Art and Architecture Journal Naresuan University <p>วารสารวิชาการศิลปะสถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวรเป็นวารสารที่เผยแพร่องค์ความรู้อย่างมีส่วนร่วมกับชุมชนด้านภูมิปัญญาทางศิลปกรรมและสถาปัตยกรรมให้เกิดประโยชน์ต่อสาธารณชน เพื่อแก้ปัญหาและพัฒนางานในหน่วยงานหรือสถาบันและการวิจัยที่พัฒนาองค์ความรู้ ผลงานวิจัยซึ่งได้มาจากการศึกษาค้นคว้าอย่างมีระบบและมีระเบียบนั้น ถ่ายทอดด้วยการจัดทำ ในลักษณะที่เป็นบทความวิชาการหรือบทความวิจัยที่มีคุณภาพและได้มาตรฐานเหมาะสำหรับตีพิมพ์เผยแพร่ ซึ่งเป็นตัวชี้วัดที่บ่งบอกถึงความเข้มแข็งทางวิชาการของสถาบัน อุดมศึกษาหรือหน่วยงานทางการศึกษาอย่างมีนัยสำคัญ บทความวิชาการและวิจัยทุกเรื่องได้รับการพิจารณากลั่นกรองโดยผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ (Peer review) ที่ไม่เกี่ยวข้องกับผู้เขียน จากภายในและภายนอกสถาบัน จำนวน 3 ท่าน โดยแต่ละบทความจะต้องได้รับการพิจารณาให้ลงตีพิมพ์เป็นเสียงข้างมาก และปกปิดรายชื่อผู้เขียนและผู้ประเมินบทความ <strong>( Double-blinded)</strong></p> <p><strong>ประเภทของผลงานที่รับตีพิมพ์ในวารสาร</strong></p> <p> <strong>1.บทความวิชาการ</strong> (Article) เป็นบทความที่เขียนขึ้นในลักษณะวิเคราะห์วิจารณ์ หรือเสนอแนวคิดใหม่ๆ จากพื้นฐานทางวิชาการที่ได้เรียบเรียงจากผลงานทางวิชาการของตนเองหรือของผู้อื่น หรือเป็นบทความทางวิชาการที่เขียนขึ้นเพื่อเป็นความรู้ที่มีประโยชน์แก่คนทั่วไป</p> <p><strong> 2. บทความวิจัย</strong> (Research Article) เป็นบทความที่มีการค้นคว้าอย่างมีระบบและมีความมุ่งหมายชัดเจน เพื่อให้ได้ข้อมูลหรือหลักการบางอย่างที่จะนำไปสู่ความก้าวหน้าทางวิชาการ หรือการนำวิชาการมาประยุกต์ใช้ให้เกิดประโยชน์ บทความวิจัยมีลักษณะเป็นเอกสารที่มีรูปแบบของการวิจัยตามหลักวิชาการ เช่นมีการตั้งสมมติฐานหรือมีการกำหนดปัญหาที่ชัดเจนสมเหตุผล โดยจะต้องระบุวัตถุประสงค์ที่เด่นชัดแน่นอน มีการรวบรวมข้อมูล พิจารณาวิเคราะห์ ตีความและสรุปผลการวิจัยที่สามารถให้คำตอบหรือบรรลุวัตถุประสงค์ตามที่ต้องการได้</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <h3>สาขาวิชาที่เปิดรับบทความ</h3> <p>ศิลปะและการออกแบบ ได้แก่ วิจิตรศิลป์ และศิลปะประยุกต์</p> <p>ประวัติศาสตร์ ทฤษฎี และการออกแบบทางสถาปัตยกรรม</p> <p>การผังเมือง การออกแบบชุมชน เคหะการและภูมิสถาปัตยกรรม</p> <p>ศิลปะสถาปัตยกรรม สถาปัตยกรรมไทย และพื้นถิ่น</p> <p>เทคโนโลยี นวัตกรรม และการบริหารจัดการทางสถาปัตยกรรม</p> <p>ISSN 2697-6560 (Online) </p> <p>ISSN 3027-7043 (Print)</p> en-US [email protected] (คุณศรีอุรา เสือทะยาน) [email protected] (คุณชาญานิน อุดพ้วย) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Art and Architecture Journal Naresuan University Vol. 14 No. 2 July - December 2023 <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;วารสารวิชาการ ศิลปะสถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร ได้รับความสนใจจากคณาจารย์ นักวิชาการ นักวิจัย นิสิตระดับมหาบัณฑิตและดุษฎีบัณฑิต ส่งบทความเพื่อตีพิมพ์ในวารสารฯเป็นอย่างดีมาโดยตลอด ทำให้วารสารวิชาการศิลปะสถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร อยู่ในฐานข้อมูล TCI (Thai journal Citation Index Centre) กลุ่ม 1 มีค่า impact factors 0.095 นับว่าเป็นการพัฒนาวารสารวิชาการอย่างต่อเนื่อง วารสารฉบับนี้ได้ดำเนินการเข้าสู่ปีที่ 14 ของการจัดทำวารสารและมีช่วงเวลาการตีพิมพ์เผยแพร่ ฉบับที่ 2 เดือนมกราคม - เดือนมิถุนายน และฉบับที่ 2 เดือนกรกฎาคม – เดือนธันวาคม โดยเปิดรับบทความวิชาการและบทความวิจัยตลอดปี ในวารสารออนไลน์ Thai Journals Online (ThaiJO) 8ที่ ผู้อ่านสามารถดาวน์โหลดอ่านบทความทั้งเล่มหรือเลือกตามบทความฉบับสีได้ตามความสนใจ วารสารฉบับใหม่นี้มีบทความวิจัยที่น่าสนใจหลายบทความ อาทิ การพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์ดอกไม้คลุมไตรจากกระดาษฟางข้าว, การออกแบบลายผ้าจากแรงบันดาลใจศิลปะลวดลายทวารวดีเพื่อสร้างมูลค่าเพิ่มทางเศรษฐกิจ,การศึกษาภูมิปัญญาชุดไทยเรือนต้นและชุดไทยจิตรลดาเพื่อพัฒนาคู่มือเทคนิคการตัดเย็บ เป็นต้น โดยทุกบทความได้ผ่านขั้นตอน กระบวนการพิจารณาจากคณะกรรมการผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิประเมินผลและพิจารณาบทความแล้วส่งกลับไปยังผู้เขียนเพื่อปรับปรุงแก้ไขให้สมบูรณ์ และหวังว่าผู้อ่านจะได้นำบทความในวารสารไปใช้อ้างอิงในการอ้างอิงในโอกาสต่อไป <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;ในนามกองบรรณาธิการ ใคร่ขอขอบคุณผู้เขียนบทความทุกท่านที่ให้เกียรติในการส่งบทความ ขอบคุณผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิที่กรุณาสละเวลาในการพิจารณาตรวจสอบและกลั่นกรองบทความให้มีคุณภาพมาตรฐานเป็นที่ยอมรับ</p> Faculty of Architecture, Art and Design Naresuan University Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Eco-printing: The study of color fixing quality from natural raw material and natural mordant <p> This research aims to study the quality of cotton fabric using natural raw materials and different mordants. The core factors of this study are different types of leaves and mordants. Four samples of leaves were chosen for the study; Indian Almond, Teak, Indian trumpet flower and eucalyptus; while the particular types of mordants used for this study are alum water, limewater and tamarind juice for eco-printing techniques from natural materials on fabric. The dyed fabric was then tested using CIELab color system. The results reveal that each types of leaves produced diverse colors; three L* values are between 57.48-73.60 with the a* value on the positive scale resulting the magentaish color and the b* value, similarly on the positive scale, resulting the yellowish color. The colors produced from this process is categorized as a warm tone; yellow and yellowish-green colors. These colors coveys energetic, lively, strong, positive, solid and pleasant feelings. The colors from Indian trumpet flower leaves are the brightest and most intense. The shapes and colors on dyed fabric differ from leaf to leaf. When using different mordants, the fabric fermented in alum water displays the most vivid colors; while limewater mordants produced earth tone colors. Printed fabric using tamarind juice as a mordants demonstrates duller and strong chroma colors. Each fabric has its own unique characteristics, however, when comparing the clarity and intensity of natural dye on each fabric, it is found that the limewater-fermented fabric illustrates the most clearest and intense colors of all four leaves.