Chat Fiction: Condition and Relationship with Current Social Context

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Worachot Tana
Keeratikan Paritharam
Nipha Junlasi
Ratchadaphorn Phutphan
Uphawan Namhiran


This academic article aims to study the condition of chat fiction and analyze the relationship with the social context. By selecting to study from “ReadAWrite” application. Considering the most popular chat fiction, the top 5 of each mouth, which spans between November 2021 and February 2022, include 18 subjects. Using the concept of cultural studies which can be used to describe social ideologies and social phenomena related to literature. The study found that chat fiction was a fast-paced form of populist literature for writers, patrons, literary critics, publishers, and readers. Thai type of literature was variant in creation, including greater gender diversity, and “Verse” fictional tactics, which are also infused with the reproduction of the patriarchal ideology, ideology of capitalism in relation to authoritarianism including the neoliberal ideology.

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How to Cite
Tana, W. ., Paritharam, K., Junlasi, N. ., Phutphan, R. ., & Namhiran, U. (2022). Chat Fiction: Condition and Relationship with Current Social Context. Fa Nuea Journal, 13(2), 99–118. Retrieved from
Research Article


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