regulation. This data is brought to analysis as significant goals.</p> <p>The research findings show that the government structure in ruling state power during the COVID-19 emergency defined the specific Public Administration structure form as follows 2 sets 1) Committee of Disease Control of Songkhla Province 2) Committee of COVID-19 Emergency Management Center of Songkhla Province which has public servants from others public sectors. As for the character of state power during the COVID-19 outbreak, Songkhla province is using state power of two committees namely, by a mechanism for operations that is linked to the overall situation assessment of the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA). The Governor of Songkhla Province has the sole authority to receive orders from the central working group and use them to set the framework for the operation. Announcing the implementation of various measures within the area. Songkhla Province has announced the implementation of 4 main measures: 1) measures to reduce movement by adhering to social distancing measures 2) measures to close places at risk of spreading germs 3) Measures to control entry into Songkhla Province 4) Measures to prohibit individuals from leaving their homes during specified periods.</p> Varunada Vongrot Chaiwat Yotee Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 557 570 FACTORS AFFECTING THE DECISION TO MAKE MERIT OF BUDDHISTS IN BAN LANG SUBDISTRICT, NONTHAI DISTRICT, NAKHON RATCHASIMA PROVINCE <p>The objectives of this research are 1) to study the demographic characteristics of Buddhists in BAN LANG Subdistrict, Non Thai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, 2) to study the marketing mix that is important for making merit, and 3) to study the decision to make merit of Buddhists in BAN LANG Subdistrict. Non Thai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The sample group was 381 males and females living in BAN LANG Subdistrict, Non Thai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Data were collected from a questionnaire and analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Test the hypothesis using the statistics used: t - test (Independent Samples) and use one-way analysis of variance (One - Way ANOVA) with the significance of the test set at the .05 level. In case of differences found, use pairwise comparisons. By means of LSD (Least Significant Different)</p> <p>The results of the research found that 1) Buddhists in BAN LANG Subdistrict, Non Thai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province Most were female, 61.9 percent, 49.9 percent aged 25 - 36 years, marital status 67.5 percent, hold an associate's degree/vocational certificate, 34.6 percent were employees of a private company, 29.7 percent had an income of 20,001-30,000 baht, 2) 42.5 percent had expressed the opinion on the marketing mix that was important for making merit. Overall, it was at the highest level. 3) Overall merit making decisions were at the highest level and Buddhists with status and educational level have a significant difference in the decision to make merit at the .05 level. In terms of gender, age, and occupation, they are not different which the marketing mix affects philanthropy decisions. They were significantly different at the .05 level.</p> Sreepanja Singson Copyright (c) 2024 Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 13 2 571 585