</p> Chanakarn Ruangnarong, Rath Chombhuphan Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Art therapy for “post-traumatic stress disorder: PTSD” In veterans <p>The research on art therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: PTSD in veterans aimed to find out 1) Art therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: PTSD in veterans, and 2) the confirmation of art therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: PTSD in veterans. This research was qualitative research. The units of analysis were the veteran patients who suffered from PTSD and was also cured in the veterans’ hospital. There were 4 stages of this research: 1) Study emotional and behavior of veterans with an in-depth interview, 2) constructed the tool for art therapy, 3) collecting the data from 40 veterans who supported PTSD, and 4) analyzing the data and make a conclusion. The findings of this study were as follows: &nbsp;1) The therapy of PTSD in veterans was the process of perceiving on their upset and unhappiness in their mind which means those suffering were the root of their sickness. In the interview process, the interviewer had to give positive thinking whereas the art therapy covered on. The veterans were able to open their mind, come out with creative thinking through artwork. They fill happy with their work on art. They also learn on new idea and reduce their suffering in their mind. It’s also make them appreciated in their life. 2) The confirmation on art therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: PTSD in veterans was accuracy, appropriately, possibility, and utility where the 100% of respondents were satisfied at night level.</p> Ophascharas Nandawan Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Development of Muslim dolls from natural dyed fabric : case study of sewing community enterprise in Ban Bo Hin, Khaokhaw, La-ngu, Satun <p> </p> <p> For the objectives of the research: 1. To develop Muslim dolls from natural dyed fabric by using natural dye from natural materials in the community. 2. To pass on knowledge of natural dyed fabric to the Ban Bo Hin sewing community enterprise in Ban Bo Hin, Khaokhaw, La-ngu, Satun. 3. To study the satisfaction of Muslim dolls made of naturally dyed fabric.The research methods are: 1. The study of basic related information. 2.Data analysis use for design, identify and scope the product development of Muslim dolls as souvenir made from natural dyed fabric, the design of Muslim dolls is inspired by Muslim wedding dresses. 3. The design was drafted from a design concept 4. Pattern selection,that are appropriate and actually produce 5. Product prototype development, starting from natural dyed fabric development in the community and develop prototype products. Data analysis by average and standard deviation. The results found that 1.The natural materials in the community: All natural materials are distilled into different colors, She-Oak is brown, Artocarpus leaf is light brown and limestone soil is light coral. 2. The result of knowledge transfer found that sewing community enterprises in Ban Bo Hin have high knowledge and understanding of natural dye colors and the design of fabric pattern using fabric dye techniques. They are able to use this knowledge to develop new products for distribution. 3. The study result of Muslim dolls’ product satisfaction showed that the overall level of producer satisfaction at the highest level was for Muslim dolls made from Artocarpus leaves natural dyed fabric at an average of 4.85. The result of consumer showed that the overall product’s highest satisfaction is for Muslim dolls made from limestone soil natural dyed fabric at an average of 4.72. The product can be a souvenir of local culture, different colors with beautiful patterns and an interesting design to represent the local culture in Satun province. The product is also suitable for use. Furthermore, producers in the local community can develop this knowledge and ability to use it for commercial production.</p> Sasithorn Wisapan Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Foresight of space design for forests temples: A case study of Tan Yai Forests Temple, Nakhon Phanom province <p> The academic article foresight of space design for forests temples: a case study of Tan Yai forests temple, Nakhon Phanom province, this article is based on the awareness of the 20 years' national strategy that focuses on sustainable development. Pushing for a sustainable environment in all provinces of Thailand. This article aims to study the push for a sustainable environment by looking at the future of forest temple area design. By using a futuristic approach that starts with creating ideas and imagination to get a clear picture or concept of the future. When studying various data and using it to create and analyze the future perspective, a case study of Tan Yai forests temple with future history, 4 scenarios will be obtained, that is scenario 1, the role of the forest