Eau Heritage Journal Social Science and Humanities (Online)
<p><strong>วารสารวิชาการมหาวิทยาลัยอีสเทิร์นเอเชีย ฉบับสังคมศาสตร์และมนุษยศาสตร์ รับตีพิมพ์เผยแพร่บทความวิชาการ บทความวิจัย และการวิจารณ์หนังสือ ในสาขาสังคมศาสตร์และมนุษยศาสตร์ ได้แก่ สาขาบริหารธุรกิจ บัญชี เศรษฐศาสตร์ นิเทศศาสตร์ นิติศาสตร์ รัฐศาสตร์ วิทยาการจัดการ ภาษาศาสตร์ ศึกษาศาสตร์ ปรัชญา ศาสนา และสาขาที่เกี่ยวข้อง ทั้งนี้บทความทุกเรื่อง มีผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิเฉพาะสาขาวิชาเป็นผู้ประเมินบทความ (double blinded peer review) เพื่อให้บทความที่ตีพิมพ์มีคุณภาพตามเกณฑ์มาตรฐานสากลเพื่อนำไปสู่การเกิดองค์ความรู้ใหม่ และต่อยอดการพัฒนาในศาสตร์และสาขาวิชาที่เกี่ยวข้องต่อไป</strong></p>Eastern Asia Universityen-USEau Heritage Journal Social Science and Humanities (Online)2286-6183บทความใน “วารสาร EAU HERITAGE” เป็นความเห็นของผู้เขียนโดยเฉพาะ กองบรรณาธิการไม่มีส่วนในความคิดเห็นในข้อความเหล่านั้นThe Direction of the Japanese Interpreter Career in Thailand in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
<p>Nowadays, it’s the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Thailand. The public and private sectors have set ambitious goals for developing AI in Thailand by aiming to integrate AI technology into all aspects of society. However, artificial intelligence technology has a direct impact on careers that use language skills. That is the profession of “interpreter” because the software used in language translation by AI has been developed to be accurate and natural. Thailand is a country where foreign companies continuously invest. Especially Japan, which will be number one in investing in doing business in Thailand in 2024. The Japanese interpreter profession plays an important role in helping support the company in its communication or coordination duties. Due to the Japanese avoiding direct English communication with foreginer. However, the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation have jointly developed the National AI Action Plan for Thailand's Development. This plan aims to establish a robust infrastructure that promotes the development and application of AI technology in Thailand. The plan outlines five key strategies, with the fifth strategy focusing on promoting the adoption of AI technology and systems in the public sector and target industries which include 1. High-potential industries include the Modern automotive industry, the smart electronics industry, the high-income tourism and quality tourism industry, the agriculture and biotechnology industry, and the food processing industry 2. Future industries include Industrial robots, the aviation and logistics industry, the Biofuel and biochemical industry, the digital industry, and the comprehensive medical industry. Among these industries, Japan remains a major investor and employer, Requiring a significant number of personnel with Japanese language expertise.</p>Patiyoot ThunwanontSirirat SantayopasWanna ShinwikaiThanisorn Pishayarom
Copyright (c) 2024 Eau Heritage Journal Social Science and Humanities (Online)
2024-10-222024-10-221433746Motivation Factors That Effect on Decision for Cultural Tourism in Thailand
<p>Cultural tourism is a rapidly expanding sector within the global tourism industry. Following the decline of the COVID-19 pandemic, cultural tourism has undergone significant changes, directly influencing trends in tourist behavior and the tourism business. Tourism motivation is the primary factor influencing tourists' travel choices and activities. The author employed the concept of tourism motivation theory, particularly focusing on push and pull factors, to analyze and categorize elements from literature related to motivation in cultural tourism. This approach was then applied to study motivational factors in cultural tourism according to Crompton's (1979) motivation theory, which identifies push and pull factors. The push factors, representing internal motivations that drive tourists to cultural destinations, include five elements: cultural learning and pilgrimage, relaxation, escape, status and prestige, and socialization. The pull factors, which are external motivations from the cultural attractions themselves that entice tourists, include five elements: famous cultural attractions, atmosphere, accessibility, amenities, value, and social media. These factors align with Crompton's (1979) theoretical framework, particularly emphasizing the importance of value and social media in shaping perceptions within cultural tourism marketing.</p>Methee ChantedPornpoj WiroonthanawongSasirat SaikhooneKamonrat IadrodPattamarnan Buntanomtirath
Copyright (c) 2024 Eau Heritage Journal Social Science and Humanities (Online)
2024-10-222024-10-221432636Integrative Leadership of Secondary School Administrators and the Development of Competencies Required in the Modern World of Learners
