Characteristics of School Administrators in the 21st Century


  • Jeerath Sintuaree
  • Sira Suanpanich


Characteristics, Administrators, the 21st Century



Providing education in the 21st   century, educational establishments must develop learners in both knowledge and competence. 21st century skills include learning and innovation skills, life and career skills. and skills against information, media and technology which executives must be aware of the changes Develop yourself, come up with new management strategies. Change the working style to focus on the relationship of workers inside the organization and outside the organization. Pay attention to the results-oriented organizational culture. Pay attention to the subject of proper teaching science. And must take a role in accelerating the change in teaching and learning management styles of teachers Adaptation of course content while developing new skills to teachers Encourage the use of technology to improve the quality of education. As well as adjusting the role of building a learning network both inside and outside the school to develop learners to have knowledge, abilities and skills that are equal to being accepted by

Other nations. And able to live happily (Sommai Amdonkloy, 2013, p.6) Modern skills are essential attributes of effective leadership. School administrators who are leaders are therefore essential to develop the necessary skills and it is important to the management of educational institutions and continuous self-management. To lead to effective management skills for school administrators in the 21st century include: analytical and creative thinking, problem solving, communication, teamwork. Technology and digital Results Based judgment and morality and ethics (Chaiyon Paophan, 2016)


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How to Cite

Sintuaree, J., & Suanpanich, S. (2023). Characteristics of School Administrators in the 21st Century . Wishing Journal Review, 3(02), AA 26–32. Retrieved from