Life style Mental Power in Buddhist Society for primary students


  • Pemika Sukcharoen


Mental power, Buddhist Society, Primary Students



All human being consisted of physical and mental as equal for all. Primary students were the first group who puree look like white chose as ready get all water color from adults and social environment. Therefore, who cultivate them to know to see and to touch. Then it would be internal wind power for them have a good chance for creative thinking such as good children for their parents’ good students for their teacher’s good friend for their friends good civil for their nation and then good religion for their respected especially for Buddhism. Because Buddhism concern with their live since was born until the end of life. So that, Life style Mental Power in Buddhist must have the most wind power for all then nobody cannot retain by oneself.  


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How to Cite

Sukcharoen, P. (2023). Life style Mental Power in Buddhist Society for primary students. Wishing Journal Review, 3(02), AA 10–25. Retrieved from