<p>Integrative Leadership is a paradigm that allows the management of secondary school administrators to take on more responsibility in a different educational context than that of primary schools; whether it is in terms of age, maturity, and necessary basic knowledge of the learners increasing, the number of learners increasing variously due to the size of secondary schools being larger than primary schools, the number of subordinate personnel. There are more supervisors, which results in more personnel development in secondary schools than in primary schools, and the budget required for secondary schools is more efficient than for primary schools. Integrative Leadership is a combination of contemporary leadership theories, including using Situational Leadership to emphasize task-oriented behavior (Task Behavior) and relationship-oriented behavior (Relational ship Behavior) and using Transformational Leadership to define the mission and create a change in the environment that facilitates and supports the development of competencies needed in the modern world of learners and using Transactional Leadership to focus activities on exchanging ideas and creating cooperation in changing the management process that will benefit the development of competencies needed in the modern world of secondary school students to be able to support their further studies at the higher education level and the professional level effectively.</p>Weerawat Utairat
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2024-10-222024-10-221431625More Blended Learning (MBL) that Focused on Learners as the Center in the Next Normal Era: Applying Concepts from Theory to Practice
<p>Blended Learning has been used more widely after the COVID-19 crisis. it is a combination of learning in the classroom and learning outside the classroom. in one subject, teachers will use a variety of teaching methods. The main goal is to enable students to achieve their learning goals. And in this article, it was also found that there are four important personal factors of learners that directly affect their success in learning with this method. the author abbreviates it as M O R E (which has the same sound as the English word More-More, which is translated into Thai as More/than etc.) By the M O R E factors mentioned in this article, M means Moral, O means Open Mind, R means Responsible and E Means Enjoy. Moral (M): moral factor, Open Mind (O): open-minded factor, Responsible (R): responsibility factor and Enjoy (E): enjoyment factor. These are the personal factors of the learner (Learner’s personal factors) that are important to the success of blended learning. and giving importance to these characteristics of learners also shows that it is truly consistent with the learner-centered concept that not only focuses on the individual but also focuses on the internal characteristics of the learner, too. and when the word MORE is integrated with blended learning to serve as a guideline for organizing learning in the New Normal era, where the education system has learned many important lessons from the COVID-19 crisis. thus, the concept of MORE Blended Learning: MBL was born.</p>Supaporn NgamwanSupranee VongsaengjunApiprai DoungnoiKoranut Sakulkrit
Copyright (c) 2024 Eau Heritage Journal Social Science and Humanities (Online)
2024-10-222024-10-221434759Integrated Communication in Digital Era: Omni Channel
<p>Choosing to implement omni media-omni channel strategy, is way to communicate via online and offline channel by focusing on variety of media that link each communication platforms with purpose to facilitate customer to reach organization’s informations and services, which helps built positive experience and best satisfaction. this academic article aims to describe integrated communication in digital era for providing content that satisfy customer the most. at present time, Omni channel that objective to communicate for enhancing customer reach is communication pattern which were implemented widespread. authors reviewed literatures related to (1) Omni Channel and (2) Social media communication to explain integrated communication pattern in digital era in Thailand.</p>Usa SilraungwilaiBundith RattanataiChantrapa Poolsanong
Copyright (c) 2024 Eau Heritage Journal Social Science and Humanities (Online)
2024-10-222024-10-22143115Synthesis of the Bachelor of Nursing Curriculum in Community Health Nursing