temple, and the assessment criteria for temple development standards. scenario 2, a change in roles and rules. scenario 3, The development remains as ever. And scenario 4, the constant role and the changing rules. These 4 scenarios will make the temple area design know the direction that should be taken, not just based on the beauty of the design only but will focus on possibilities, roles, design implications, rules, and other relevant elements. And in the future, design in various ways no matter what design May need to use futuristic science as a tool before design, which is important to result after the design is truly successful. In addition, forest temples that are interested in looking at the future of the forest temple area design may use this case study as an example in a pre-design study or improving the area within the temples.</p> Kotchaphorn Wongsanao, Watanapun Krutasaen Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Dyeing the cotton with natural colors from Karonda (Carissa Carandas Linn.) powder <p>This study has objectives to 1) study the dyeing of cotton with natural colors from Karonda <em>(Carissa carandas Linn.)</em> powder, 2) design products from cotton dyed with Karonda <em>(Carissa carandas Linn.)</em> powder, and 3) study the satisfaction of questionees towards a product prototype. The methodology consists of three phases. Phase 1 is to study the dyeing by preparing dyeing water from 50 ml of water and three different weights of Karonda <em>(Carissa carandas Linn.) </em>powder which are 1, 3, and 5 g. Each concentration is tested using 30, 60, and 90 mins. Then, they are analyzed using Ducan’s multiple tests. Color values are measured using CLE LAB. Phase 2 is to design products from cotton dyed with Karonda <em>(Carissa carandas Linn.)</em> powder using the tie-dye method and phase 3 is to evaluate the satisfaction of questionees towards a product prototype. Tools are interview form, product draft, and satisfaction questionnaires. Samples are 100 persons who evaluate the satisfaction towards product prototype who are selected using accidental sampling. Data is analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Results show that dyeing using Karonda (Carissa carandas Linn.) powder at the concentration of 5 g per 50 ml of water for 90 mins provides the lowest lightness (L) of 53.51<sup>a</sup> <img title="\pm" src="\pm">0.09 (highest color intensity), a<sup>*</sup> of 15.44<sup>b</sup> <img title="\pm" src="\pm">0.99 representing red adhesion, and b<sup>*</sup> of 9.86<sup>c</sup> <img title="\pm" src="\pm">0.02. For the design and satisfaction evaluation towards the bag prototype consisting of models A, B, and C, the overall satisfaction is high.</p> Saksit Bamrung, Keeratiya Sornnoey, Kunchaya Siwnguan, Jiraphat Kaewsritong Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 The study of properties of thermal Insulators of local materials in basketry and weaving in Nakhon Ratchasima province <p>This research aims to study the thermal properties and heat resistance of local materials in the basketry and weaving type. To develop a solution to prevent heat in buildings with effective alternative materials. The materials studied were woven and sheet textiles. There are both hard and thin sheets. The materials used in the experiment have raw materials or production sources in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. To add a form of utilization to existing products. Four types of materials were studied: silk, reed mats, bamboo basketry. and rattan basketry. By testing with a 60x60x60 centimeters test box, measure the air temperature inside and outside the test box, material surface temperature. Temperature was recorded for 48 hours. To study the guidelines for using local materials for heat protection and decoration in buildings including studies and comparisons on the use.The results of the study concluded that woven bamboo panels have the most heat protection properties, followed by woven rattan panels, reed mats, where silk has the least heat protection properties. In the process of bringing materials for heat protection and decoration of buildings. Using silk or reed mats can be simple and easy. The woven bamboo panels and woven rattan panels are more difficult to cut and install. In terms of material prices, it was found that woven rattan panels had the highest average price per square meter. The woven bamboo panels are the cheapest. If considering the properties of heat protection ease of installation usability and price can be concluded that Woven bamboo panels are the most cost-effective for heat protection and building decoration. Results from the study in this research. It can be extended to study the thermal properties by experimenting in an open box. Experimenting with composites and other coatings or studying various applications. This will increase the value and utilization of local materials more.