Studies Journal2024-06-29T13:16:32+07:00Assistant Professor Dr.Wuttipong Prapantamitwuttipong.prap@ku.thOpen Journal Systems<p>วารสารจีนศึกษาเป็นวารสารที่เผยแพร่ผลงานวิชาการด้านจีนศึกษา อันหมายถึงงานเขียนหรืองานแปลที่เกี่ยวกับจีน ทั้งทางด้านภาษา วรรณคดี ประวัติศาสตร์ จีนวิทยา เศรษฐกิจ การเมือง สังคม วัฒนธรรม เป็นต้น โดยตีพิมพ์ได้ทั้งภาษาอังกฤษ ภาษาไทย และภาษาจีน โดยมีชื่อเรื่อง บทคัดย่อ คำสำคัญ ครบทั้งสามภาษา ในส่วนของเนื้อหาบทความสามารถเลือกลงได้หนึ่งภาษา แต่หากเป็นผู้เขียนชาวไทย ที่เขียนเป็นภาษาจีน จะต้องมีการแปลหรือสรุปเนื้อหาเป็นภาษาไทยประกอบด้วย</p>เกี่ยวกับวารสาร2024-06-28T18:22:48+07:00Wuttipong<p>-</p>2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024กองบรรณาธิการ2024-06-29T12:48:57+07:00Wuttipong<p>-</p>2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Inheritance and Development of Shanxi Daizhou Yellow Millet Wine2024-01-16T21:44:11+07:00Zhenzhen Yan350095027@qq.comKanokporn<p>With socio-economic progress, technological advancements, and the exploration of cultural resources, the inheritance and development of intangible cultural heritage have garnered increasing attention. As a significant component of Chinese liquor culture, Shanxi Daizhou yellow millet wine brewing techniques were included in the third batch of the “Intangible Cultural Heritage List” of Shanxi Province in 2011.</p> <p>This article aims to provide reference and guidance for the development and inheritance of Shanxi Daizhou yellow millet wine, promoting sustainable development. Within the framework of intangible cultural heritage, the study focuses on Shanxi Daizhou yellow millet wine, employing methods such as literature review, interviews, and questionnaire surveys. The exploration is divided into three main sections: first, the production background of Shanxi Daizhou yellow millet wine; second, the brewing process, inheritance methods, current development status, and challenges of Shanxi Daizhou yellow millet wine; and third, proposing strategies for the inheritance and development of Shanxi Daizhou yellow millet wine. </p> <p>The research findings reveal that Shanxi Daizhou yellow millet wine, in its process of inheritance and development, shares similarities and challenges with many traditional crafts under the purview of intangible cultural heritage. However, it also possesses its uniqueness. The fundamental discoveries include: 1) Identifying inheritors of the brewing techniques within the consumer community of Daizhou yellow millet wine; 2) Introducing two new modes of inheritance for Daizhou yellow millet wine, namely “alternating inheritance between family and society" and "southern techniques and northern materials inheritance”; 3) For small to medium-scale intangible cultural heritage crafts like Daizhou yellow millet wine, industrialisation emerges as the preferred and optimal means for fostering the inheritance and development of traditional craftsmanship. </p>2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 เจินเจิน เหยียน, กนกพร นุ่มทอง Analysis and Acquisition Research on the Chinese Particle “了” among Thai Chinese Learners of Different Proficiency Levels2024-04-09T19:41:49+07:00Xuehui<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the particle “</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">了</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">”has long been regarded as a major challenge for Chinese learners due to its diverse meanings and functions, as well as the high mistake rate among foreign learners. In order to improve the efficiency of teaching the Chinese particle “</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">了</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">” to Thai learners, this study, based on the Sun Yat-sen University corpus, randomly sampled 30 essays from Thai learners at elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels of proficiency in Chinese. Guided by theories such as the Order of Acquisition Hypothesis and Error Analysis Theory, the study analyzed the common errors in the use of specific grammatical patterns involving “</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">了</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">1” and “</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">了</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">2”among Thai learners, as well as their acquisition order and error patterns. The research found that the overall mistake rate of “</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">了</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">1”gradually decreased with the increase of proficiency level, while the mistake rate of "</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">了</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">2" showed a rebound phenomenon at the advanced level compared to the intermediate level. Additionally, learners' frequency of using “</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">了</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">1” and “</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">了</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">2”showed an overall increasing trend with the improvement of proficiency. Based on the mistake rates of each grammatical pattern, a sequence of acquisition from difficult to easy was derived: for "</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">了</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">1" patterns, at the elementary level: L1-3=L1-4>L1-6>L1-1>L1-5>L1-2; at the intermediate level: L1-3>L1-1>L1-4>L1-5>L1-2=L1-6; at the advanced level: L1-3>L1-6>L1-1>L1-5>L1-2=L1-4. For "</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">了</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">2" patterns, at the elementary level: L2-3>L2-2>L2-1; at the intermediate level: L2-1>L2-2=L2-3; at the advanced level: L2-1>L2-3>L2-2. Based on the acquisition order and mistake patterns of “</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">了</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">1” and “</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">了</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">2”patterns among Thai learners at different proficiency levels, this study suggests personalized teaching and emphasizes situational teaching in instruction. </span></p>2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 เสวี่ยฮุ่ย กัว, ณัฐกานต์ ทวีวัฒนเศรษฐ์ COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE USE OF MULTIPLE ATTRIBUTIVES IN MODERN CHINESE IN CORPUS AND CHINESE TEXTBOOKS FOR TEACHING CHINESE AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE 2023-11-28T17:10:17+07:00Weiwei Wuweiwei.wuzu@gmail.comSansanee<p>This study is based on data collected from an authoritative corpus and frequently used Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL) textbooks, conducting an in-depth analysis of the use of multiple attributives in both the corpus and textbooks. The research focuses on the semantic relationship between attributives and the head noun, the arrangement order of multiple attributives, and the distribution frequency of different orders, aiming to reveal the usage patterns and preferred sequences of multiple attributives in modern Chinese, and to check whether the textbooks can reflect the use of multiple attributives in reality accurately. The results show that the use of multiple attributives in TCFL textbooks is largely consistent with that in the corpus, with two-attributive structures being the most frequent. However, as the number of attributives increases, their frequency of occurrence gradually decreases. The data analysis also revealed that the “quantity + attribute” structure is the most commonly used among two-attributive constructions, followed by the “possession + attribute” structure. For three-attributive structures, the “quantity + attribute + attribute” and “possession + attribute + attribute” configurations are used most frequently, while no clear preferred sequence emerges for four or more attributives.</p> <p> </p>2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 เว่ยเว่ย อู๋, ศันสนีย์ เอกอัจฉริยา dialect from Ecolinguistic perspective: a case study of the kinship appellation terms2023-10-20T20:19:20+07:00Shaofan Zhangsfthailand09@foxmail.comYi Shaosfthailand09@foxmail.comZhibin Wuwuzhibin79@gmail.comChada<p>从语言生态学角度看,任何一种方言都有其存在的意义和价值,都是当地人民千百年来赖以 交流的语言工具。瑞昌话虽然只是中国繁多方言中微不足道的一种,使用者也极少,但自商朝至今, 慢慢在当地融会发展成一种方言——瑞昌话。该方言在历经千年的时代变迁中,随着历朝历代 官话的变化而有所改变,最终形成了以江淮官话为主的瑞昌话。这是语言生态学的 一种表现形式,也是瑞昌市自己独特的地理人文环境酝酿出来的,与周边语言生态环境互相妥协、互相融合而成。瑞昌话是中国众多方言的一个缩影,它同其他方言一样都体现了当地人文风俗。因该方言微不足道, 至今研究成果屈指可数。故此,本文笔者为后人,整理瑞昌话中关于亲属 称谓的词汇,并与江西省 其他三座城市的赣系方言进行比较,希望能填补瑞昌话亲属称谓词汇的研究空白,并记录瑞昌话</p> <p>发展史的片段,为以后的研究者提供一些资料。