CRRU Journal of Communication <p>CRRU Journal of Communication is academic journal that aims to be a medium for expressing opinions and disseminating academic works in the field of communication, Mass communication, communication or other fields that is relevant. The journal has been publishing 2 issues per year (January-June and July-December) Every published article is reviewed by 3 experts underlying the double-blind review process.<br /><br />Contact for more information.<br /><br />Miss Chanidapa In-tamut Tel. 053 776 064 <br />Mr.Rachchanon Yamsri Tel. 086 410 4122</p> <pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="คำแปล"><span lang="en"><br /><br /></span></pre> <p> </p> <p> </p> en-US (รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.คมสัน รัตนะสิมากูล) (นางสาวชนิดาภา อินต๊ะมุด/อาจารย์รัชชานนท์ แย้มศรี) Sat, 30 Mar 2024 22:26:14 +0700 OJS 60 Perception of Brand and Marketing Communication Impact on the Image of Doi Tung Brand in Chiang Rai Province <p>The objectives of this research were: 1) to examine brand awareness, marketing communications strategies, and brand image of the Doi Tung business; 2) to investigate the demographic information that affects the brand awareness, brand image, marketing communications strategies of the Doi Tung brand business. The statistics for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-Way ANOVA can be summarized as follows.</p> <p> The research results found that 1) The demographic data of respondents revealed that majority of the respondents were female with age range from 31 to 40 years, mainly holding bachelor degree or diploma, holding private business career, with average monthly incomes range of 20,001-40,000 baht per month. 2) The results of the analysis of brand awareness were at a moderate level ( <strong> </strong>= 3.07, S.D. = 0.58), marketing communications were at a moderate level ( = 3.04, S.D. = 0.40), and the image of the business was Doi Tung brand average is at a moderate level ( <strong> </strong>= 3.10, S.D. = 0.53). 3) The respondents’ demographic variables affecting brand awareness and the image of the Doi Tung brand business were age, education level, occupation, and average monthly income. The respondents’ demographic variables affecting marketing communications was average monthly income and it showed an effect on marketing communications of the Doi Tung brand business at a statistical significance level of .05.</p> Saran Boonrueng, Onkanya Kanthachai Copyright (c) 2024 CRRU Journal of Communication Sat, 20 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Marketing Communication and Logistics Performance Affect Consumers Behavior on Skytrain Services Assessed by Students Living in Pathumthani Province <p> The purpose of this research study is to find key components in areas of marketing communication and logistics performance that affect consumer behavior on skytrain service in Pathumthani province. <strong> </strong>With the quantitative method, the survey technique is used to collect data from 400 respondents who are undergraduate students in Pathumthani province. The data analysis uses both descriptive and inferential statistics: frequency, percentage, mean, standard variation, chi-square and correlation. This study is sectional research as one period of time for data collection. It cannot reveal the trend of changing in main factors impacting consumer behavior. In addition, the findings of this research study cannot use for other transportation modes as the data are collected from skytrain customers. The results show the consumer behavior affected by marketing communication: advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relation, and direct marketing. In addition, the consumer behavior is affected by logistics performance with low cost, comfort, on-time, and safety. Also, the consumer behavior has relationship with logistics performance at the significance level of 0.05. Focusing on main factors, transportation service operators can implement right strategies to increase the number of users of skytrain service.</p> Chanakiat Samarnbutra Copyright (c) 2024 CRRU Journal of Communication Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Representation of “Korean Minimalism” by Café Proprietors and Their Consumers in Phitsanulok City <p>This research aims to investigate the phenomenon of “Korean Minimalism” as manifested by café proprietors and consumers in Phitsanulok city. It employed a qualitative research methodology, incorporating in-depth interviews with key informants and the collection of social media posts from café operators and clients. The research data was analyzed within the conceptual frameworks of pop culture, sign and meaning, and representation. Four cafes were selected based on their location within Phitsanulok municipality and proximity to Naresuan University, a focal point for students and young adult clientele. Eight consumers were chosen for selective interviews based on their social media contents, particularly messages and photos showcasing their interpretation of “Korean Minimal” in attire and self-expression. The findings revealed that café proprietors drew inspiration from Korean culture, evident in the decorative style of “Korean Minimalism” within their establishments, encompassing furniture choices and thematic elements. Furthermore, they offered some Korean desserts and merchandise reflective of K-Pop culture. Meanwhile, café consumers represented the “Koreanness” through their minimalist dressing style and a propensity for sharing messages and photos on social media platforms following café visits.