</p> <p> </p> Sarttra Thungjai Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 The study of the use of areas that affects commuting along the Wongwian Yai-Mahachai railway in North Krungthon cluster <p>The objective of this study was to study on the use of the areas that affects commuting along the Wong Wian Yai-Mahachai Railway station located in the North Krungthon Cluster such as Wong Wian Yai, Talat Phlu, Wutthakat, Khlong Ton Sai, Chom Thong, Wat Sai and Wat Sing stations. Then the development plan of the area will be suggested as Bangkok Metropolitan Administration intending to develop these areas to be more prosperous. The study started by secondary data collecting and reviewing including insight gathering of the use of the areas that affects commuting by on-site survey. The result of the study from secondary data showed the areas along the Wong Wian Yai-Mahachai Railway station which were located in the North Krungthon Cluster is diverse in culture and land use, such as the old town, delicious food, fruit orchards, floating markets and ancient temples. A convenient transportation system is contributed in this site connects to the city and other nearby provinces. These areas connect to the BTS station and there is the the dark red line sky train development. The result from on-site survey showed these areas has empty spaces and bicycle lanes dispersed throughout and the bicycle parking located nearby the BTS station. In addition, the physical characteristics of the study area combined by many canals. Therefore, this study area should be developed the network in and around the communities. Railway side area can be developed into walking paths and bicycle lanes linked between the communities and the train stations. In addition, the water transportation and Multi-Optional Transportation Modes can be promoted especially Khlong Dan or Khlong Sanam Chai to connect various mass transit systems. But other impacts must be further studied because there is no clear plan of Dark Red sky train Line development.</p> <p> </p> Terdpong Boonpan, Chunyarat Nititerapad, Kanjanee Buddhimedhee Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 The study of travel photography content from the relevance between travel motivations and tastes in travel photography <p> This research article aims to present a study of the relevance between travel motivations and tastes in travel photography and suggest a category of tourism content from that relevance, which is a part of a research project entitled “The creation of photographic content for tourism Promotion: A case study of photographs on social network.” The study was conducted using qualitative analysis methods, beginning with researching documents and research related to the concepts and theories of travel motivation and taste in travel photography, then analyzing the corresponding data, and summarizing as the result of descriptive data analysis. The result of the study revealed that the concepts and theories of travel motivation and taste in travel photography are consistent in many aspects. Exhilaration and novelty are the essences of travel photography and the primary motivations that make people decide to travel, as well as the essential contents of travel photography such as representation of art and culture, landmarks, landscapes, and goods and services in tourism area - all of which are incentives that motivate tourists to travel to that location. Moreover, local stories, and locality are also motivators for those who travel to seek knowledge. Travel photos are miniature copies of the tourist’s experiences that can be held and distributed, which fulfill pride or success that is one of the motivations for travel. Therefore, travel photography both promotes and fulfills the incentives that motivate tourism. From the mentioned relevance, a list of travel photography content can be proposed and divided into topics which are escaping, seeking and exploration, intrapersonal, and interpersonal. Each topic is divided into sub-contents which will be used in to study the content of travel photos in the next phase of the main research project.</p> Nattapon Nukulkam, Tatiya Theppituck Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Study and development of community waste management to encourage ecotourismcase study: Bangchan community Chanthaburi province <p>The objectives of this research were 1.Study the condition and problems of Ban Bang Chan Community Waste Management, Bang Chan Subdistrict, Khlung District, Chanthaburi Province. 2. Study guidelines for the development of tourist attractions and community waste management at Ban Bang Chan, Bang Chan Subdistrict, Khlung District, Chanthaburi Province 3. Set guidelines for waste management. for use in the community. There is a mixed research model (Mixed Method). There is a research method by observing the conditions and the problem of community waste management at Ban Bang Chan by the research team to the community to observe collect preliminary data for data analysis Data collection was conducted by using a questionnaire for a sample of people living in Ban Bang Chan community in 6 villages and tourists who used Ban Bang Chan homestay service. Statistics were used to analyze percentage data and Arithmetic Mean. There was an in-depth interview assigning key informants as community leaders to lead the guidelines in the development of tourist attractions and Ban Bangchan community waste management.The results of the study revealed that 1. the condition and problems of waste management in the Ban Bang Chan community were quite critical. Because there are many homestays. resulting in a large number of tourists And most of the villagers live in the sea area. resulting in no waste storage space and sorted properly When the product is used up, it is thrown into the sea. Garbage left over from food consumption is dumped into water sources or incinerated, which is the wrong way to dispose of waste. thus creating a toxic environment During the monsoon season, garbage will float along the beach. 