Reasonable Having and Analyze to solve Problems for working


  • Kittiwat Kasemsai -


Reasonable, Analyze, solve Problems


       Whatever for each learner who have some different wiz. So that, learning management should have more complex but not emphasize on any part only. The former period we emphasize for language and MetaMetrics or for some reasonable about logic. There were been developing for left side brain then cannot take learners developing their wisdom for others. Especially for those who have the wiz more than others and then they will be good for their development for their skill. So, management for many activities for several wisdom will be helped all of them get a good chance and develop themselves foe excellence and be enable also.  


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How to Cite

Kasemsai, K. (2023). Reasonable Having and Analyze to solve Problems for working. Wishing Journal Review, 2(02), AA 31–44. Retrieved from