The Development of English Reading Comprehension Using Exercises Skill Based on Murdoch Integrated Approach (MIA) for Mattayomsuksa 4 Students Prince of Songkla University Demonstration School (Secondary)


  • Tuanyamila Al-ldrus คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเวสเทิร์น
  • Napaporn Tunya
  • Detkul Matavanukul


The development of reading ability, English reading comprehension, Exercises skills, Murdoch Integrated Approach (MIA)


The objectives of this research were 1) to construct English reading comprehension exercises skill based on MIA learning management as set by the effective criterion at 80/80 2) to compare English reading comprehension achievement score before and after utilizing English reading comprehension exercises skill and 3) to investigate students’ satisfaction towards reading comprehension exercises skill. The sample of this research was 35 Students of Demonstration School Prince of Songkla University (Secondary).  The research instruments were 1) English reading comprehension exercises skill 2) Lesson plans 3) an achievement test and 4) Students’ satisfaction

          The results showed that: 1) The efficiency of English reading comprehension exercises skill was higher than the required rate 82.21/86.93 2) The English reading comprehension achievement scores of the students before and after utilizing the English reading comprehension exercises skill were significantly different at the 0.05 level and 3) Students’ satisfaction towards English reading comprehension exercises skill was at the high level.


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How to Cite

Al-ldrus, T., Tunya, N., & Matavanukul, D. (2021). The Development of English Reading Comprehension Using Exercises Skill Based on Murdoch Integrated Approach (MIA) for Mattayomsuksa 4 Students Prince of Songkla University Demonstration School (Secondary). Wishing Journal Review, 1(2), RA 29–44. Retrieved from