2. Guidelines for the development of tourist attractions and the management of Ban Bang Chan's community waste have caused more solid waste problems in the community. due to the carelessness of tourists and dealing with the amount of waste in the community that is not properly managed as it should be the increasing number of tourists has led to more investment in accommodation. From observing the area surrounding the construction And renovating the homes of the people in the community to be more homestays nowadays. Guidelines for participation in the development and promotion of tourism There has been more development of cultural heritage sites. Communities collaborate in the conservation of marine natural resources. and an important holistic environment, which is a tourist attraction of the community. 3. Waste management approaches for the benefit of the community can use the sustainable material design thinking process as follows: 1. Reduce the use of resources 2. Long Life &amp; High Performance 3. Design Life Cycle 4.Turn waste into resources 5. Circular Economy 6. Collaboration Division</p> Kemchart Cheychom, Juthathip Namwong, Navy Pleawjit, Samart Chanthana, Wimalin Santajit Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Thai-Lom woven fabrics logo and packaging design to promote the product image of Baan Wai community enterprise, Lomsak district, Phetchabun province <p>This study aims to study identity of Thai-Lom woven fabrics of Thai-Lom Baan Wai community enterprise group and to design logo and packaging of Thai-Lom Woven fabrics of Thai-Lom Baan Wai community enterprise group, Lomsak District, Phetchabun Province. The researcher used a qualitative research, collected data by a study documents, non-participant observations and In-depth interview. The key information of the survey was applied to representatives who were leader and members of Thai-Lom Baan Wai community enterprise group, Community Develop Department, academician, and design graphic designer.</p> <p>The researcher studies about the identity related data and analysis for designing brand logo and packaging of Thai-Lom woven fabrics identity concepts such as geometric fabric pattern and the color of the woven fabric including with Baan Wai community image concepts such as a hundred year - Frangipani flower and the Weaving Dance. The research has found that “Thai-Lom Baan Wai” not only has a beautiful name which is easy to remember but also a meaningful communication. Under the mixed logo design, the concept are frangipani flowers and the word “Thai-lom Baan Wai” combined with purple mangosteen which is the color that Thai Lom woven cloth is made from while yellow and white are the color of frangipani flower to give the emblem a modern, elegant, simple personality. The packaging is designed and beautified based on the places to purchase, cost not more than 5% of the product. It’s designed versatility and differently into 3 patterns: Pattern 1-a full-front printed display packaging box; Pattern 2-the packaging strap; Pattern 3 -the product label in the package, including the business card for attaching the packaging box, and hanging and attached badges. Hence, the brand, logo, and packing design must reflect the identity of the community enterprise group. Also, it can be implemented in a practical way that important to expand the commercial opportunities of the product community.</p> Wanchatr Kanha Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Ceramic block wall design to improve comfort condition in building case study: Northeastern Region, Thailand <p>Thailand’s climate tends to rise every year due to global warming. Reducing the temperature inside buildings without the need of air-conditioning is a critical consideration for architects. Therefore, using materials that help reduce the temperature is essential in designing. In the past, clay water pots, which are earthenware ceramics, helped keep drinking water cool. Consequently, this principle was applied with the objective of designing ceramic blocks wall to adjust the comfort condition within residential buildings. Khon Kaen province was used as the case study to compare the comfort condition between the clay brick wall and lightweight concrete brick wall. The research result divided the ceramic block wall into two types. The first type used water to reduce the temperature, while the second used water in the first layer and left air gaps in the second layer to reduce heat and moisture. The two types consist of two sizes, 10x21x13 cm. and 10x20x60 cm., designed to stack to create more sturdiness with the ability to hold water, formed into ceramic blocks wall by casting clay in plaster molds and formed with clay plates. The raw materials were brisque fired at 800 degrees Celsius, glazed with ceramics, and then glazed fired at 1,100 degrees Celsius. The materials’ comfort condition was then compared with the clay wall bricks and lightweight concrete wall bricks. The temperature was measured using a Graphtec midi logger GL820, while the relative humidity was measured using a Digicon DL-TH-USB. The result from comparing the temperature within the test boxes of all four materials found that both ceramic blocks’ value has the temperature and relative humidity at a comfort condition (Temp 22-27 ◦C and RH 20-75%). The ceramic blocks have higher comfort condition when compared with the clay bricks and lightweight concrete wall blocks. Therefore, it can be concluded that ceramic blocks are more appropriate to be used as alternative wall blocks than the traditional materials to adjust the environment inside buildings to be closer to the comfort condition.