Buddha Dham in Teaching Social Studies for Integration Aiding


  • Kitinan panya -
  • Sukanyanat Obsin


Buddha Dham, Social Studies, Integration aiding


      Buddha Dham in teaching social studies for integration aiding was for all being helpful. After Buddha got enlightenment which have kindness from him especially wisdom and compassion as he could be from ignorance passion and imagination. He who was wisdom and compassion to motivate all action in social for assisting all creatures without suffering then exist with happiness. Buddha has given all human being who got from mental suffering or emphasized their mind suffering that for them without all suffering and the cultivate moral and ethical until developing them have been with consent to concrete Dhamma. They could have been an excellent path. There was Buddha’ perform by wisdom and the search for helping by emphasizing mantal development supporting more and more until getting clear from evil and suffering. That is Buddha Dham in teaching social studies for integration aiding a so on.


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How to Cite

panya, K., & Obsin, S. (2023). Buddha Dham in Teaching Social Studies for Integration Aiding. Wishing Journal Review, 2(03), AA 1– 18. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/WJR/article/view/265892