</p>2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 เซ่าฝาน จาง, หยี เซ่า, จื้อปิน อู๋; ชาดา บุนนาค, อามีนะฮ์ เบ็ญสะอาด Semantic Entanglement and Quantifier Usage of “Ben”, “Gen”, and “Zhu” 2024-04-01T19:35:09+07:00Pawares<p>This paper first sorts out and analyses the semantic entanglement of the words “Ben”, “Gen”, and “Zhu” related to the meaning of “tree root” in ancient Chinese and shows that the three are closely related. Specifically, the original meaning of “Ben” is “tree root”, which includes the main part close to the tree root; then, the “Gen” representing the “tree trunk” in the soil and the "Zhu" representing the “tree trunk” on the soil, respectively, replaced the “tree trunk” part of “Ben”, which originally referred to both “tree root” and “tree trunk”, while “Ben” only referred to “tree root”. Subsequently, the “Gen” of the “tree trunk” part in the soil completely gave way to the “Zhu” and took over the meaning of “Ben”. Then paper discusses the usage of quantifiers for the three, and also discusses the usage of quantifiers for “Shu” and “Ke”, all of which are based on corpus retrieval. Regarding the usage of the three quantifiers, this paper shows that “Ben” was first used to measure herbaceous plants, possibly no later than the Pre-Qin period. The “Shu” that emerged later was more active in the Han Dynasty, as its noun meaning was generated only after the emergence of the quantifier meaning, and was replaced by “Zhu” and “Gen” during the Six Dynasties. “Zhu” and “Gen” were mainly used to measure herbaceous plants in the Six Dynasties, and were replaced by “Ke”, which also became the main unit of measurement of woody plants and has been active in modern Chinese.</p>2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ภาวเรศ ฟูน้อย on the Application of Traditional Patterns of the Jingpo Ethnic’s Brocade in the Design of Cultural and Creative Products 2024-03-27T20:45:05+07:00Xiaoyu Wang422724651@qq.comPipu<p>As an intangible cultural heritage, the brocade of the Jingpo people is one of the national cultural symbols of the Jingpo people, condensing the wisdom of the Jingpo people and embodying the unique aesthetics of the Jingpo people. With the development of society, the rapid progress of science and technology, and the changes in the aesthetic concepts of contemporary people, the inheritance and development of the traditional brocade patterns of Jingpo people are facing some hardships. The research object of this article is Jingpo’s brocade pattern of Dehong Dai Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province. The article analyzes the artistic characteristics of the traditional pattern of brocade and its dilemmas faced in today's society through the literature review method, field research method, interview method, and so on. The cultural and creative products with traditional patterns are introduced to catch the attention of more people, followed by classifying and arranging the traditional brocade pattern. In this way, the intangible cultural heritage of Jingpo can be protected; and we can use diversified communication methods to inherit and protect the traditional patterns of Jingpo's brocade to make sure it can be better inherited and developed.</p>2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Xiaoyu Wang “Chin‐Ho” merchants in trader on the Southern Silk Road Between Lan Na and Yunnan During the 14th-17th century2024-03-27T20:54:24+07:00qianqian xuqianqianxu21@gmail.comSarassawadee<p>There is a long history of trade between Lan Na and Yunnan along the Southern Silk Road. The “Chin-Ho” merchants have always played a very important role in this trade process and have been the most dominant group of merchants. The purpose of this paper is to study the characteristics of “Chin-Ho” in the trade between Lan Na and Yunnan along the Southern Silk Road from the 14th to the 17th century. The author finds that (1) “Chin-Ho” were mainly Hui ethnic, (2) they relied on trade caravans, and (3) they mainly used mules and horses as means of transport. “Chin-Ho” with the above characteristics also played an important role in the trade between Lan Na and Yunnan along the Southern Silk Road. They not only contributed to the diversification of goods and the economic development of the two regions, but also served as a link between Yunnan and Lan Na and other regions along the Southern Silk Road. The long-distance trade of the “Chin-Ho” not only connected Yunnan with Lan Na, but also connected the two regions with the mainland trade routes.</p>2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 qianqian xu, สรัสวดี อ๋องสกุล usage-based study on the acquisition of “V+Dlai” construction by Thai intermediate and advanced Chinese learners2024-04-01T08:59:19+07:00lijia li940187361@qq.comChunlai Tian<p>This article mainly studies the relationship between the probability of form and meaning and the frequency of use of verb constructions containing "来" by Thai intermediate and advanced Chinese. Through experimental testing, it can be found that the output of the "V+D来" dynamic construction will be affected by prototype, and there is a positive correlation between the formal meaning probability and the frequency of use. The closer the formal meaning probability is, the higher the frequency of use. And among all the dynamic constructions containing "来", "想起来" has the highest prototypicality and possibility of form and meaning.