</p> <p> </p> Thanasit Chantaree Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 A study and development of facilities and environment in tourism at mahasawat community, Nakornpathom <p>This research focuses on the development of an area design using the principles of universal design, specifically tailored for the Khlong Mahasawat community. The Khlong Mahasawat community is a major tourist attraction located in the Nakhon Pathom Province. Within this community, the area of Wat Suwanram and Ban Sala Din Floating Market has been selected to cater to the needs of the elderly and disabled individuals. This research aims to design tourist attractions within the two communities that are easy for primarily older and disabled people to use, convenient, safe, and accident-free. Based on the corrected information, it has been discovered that there have been accidents within the community, prompting the need for improvements in six crucial areas. These areas include the pier, restrooms, pathway, car park, information signs, and bicycle parking spots. Additionally, it is essential to enhance facilities for people with disabilities, such as wheelchairs. Based on the data collection, it has been found that the pontoon, which serves as the boarding and disembarking point for boats, is the location where the highest number of accidents occur, although they are not the most severe incidents. The second most common accident spot is along sidewalks, where varying levels pose difficulties for pedestrians. Therefore, researchers have identified these problematic areas as targets for design and development, utilizing universal design principles. The proposed areas have been mapped out and budget estimates have been made for ease of management. The pier is renovated to prevent slipping incidents, and its level is adjusted according to the water level. Handrails, guardrails, and walking paths have been adjusted to ensure their suitability. The floor has been smoothly levelled, and paths and bike lanes have been created. Signage has been installed to accommodate individuals with various disabilities, including specific signs designed for people with visual impairments. The construction cost for both locations does not exceed three million baht.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Soraj Pruettikomon Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Design of woven fabrics patterns based on local identity of Ban Long Mut, Lampli sub-district, Thepha district, Songkhla. <p> Woven fabric patterns were designed and based on the local identity of Ban Long Mut, Lampli Sub-district, Thepha District, Songkhla Province. It aimed to 1. find the identity of Ban Long Mut, Lampli Sub-district, Thepha District, Songkhla Province, and 2. design the patterns of woven fabrics from the local identity. The data was collected by interviewing Ban Long Mut woven fabric members, community experts, community representatives, community developers and community college representatives. The questionnaire was conducted with product buyers to find out their ideas about the local identity. The participatory research method was used by the participation between the design experts and the woven fabric group members in order to design the woven fabric patterns. The results found that two characteristics which indicated the local identity of Ban Long Mut and the efficiency in creating unique local fabric patterns, were Prig flower and Watercourse. The researchers took these characteristics as an inspiration for the design and development of woven fabric products and they came up with patterns which were Prig flower, Prig bouget, watercourse woven fabric, and convergence of watercourse.</p> <p> </p> Arena Esama, Paweekorn Suraban, Pornpen Prakobkit Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Packaging design for disease-free transport of chrysanthemum seedlings for farmers growing plants <p>Research on packaging design for transporting disease-free chrysanthemum seedlings for farmers The ornamental flower growers group aims to 1. to design packaging for the transportation of disease-free chrysanthemum seedlings for the ornamental flower growers. The researcher divided the study guideline into 2 parts : 1. The study of physical characteristics and various aspects of disease-free chrysanthemums showed that disease-free chrysanthemum saplings were cultured in a laboratory before being put into trays. Cultivated for propagation and then distributed to farmers. 2.Packaging design for transporting disease-free chrysanthemum seedlings for ornamental flower growers is divided into 2 steps: pre-design stage; Found that the important thing to focus on design is the form, the packaging structure. and graphics on the packaging design stage The researcher used the results of the study to draw conclusions for 3 types of packaging designs and to evaluate the designs. by 3 packaging design specialists to select only 1 suitable packaging; 2. to study the satisfaction with the packaging format of disease-free chrysanthemum seedlings for transporting disease-free chrysanthemum seedlings. For farmers who grow ornamental plants from 100 flower and ornamental plant farmers who are farmers network of the Institute of Scientific and Technological Research of Thailand (TISTR). for use in statistical analysis of average values and standard deviation.The overall satisfaction assessment of disease-free chrysanthemum seedlings packaging format for ornamental flower growers was at a high level ( =4.49) standard deviation (S.D. = 0.72) and when considering each aspect of all 2 aspects, it was found that the overall packaging structure was at the highest level ( =4.56), the standard deviation (S.D.