Buddha’s Principle for Teaching Social Studies system


  • Phra Naruecha Ariyametee Sbchutrakool -


Teaching System, Social Teaching, Buddha's Principle


The principle in Buddhism is good governances which more protection and convey for Thai life style from entail up to now. Therefore, Buddha’s principle for Teaching Social Studies system the most importance from teachers. Those who were pointing students to learn. S that, teachers should have both academic and action (knowledge and behavior) mean good knowledge good behavior for showing all result. Then learning Buddhism has propagation because of Buddha teaching since from the beginning. That means, Buddha was giving policy and planning for Buddhist announcement for those who can learn continue up to nowadays.


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How to Cite

Sbchutrakool, P. N. A. (2023). Buddha’s Principle for Teaching Social Studies system. Wishing Journal Review, 3(01), AA 59–70. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/WJR/article/view/267389