Trends of Educational Administration with Quality Based on Buddhist Principles


  • tee phawangkanun
  • Sin Ngamprakhon
  • somsak Boonpoo


The trends in educational administration, quality education, buddha dhamma


The objective of this article was to present the trends in educational administration with quality in accordance with the principles of Buddhadhamma, as a whole, there are 4 main factors as 1. Academic administration, 2. Personnel management according to the power rate plan Develop a production system and develop teachers who are qualified and have a teacher spirit. 3. Budget management, transparency, accountability, improvement of the educational administration structure, and 4. General administration. Together with the community, there is a tendency to participate in educational administration into practice, such as curriculum development, teaching process measuring and evaluating, producing, developing teachers, faculty members and educational personnel, strategy for production and development of manpower by encourages the practice of Saraniya Dhamma, including building unity. To be considerate and generous to others, have good speech, be polite, sweet, share without taking advantage and jointly manage education with quality and efficiency.


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How to Cite

phawangkanun, tee, Ngamprakhon, S., & Boonpoo, somsak. (2021). Trends of Educational Administration with Quality Based on Buddhist Principles. Wishing Journal Review, 1(2), AA 65–76. Retrieved from