= 0.65) and the graphics overall were at a high level ( =4.41) Standard Deviation (S.D.= 0.78).</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Thanang Chankitchunyo, Wareerat Sampatpong, Nattapong Chanchula Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Function diagram of one-bedroom condominium after Coronavirus outbreak <p>This research was to investigate the function diagram of one-bedroom condominium after Coronavirus outbreak. The data collection on one-bedroom condominium plan before Coronavirus outbreak and guidelines for the prevention of coronavirus infection was undertaken by literature review and analyzed in function diagram, human behavior, and function after Coronavirus outbreak. The result of analysis found that (1) the living area will been separate, flexible, multipurpose and semi-outdoor for supporting various activities and coping with cabin fever, and (2) the room entry hall will been separate for being buffer area, and will been pass to toilet easily for cleaning.</p> pornnapa pornpunpaibool Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Sustainable development: green products from galangal fibers by community groups based on the concept of eco-economy <p>This research aims to 1. To test the standards and develop the process of processing fibers from galangal plants 2. To assess the satisfaction and determine the design factor, the population is consumers aged 30–60 years, in Khlong Udom Chonchon Subdistrict and Preng Subdistrict, Chachoengsao Province, with a total number of 16,764 people. The sample is consumers aged 30-60. Year, Klong Udom Chonchon Subdistrict and Preng Subdistrict, 150 persons with 10% discrepancy from the Taro Yamane sampling table using a structured questionnaire. Estimated Rating Scale 5 levels of licherd (Cronbach's Alpha) = 0.801, and analyzed mean (Mean), standard deviation (S.D.) and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) were found. that the blending ratio of 70% galangal fiber and 30% cotton fiber has suitable mechanical and physical properties to lead to the development of weaving with the wisdom of the community. Yarn test results from galangal fibers. The maximum tensile strength along the warp yarn 380.66 N and along the weft yarn 328.45 N, the elongation strength along the warp yarns 30.47% and along the weft yarns 11.07% when producing prototype bags from Galangal fibers were tested in the consumer group. It appeared to have a high level of satisfaction (Mean=3.957), with the first place in the perception of psychological value to consumers when using it. Second place in terms of beauty products from galangal fibers and third in the specialty of galangal fiber products. The results of factors affecting product design of galangal fiber bags were analyzed by EFA from 15 observed variables. Even coagulation is a factor of 5 factors, namely the unique factor that indicates the story of the fiber material. (Eigen=12.005) Environmental factors differentiating fiber materials (Eigen=9.919) Value creation factors and added value in the economy (Eigen=9.406) Fiber predominant expression factor (Eigen=8.833) Factors indicating the specialty of fiber materials (Eigen=8.478), with a forecast value of 48.642.</p> Songwut Egwutvongsa, Chaveewan Cherdsak Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 The correlation study between text usage and concept in contemporary Thai art <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The objective of this contemporary Thai art research article is for 1) studied and analyzed the correlation between text and concept of contemporary Thai art and 2) explained the connection between text usage and concept of contemporary Thai art by examining, studying, and reviewing the art works of three selected artists, whom are Vasan Sitthiket, Kamin Lertchaiprasert, and Prasong Luemuang. The principle of Systemic Functional Linguistics theory, art theory, and related artworks examination are used for defining and describing the principle of the studied. The result of deliberation shows the correlation between text and concept of contemporary Thai art through form created procedure by specifying text as a form that has the same role and function as the visual language.&nbsp; Text and visual language are started from idea and convey the meaning for communicating according to the usage system which related with language context. The result of second objective reveals that the artist has defined text usage system through the different creative process. However, it is in accordance with personal concept and creative intention which conveys through the structure of artwork. Artist has assigned text usage pattern as a symbol that has a form with direct meaning and connotation in thought process. After that the meaning is communicated through the form of artwork using unlimited medium and method. Moreover, the results can identify the different kind of contemporary Thai art from the development of the expressive style using the creative process that is clearly unique to each artist.