Community University Engagement Journal (CUE-J) <p><strong><em>Focus &amp; Scope</em></strong></p> <hr /> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><em>Community University Engagement Journal (CUE-J)</em></strong> is an open access, peer-reviewed, international journal that is published by Mahasarakham University. The CUE-J provides a platform for all researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners and students to publish and share knowledge, experiences, achievements and findings regarding topics involved community-university engagement. This would aim to create ideas, as well as, to conduct further development, collaboration and thus the mutual benefits for all community-university via the practical engagement projects and activities.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The CUE-J journal is set to meet the high quality empirical and theoretical research articles, case studies, literature reviews and/or book reviews. The details included in the CUE-J articles would be one or the combination of the following lists:</p> <ul> <li>engagement teaching</li> <li>engagement research</li> <li>engagement service</li> <li>Other relevant community-university engagement topics</li> </ul> <p style="text-align: justify;">which would be performed/achieved between/among community (s) and university(s).</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Details included in the articles would be about the achievement resulted from the implementation of the methods, projects, activities, policies, principles and other actions that involve the engagement between the community (s) and the university (s). All prestigious researchers/lecturers/staff/students/people from all parts of the world are very welcome to contribute and share their findings and success in the fields of the above topics in the CUE-J.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The CUE-J journal does publish in both print out and online versions. There is absolutely no charge for all the processes of submitting, reviewing and publishing the articles, as well as, accessing and downloading the published articles in the <a href="">CUE-J Archive</a>.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <p>CUE-J journal has 2 issues/year (January-June and July-December) by published with both online and printed version.</p> <ul> <li class="show">ISSN (online): 2539-6285</li> <li class="show">ISSN: 2539-6277</li> </ul> <p>The articles must be original and never be published in any other websites or other journals before. The articles which are considered as “plagiarism” articles are strongly prohibited to be published in the CUE-J journal.</p> <p> </p> <p>There is absolutely no charge for all the authors/reviewers/visitors for all the processes of submitting, reviewing, English proofreading, publishing, accessing and downloading the articles with/from the CUE-J journal.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>Review Process</em></strong></p> <hr /> <p class="NoSpacing">The articles must be original and never be published in any other websites or other journals before. The articles which are considered as “<em>plagiarism</em>” articles are strongly prohibited to be published in the CUE-J journal. Authors are required to include their names and affiliations in their manuscripts, whereas reviewers are not visible to authors. All submitted manuscripts are subjected to peer-review by at <strong>least three independent reviewers</strong>. Peer reviews are done by a <strong>double-blind review method</strong> where the identity of the reviewers and the authors are not disclosed to either party. The final decision regarding acceptance, revision, or rejection rests with the Editor-in-Chief.</p> <h3>Format for Presenting Academic Service Article</h3> <ol> <li>Situation before the change occurred</li> <li>Participation and acceptance of the target society</li> <li>Processes undertaken to facilitate better change</li> <li>Knowledge and expertise utilized in the change</li> <li>Anticipation of consequences following the change</li> <li>Evaluation of the outcomes of the change</li> <li>Guidelines for monitoring and maintaining the sustainability of the development</li> </ol> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>Contact CUE-J</em></strong></p> <hr /> <p>Any questions and comments, please contact <em></em></p> Division of Research Facilitation and Dissemination, Mahasarakham University en-US Community University Engagement Journal (CUE-J) 2539-6277 <p>All authors need to complete copyright transfer to Community University Engagement Journal prior to publication. For more details click this link: <a href="">copyright &amp; license</a></p> Development and study on bamboo charcoal production <p>This work aims to report the success of the study on the development of bamboo biochar production and high quality bamboo charcoal. We have published designs of various types of charcoal-kilns that have been created and developed, including 1) “Iwasaki-Kitti Kiln” for learning basic charcoal production processes, which can produce various types of charcoal, cooking charcoal, grilling charcoal, high quality charcoal with a carbon purity higher than 80%. 2) “Khonmai Kiln” for producing bamboo biochar which is suitable for use in Nourish the soil. Pyrolysis process in which combustible gas is used as fuel to burn itself. This makes it possible to reduce the amount of toxic gases released into the atmosphere by more than 80%. 3) “Klongpain Kiln” for producing high quality bamboo charcoal, which is charcoal for health, such as using it to soak in water to make it alkaline, filter drinking water, absorb toxic gases, use as air filters, etc. Dissemination of knowledge and experience in the kilns development and production of bamboo charcoal to farmers who are interested in burning charcoal continuously since 2019 through a discussion group called “KonPuw-Than” in the LINE application, and transferring knowledge through writing the blog on has made the target group of 234 farmers gain knowledge, understanding and see the importance of bamboo charcoal production in the community. Opening a center of bamboo charcoal development study center (BCDSC) for interested parties to visit, study and practice. There are interested people who come to visit. Study visits have been made to the site by 12 groups, totaling approximately 120 people.</p> Ritthikrai Chai-ngam Copyright (c) 2024 Community University Engagement Journal (CUE-J) 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 2 1 1 10 Development of Mudmee silk patterns from community stories and natural dyeing: A case study of a community enterprise for growing mulberries and raising sericulture, Ban Bua Kaew, Kut Rang District, Maha Sarakham Province, Thailand <p>Academic article on Development of Mudmee silk patterns from community stories and natural dyeing: A case study of a community enterprise for growing mulberries and raising sericulture, Ban Bua Kaew, Kut Rang District, Maha Sarakham Province, Thailand. It has two objectives: to design and develop Mudmee silk patterns from community stories that reflect the identity of the Ban Buakaew Sericulture Community Enterprise Group; and promotes learning about natural dyeing and developing prototype products according to the standards of the Sericulture Department. Data collection methods include surveys, interviews, group discussions with local leaders, community leaders, key informants and community enterprise group members and bring all the information into developmental activities which divided into 3 phases: upstream, midstream, and downstream activities. The results of the study found that the community has outstanding social and cultural capital. Community enterprise members can take the aforementioned social and cultural knowledge to design and develop two patterns of Mudmee silk, namely (1) the Naga Chern Bua Kaew pattern and (2) the Bua Kaew pattern, and dye the silk with available natural materials in their own locality, such as the red soap tree, Cassia tree, lacquer, coconut shells, etc. In addition, some of the silk has been taken to increase quality by making plasma. After that, the silk was woven into prototype products, which are (1) a Naga Chern Buakaew pattern and (2) a Naga Chern Buakaew pattern birthday shawl and a Buakaew pattern sarong, and (3) a backpack product. The product has been certified to the Blue Peacock Brand standard from the Sericulture Promotion Center and can sell and create more income for members.</p> Chalong Phanchan Manisara Sananuamengthaisong Preecha Noulnim Copyright (c) 2024 Community University Engagement Journal (CUE-J) 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 2 1 11 24