</p> Pitchaya Kadsee, Busarin Lertchavalitsakul Copyright (c) 2024 CRRU Journal of Communication Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 A Structural Equation Model of factors that Influencing on Word of Mouth Intention for Prospective Graduate Students at Private Universities <p> The study is to analyze a structural equation model of factors that influencing on word of mouth intention for prospective graduate students at private universities. The sample was graduates with a graduate degree of less than 2 years and graduate students in the academic year 2023 of five private universities having top amount of students. Four hundred students were selected by a multi-step sample selection, consisting of specific sampling and sample selection based on probability theory. The research tools by used questionnaires. The methods of analysis are descriptive statistics, including mean and standard deviation. and inferential statistics, including Structural Equation Modeling Analysis. The research model is consistent with empirical data. with index value Chi-square/df is equal to 4.907, P-value is equal to 0.06, RMSEA is equal to 0.022, GFI is equal to 0.958, CFI is equal to 0.985 and NFI is equal to 0.982. The research models are consistent with the empirical data.</p> <p> The results showed that: 1. Organizational universities factors have a direct effects on satisfaction. 2. Organizational universities factor have a direct effects on word of mouth intention and satisfaction indirect influence on word of mount as transmission variable. 3. Perception of corporate brand value factor has a direct effect on satisfaction. 4. Corporate brand value recognition factors have a direct effect on word of mouth intention. and 5. Satisfaction factor has a direct effect on word of mouth intention.</p> Thatphong Namwat, Chanakiat Samarnbutra Copyright (c) 2024 CRRU Journal of Communication Fri, 20 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Strategies for Presenting the Format and Content of News and Photo News in Internet Meme Media THAI Society <p> This research aims 1) to analyze the format and content of news presentations and news images appearing in internet meme media, and 2) to study the strategies for presenting news and news images of Internet meme media according to the concept of Internet memes, the concept of news and news value, the theory of news agenda setting, and the concept of subculture and the process of cutting and pasting. This qualitative research uses a method to textual analysis from internet memes on 4 Thai Facebook Pages, including the basement karaoke page, the egg cat X page, the pearl movie page, and the Movie Gag page.</p> <p> The research findings revealed the following: 1) Presentation Formats: (1.1) The Structure of news meme writing consists of the leading news content, source, accompanying image, and comments; (1.2) Posting Formats include Self-Promotion, Inadvertent Celebrity, Urban Rumors and Hoaxes, Advertising and Marketing, Image Editing and Reference to Pop Culture. (1.3) Types of internet memes include text, images, and image-text combinations. 2) Content Presentation: (2.1) News Levels are categorized into Hard News and Soft News; (2.2) The Focus of News coverage emphasizes National News; (2.3) The Characteristics of News content in internet meme media include Real Time, Entertainment, Diffusion and Addable, Repetition and Creativity. 3)Presentation Strategies: These include the Values ​​of News, the Agenda-Setting and the Cut and Mix Process, Still, it must be outstanding and become a social phenomenon that creates participation in online society and extends to the offline world.</p> Tippatoo Kitsuntorn Copyright (c) 2024 CRRU Journal of Communication Mon, 23 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Naïve Art Communication Guideline to Enhance Meditation of The Person Preparing to be Quality Elders <p> The objectives of this qualitative research were: 1. to create a Naïve art communication guideline to enhance meditation of the person preparing to be quality elders, and 2. to create a handbook for enhancing meditation through the practice of a Naïve art. The researcher used document analysis methods. There were 6 key informants involved in Naïve art activity and in-depth interview. Including using the I FLOW headband brain wave measuring device that processes meaning together with the IFLOW S application with 6 other key informants while doing an activity to prove increased meditation when doing a Naïve art activity. As for the activity handbook, has developed from a Naïve art activity and a sample activity handbook was drafted. Then brainstorm with stakeholders of the person preparing to be quality elders, 7 people to find appropriate formats and content. Then take the activity handbook to an open forum to listen to opinions from stakeholders of the person preparing to be quality elders, 60 people to summarize the activity handbook. Also, bringing the complete activity handbook to activities with the person preparing to be quality elders and elders to iterate information. Including publishing in various forms through social media and printed media. The research results found that a Naïve art communication guideline to enhance meditation of the person preparing to be quality elders requires action that must consider communication elements, including the sender, message, channel (activity media, personal media), receiver, and other factors from stakeholders that facilitate the success of a Naïve art to enhance meditation of the person preparing to be quality elders. A Naïve art activity helps to enhance meditation at the khanika samadhi level or momentary concentration. The activity handbook, it should contain a format and content that is appropriate for the main target group, that is, the person preparing to be quality elders. The activity handbook should have the general structure of the book. It is not too informal in appearance, A4 size, uses a font of letter that has looped, easy-to-read, big size, and uses Arabic numerals. As for the content, there must not be much message content (no more than 25 pages). Illustrations are used, emphasizing photographs taken during a Naïve art activity and photographs of a Naïve art work. Including the proposal to use orange as the main color. The activity handbook, it can also be applied to other target groups, such as ADHD children, other vulnerable groups or target groups that are difficult to control.</p> Muanfun Kongsomsawaeng, Bavonsan Chiadamrong Copyright (c) 2024 CRRU Journal of Communication Sun, 27 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700