</p> Suthida Ma-on Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 The study production of powder color coloring turmeric <p> The study aimed for 1.studying the proper ratio of natural material which were used to produce the coloring powder 2.examining physicochemical properties of the natural coloring powder, studying the proper formula for the color fastness. The factors to study were the amounts of silica gel from 0 (zero) gram, 2.5 grams and 5 grams added to the 10 grams of clay filler in order to enhance the absorption curcumin’s color and then analyzing its physicochemical property by moisture meter and colorimeter. According to the study titled “The study of the production of curcumin coloring powder for inventions”, it found that the coloring powder made from extracting curcumin was the suitable color dyeing production for paper. The study also found that the yellow color from curcumin had its moisture content which was 2.14 <u>+</u> 0.92, in the term of color, L* = 62.40 <u>+</u> 0.37, a* = -0.73 <u>+</u> 0.40, b* = -4.30 <u>+</u> 1.20 was identified from the colorimeter. The sample which didn’t contain with silica gel was the most suitable for producing coloring powder.</p> Vijit Sonhom, Vinai Tarav, Nadtamon Laengsomang, Chuleedporn Taimoon, Sarocha Opasi Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 The pilgrimage on the third lunar month: The collaboration art and relational realmIn Bann Thungluang Terracotta community, Keremas district, Sukhothai <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “The Pilgrimage on the Third Lunar Month”, the Collaboration Art and Relational Realm of the Terracotta Community of Bann Tunghlong, Tunghlong Sub-district, Keremas District, Sukhothai Province is a creative research which has the concept of using art as a tool for social development according to contemporary art definition. The connection between artist, audience, and the society of the research area is attached with the contemporary sculptural creative process, collaboration art concept, and local cultural cost. They are used in the research procedure with the skill, concept, experience, memory, and the material experimental form creation of researcher. The objective of the research is for 1) created five sets of contemporary sculptures, using sculptural creative process and the concept of collaboration art theory within research area and 2) exhibited the creative sculpture and installation to the public. There are two processes of methodology, which are collaborative art practice and artist and collaborator creative process from their individual experience and imagination. The result reveals the specific character and core idea of the collaborative art in the research area which leads to creative sculpture process. The completed seven sets of artworks are installed and showed the unity under the main idea. “The Pilgrimage on the Third Lunar Month” exhibition was on viewed at Naresuan University Art Gallery and one artwork from the art activity was presented at Wat Baung Pu Taow (Buddhist Temple), Sukhothai province. The show was also published on social media online as well. The impact of the collaborative art practice has given new experience and made a positive change for the contributors and the community. It makes a better way of life by developing the scenery within the community at the collaborative art center. The center has become a famous tourist attraction, learning center, selling and developing new products of the neighborhood.</p> Sommai Ma-on Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Product development to increase values from folk Wisdom for sustainability of community enterprise group Ngiu Rai, Nakhon Pathom <p>This research had a purpose to study the guidelines for product development by determining 2 topics as follows: 1. To design identity of Community Enterprise Group Ngiu Rai Sub-district, Nakhon Pathom Province, and 2. to information about the products of Community Enterprise Group Ngiu Rai Sub-district, Nakhon Pathom Province by collecting data from the community enterprise group and samples. The samples were chosen using random sampling method. The research instruments were survey form for the needs, and questionnaire for opinions, using designing process including Corporate Identity, Design Analysis, and Prototype. The findings indicated that: 1. The study of identity and packaging form of cold-brew coconut oil bringing Ngiu Rai Community’s identity into the design showed that the product itself immediately becomes memorable and valuable. The identity as mentioned consists of 1. Ngiu Rai Temple Train Station, 2. traditional Thai house, 3. Boat transportation, and 4. agricultural community. The satisfaction evaluation results of the product development to increase values from folk wisdom for sustainability of Community Enterprise Group Ngiu Rai Sub-district, Nakhon Pathom Province had overall satisfaction level at good ( = 4.32, S.D. = 0.75). Researcher chose Facebook Fanpage: “Ng Coconut Oil”, as the channel to information the community enterprise group as the social media is very popular at present. The results showed that there were more audiences seeing the products, and the community gained more income by e-commerce.</p> Manrit Tengya Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700