<p>This research was synthesize document from the community health nursing course in the Bachelor of Nursing Science Program by specifically studying 6 nursing education institutions; the finding that course level curricula were prepared according to the National Higher Education Standards Curriculum Management Framework <strong>(</strong>Guidelines No<strong>. </strong>3<strong>) </strong>2015 and the Bachelor's Degree Qualifications Standards Framework, Nursing field, 2009, 2017, as follows<strong>: </strong>1<strong>) </strong>The Curriculum Standards components<strong>: -</strong> some institutions course as a single subject, 3 credits or organize into<strong>: </strong>Community Health Nursing 1 and 2, which each 2 credits, when combined with a practical course, 3 credits, it will be worth not less than 7 credits, must be studied in orderly of 1 and 2, and the Practicum subject 2<strong>) </strong>The characteristics of the graduate components<strong>:- </strong>students; years 3 & 4, Learning outcomes use the Higher Education Qualifications Standards Framework (TQF<strong>: </strong>HEd<strong>)</strong> in 6 areas, Some institutions use it with the Desired Outcomes of Education (DOE) and when the 2022 Higher Education Standards were set, institutions that revise the curriculum will specify to have at least four areas:<strong>: </strong>knowledge, skills, ethics, and personal characteristics<strong>. </strong>3<strong>) </strong>The curriculum content components<strong>: - </strong>were determined according to course descriptions and the institution's identity, the problems or needs of the community<strong>. </strong>Recommendations<strong>: </strong>1<strong>) </strong>Promote curriculum administration at the subject level continuously. 2<strong>) </strong>Organize curriculum administration workshops for relevant personnel at all levels, 3<strong>) </strong>Define subtopics, contained in the content to be clear, and up-to-date<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">.</span> 4<strong>) </strong>Study the research trends according to the changes in community health nursing area that may occur in the future<strong>.</strong></p>Tatiya TumsenPongsin Viseshsiri
Copyright (c) 2024 Eau Heritage Journal Social Science and Humanities (Online)
2024-10-222024-10-2214385102Strategies for Promoting Good Characters According to Islamic Principles to Students at Private Schools Teaching Islam
<p>Strengthening the character of good people according to Islamic principles is very important. which this research study The objectives are (1) to study the current and desired conditions (2) to propose strategies for school administration. to strengthen the characteristics of good people according to Islamic principles for students at private schools teaching Islam. (3) examine the appropriateness of implementing the strategy. the researcher used a mixed methods research technique. tools include: Questionnaires and interview. the population and sample included schools under the Office of the Private Education Commission. special policy school work groups from all over the country There were 260 affiliated schools. the researcher used the formula for calculating the sample size of Krejcie and Morgan (1970, pp. 607-610), using a table to determine the sample size of 160 schools nationwide, and the respondent was the director. school 640 deputy directors, teachers and school committee chairs from 160 schools, data analysis included mean, standard deviation. and the priority index of essential needs. the tools used to collect data are interviews, questionnaires and focus groups from experts with content analysis of the strategy draft. the results of the research found that 1) the present condition and the desired condition, it was found that the average of the desired condition was higher than the present condition in every aspect and every item. 2) the strategy for enhancing good character according to Islamic principles was found to have 5 main strategies, 14 secondary strategies. 3) checking the appropriateness of strategy implementation Every designated primary and secondary strategy is suitable to be used. it can be seen that the development of the curriculum must begin with the development of teachers and teaching and learning. this is the main principle of school administration that is generally accepted.</p>Amarin TohlongPongsin Viseshsiri
Copyright (c) 2024 Eau Heritage Journal Social Science and Humanities (Online)
2024-10-222024-10-221437084The Development of Learning Package in 21st Century Skills to Students of Eastern Asia University
<p>This research aimed to develop a comprehensive set of learning skill training programs tailored for university students in the 21<sup>st</sup> century, specifically targeting Eastern Asia University students. Additionally, it sought to evaluate the effectiveness and satisfaction levels of these programs among a sample group of 341 students from Eastern Asia University. Data analysis employed various statistical measures, including mean values, standard deviations, and t-tests. The development of the 21<sup>st</sup> century learning skill training programs yielded a structured framework consisting of four core components (1) details of the learning skill training program: This encompassed instructions, program components, participant prerequisites, activity characteristics, and the underlying structure