</p>2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ลี่เจีย หลี่, ชุนไหล เถียน Study of Strategies for translating of Listed Services Industry in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)2024-04-09T20:08:49+07:00Phundrila Nidritrumayothinphundrila@gmail.comJindaporn<p>This research paper aims to analyze the translation mechanisms of listed service industry securities on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, published in the Universe Daily Newspapers dated November 30, 2021 and also still appearing on the Stock Exchange of Thailand as of February 29, 2024. The study found that in 109 securities. First, the most common method in translation mechanism is transference, 84 securities or 77.07% of the total. The transcription is similar to the original's sound so that investors can know the name of Chinese securities that sound the most similar to the Thai name. If translated, there may be misunderstanding. and transliteration using English characters to make investors understand what type of business that securities are in. This translation is based on the nature of the business. Second, 22 securities, or 20.18%, which is translated from Thai securities by literal translation. Both word-for-word and syllable levels must be limited to Chinese equivalent to the original. Third, free translation method, 3 securities or 2.75 %, this is a translation by choosing words that have a broad meaning but can convey the business characteristics of securities in order to clearly convey the meaning to Chinese investors.</p>2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ภัณฑิลา นิติธรรมโยธิน, จินดาพร พินพงทรัพย์ Rhetorical Beauty of the Martial Arts Words Mistranslations in Two Versions of the Jin Yong's Martial Arts Novel “She diao ying xiong zhuan” Thai Translation2024-04-09T20:14:42+07:00Artchara Rerkapidachaartchara.rera@gmail.comBurin<p>This research article aimed to study the comparison of martial arts mistranslation of the Chinese novel <em>She diao ying xiong zhuan</em> between the translated version in Thai by Nor.Nopparat and another version by Kon Baan Pae. The study found two main points 1) both of two Thai versions have been use different translation words and mistranslated from the original version. 2) both of them use different translation words, one can transfer the same meaning as original, keep exact contextual meaning of the original whereas another is not. From the comparison of two Thai versions, found that both versions have the same mistranslation main points which are (1) the translation of postural verbs are wrong and (2) noun modifiers are not transferring the equivalent meaning from the original version. Moreover, the translated version in Thai by Kon Baan Pae has more 4 mistranslation points that not found in a translated version in Thai by Nor.Nopparat, (1) the novel’s image concept aspects (2) cultural charm of the culture was unable to express (3) the aesthetic quality aspect of martial arts (4) the history of martial arts are also missing; besides, another translated version by Nor.Nopparat has been found that the translator used the same translated texts in Thai language that the first one was able to transfer the right meaning into target language while and another was unable.</p>2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 อัจฉรา ฤกษ์อภิเดชา, บุรินทร์ ศรีสมถวิล’s Vocational Education System and the Implications for China2024-03-27T20:12:48+07:00Juan Wu 1319180988@qq.comJiratchaya<p>Singapore has gained widespread recognition for its achievements in vocational education. It has a world-leading vocational education system with distinctive features in the examination and streaming system, continuing education, on-the-job training, teacher team building, and personnel management. The article comprehends Singapore’s vocational education system through the synthesis of existing research. Through actual fieldwork and relevant information, the successful experience of Singapore in vocational education is drawn from it. Then, it compares vocational education in China and Singapore and analyzes the limitations of vocational education in China at present. Finally, the successful experience of vocational education in Singapore is drawn upon to provide suggestions for vocational education in China.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 จวน อู๋, Jiratchaya Namwongบทบรรณาธิการ2024-06-29T13:12:51+07:00Wuttipong<p>-</p>2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024สารบัญ2024-06-29T13:16:32+07:00Wuttipong<p>-</p>2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024