of each activity (2) principles and rationale: This section included objectives, key content of the learning unit, learning management techniques, activity implementation steps, and activity assessment methods (3) learning resources and materials: These resources, such as lecture materials, knowledge sheets, and activity sheets, facilitated a dynamic and engaging learning experience (4) assessment tools: This included evaluation forms and student satisfaction questionnaires, designed to gather valuable feedback from participants. The findings from the satisfaction survey further affirmed the success of the 21st-century learning skill training program. Students at Eastern Asia University expressed a high level of satisfaction. This result underscores the effectiveness of the program in meeting the educational and skill development needs of the students, as well as their overall positive experience with the training initiatives.</p>Sukanya SommaneedoungSittikorn Sumalee
Copyright (c) 2024 Eau Heritage Journal Social Science and Humanities (Online)
2024-10-222024-10-22143117133Factors Affecting the Growth Mindset of Students: Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling
<p>The objectives of this study were 1) to synthetize the effect size of Factors affecting the Growth Mindset of students, and 2) to develop a structural equation model of student Growth Mindset. The data was collected in which 255 articles written in English between 2022 and 2023 were selected; however, only 9 articles were feasible for the meta-analysis. MASEM was employed for the data analysis using R program. The results of the study were as follows: 1) the effect sizes of factors affecting the Growth Mindset of students was equal to 0.33, with a 95% confidence interval ranging from 0.11 to 0.57, and 2) the model was fitted to the empirical data considered from the chi-square value. (<em>χ</em><strong><em><sup>2</sup></em></strong> (1, N=16,583) =2.67, <em>p</em>=.10, CFI=1.00, RMR=.00, RMSEA=.01)</p>Kanitpitchaya Autthamathitapakdee
Copyright (c) 2024 Eau Heritage Journal Social Science and Humanities (Online)
2024-10-222024-10-221436069Balance Scorecard Management Strategy of Large Schools Under the Office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service Area
<p>The purposes of this mixed method research were 1. To study the current and desired situation 2. To analyze the external and internal environment and 3. To formulate the balanced scorecard management strategy of large schools. Population of informants were 130 administrators and teachers of large schools. The sample of 97 informants including administrators and teachers (Krejcie & Morgan 1970, pp. 607-610) were selected based on the qualification criteria of administrators and teachers. Key informants include 26 administrators or teacher from large schools. The quantitative research instrument was a 5-point scale questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was between 0.67-1.00 and the reliability was 0.97. Qualitative research instruments included workshop and external and internal environment analysis forms and TOWS MATRIX. Self-educated data collection. Quantitative data analysis used descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and PNI modified test. Qualitative data analysis was content analysis. The research results found that 1. The current and desired situation have average values at the high and highest levels respectively 2. The analysis of the external and internal environments of large schools as a whole were opportunities and strengths, respectively, the strategic direction was in the rising star position and 3. Strategies for the balanced scorecard management of large schools have 4 main strategies, The main strategies were 3.1 Strategies for building student achievement 3.2 Strategies for developing highly skilled teacher 3.3 Fund raising strategies and resources for education and 3.4 Good management development strategies and 24 sub-strategies, it will be advisable to apply the research results to large schools and the next research should be done on the evaluation of strategies based on indicators.</p>Kitpinit Usaho
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2024-10-222024-10-22143103116The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare
<p><em>The Tragedy of Macbeth </em>is one of William Shakespeare’s most famous plays. It was first performed in 1606 and takes place in medieval Scotland. The story explores themes such as ambition, power, guilt, and fate. The main character, Macbeth, is a brave warrior who makes bad choices because of his desire for power. The play shows how his ambition leads to his downfall. This review will look at the important ideas in the play and also explain how they can be connected to modern business ethics.</p>Sutiwat Soithong
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