BU Academic Review https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview <p>The BU Academic Review is an academic journal operated by Bangkok University, have been publishing articles incessantly since 2002, and currently ranked in the first group (Group 1) of the Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI) and ASEAN Citation Index (ACI).&nbsp; The scope extends to cover the publication of conceptual papers in social science, humanities, and related interdisciplinary fields.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>ISSN : 2651 - 0952 (Online)</strong></p> en-US <p>The manuscript submitted for publication must be the original version, submitted only to this particular journal with no prior acceptance for publication elsewhere in other academic journals.&nbsp; The manuscript must also not violate the copyright issue by means of plagiarism.</p> journal@bu.ac.th (Associate Professor Supachet Chansarn, Ph.D.) rommanee.y@bu.ac.th (Rommanee Yingyong) Thu, 19 Dec 2024 09:19:10 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Enhancing and Hindering Factors of Development the Personnels’ Routine to Research (R2R) https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/273440 <p>The development of Routine to Research (R2R) has emerged as an important strategy for personal and organizational development. However, the successful implementation of R2R depends on many factors that motivate individuals to engage in research activities. This article presents the results of data analysis and synthesis gained from trainings, interviews and brainstorming from the process of R2R driving for backward 13 years about strategies to support R2R by revealing insights for organizations to be adopted as guidelines to their personnel development. Our findings reveal 5 key factors influencing an individual’s decision making to undertake R2R, namely:</p> <ol> <li>Motivation: Career advancement and financial incentives serve as primary motivators.</li> <li>Experience: Expertise in one's role is crucial as R2R often originates from frontline experiences.</li> <li>Collaboration: Collaborative planning from the start significantly boosts R2R engagement.</li> <li>Support Systems: The availability of in-house facilitators and clear organizational policies supporting R2R are essential. However, using R2R as part of performance appraisals might bring negative effects.</li> <li>Barriers: Heavy workloads, a lack of research experience and writing skills, and complex research methodologies are significant challenges. Additionally, a lack of in-house R2R mentors can hinder initial engagement.</li> </ol> <p> In conclusion, even though R2R offers immense potential for personal and organizational growth, its success is contingent upon a supportive environment, clear motivations, the proper provision of necessary resources and effective guidance.</p> Masmolee Jitwiriyatham Copyright (c) 2024 BU Academic Review https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/273440 Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Impact of Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Cultural Fit, Strategic Technology Management, and Teamwork towards Operational Employees’ Organizational Effectiveness in Life Insurance Companies, Bangkok Metropolitan Areas https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/273826 <p>The objectives of this study were to study the impact of perceived organizational support towards operational employees’ organizational effectiveness in Life Insurance Companies, Bangkok Metropolitan Areas, to study the impact of organizational culture fit towards operational employees’ organizational effectiveness in Life Insurance Companies, Bangkok Metropolitan Areas, to study the impact of strategic technology management towards operational employees’ organizational effectiveness in Life Insurance Companies, Bangkok Metropolitan Areas, and to study the impact of teamwork towards operational employees’ organizational effectiveness in Life Insurance Companies. Bangkok Metropolitan Areas. Data were collected from 400 operational employees using closed-ended questionnaires. The content validity was verified by experts and the reliability test of the questionnaire had the confidence value was 0.891. The descriptive statistics were analyzed by percentages and the inferential statistics were analyzed by multiple regression analysis at the statistical significance level of .05. The results found that the impact of perceived organizational support, organizational cultural fit, strategic technology management, and teamwork affected operational employees’ organizational effectiveness in Life Insurance Companies, Bangkok Metropolitan Areas at 89.00, 44.00, 66.40, and 48.10 percent by variable, respectively.</p> Suthinan Pomsuwan Copyright (c) 2024 BU Academic Review https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/273826 Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Research and Development of e-Marketplace for Community Enterprises in Loei Province Using the PDCA Process https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/271585 <p>The development of e-Marketplace, which serve as online marketing channels, has increased business opportunities for community entrepreneurs in the digital age. This research aimed to: 1) assess development needs, 2) develop user interface (UI) and user experience (UX), and 3) examine components and evaluate user satisfaction in using e-Marketplace for community-based businesses in Loei province. The PDCA process was utilized. The qualitative data-gathering group comprised 6 personnel driving e-Marketplace in Loei province, while quantitative data included 89 community entrepreneurs in Loei province. Data were collected through focus group discussions and questionnaires. Qualitative data analysis employed content analysis, while quantitative data were statistically analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and exploratory factor analysis.</p> <p> Research findings revealed that the development of the user interface and user experience of e-Marketplace, utilizing the PDCA process, included: 1) Plan: There was needs to improve and develop the website's user interface and user experience. 2) Do: Design and development of the UI included logo, color, typography, and icons. Regarding UX design, it included the structure of UX components, such as product search, promotion display, store status changes, visitor count display, order progress bar for product purchases, and approval of product orders. 3) Check: From the perspective of community entrepreneurs, factors could be defined, including user interface design, system operation efficiency, and system security. Regarding user satisfaction with system usage, entrepreneurs were most satisfied with system security, followed by user interface design and system operation efficiency. And 4) Act: Regarding usage, after the improvement, there were conditions and guidelines for website usage.</p> Anchalee Kokanuch, Maikam Tantipatum, Pithchaya Khunsri Copyright (c) 2024 BU Academic Review https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/271585 Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 An Estimation of Portfolio’s Value-at-Risk with Copula: Empirical Evidence from Laos Securities Exchange https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/269555 <p>This research aims to examine the application of copula in estimating portfolio’s VaR of the two most actively traded stocks (BECL and EDL-Gen) registered in the LSX which can describe the overall movement of the Laos stock market transactions during November 2019 to February 2024. The daily returns of both stocks were calculated to figure out the potential marginal distributions that were well describing the behavior of stock’s return. The chi-square and Anderson-Darling tests would be applied to assess a goodness-of-fit between historical time series of daily return and the possible probability distributions which were normal, Student-t, log-normal, logistic, triangular, Gumbel, Fréchet, Weibull, generalized beta, and generalized extreme value distributions. The tested results were found that the Gumbel distribution, extreme value distributions type-I, was well suit to describe the behavior of each stock’s returns. The method of maximum likelihood estimation was then employed to estimate parameters of the Gumbel distributions. In accordance with the variance-covariance matrix of both stocks, random samples from a multivariate normal distribution were then generated. The tail-independent Gaussian copula, which permits negative dependency and correlation matrix of the generated random samples were used to compute stock’s returns. Based on equally weighted average of all individual estimated stock’s returns held in the portfolio, the portfolio’s returns were recalculated in a number of 1,000 times. Then, the portfolio VaRs based on normality assumption and copula method were estimated in according with 95%, 97.5% and 99% levels of confidence respectively. We found that the Gaussian copula VaR was marginally lower than the normality VaR for all given levels of confidence respectively. This can be implied that the Gaussian copula VaR was not consistently aligned with the conservative portfolio investment where investing in low-risk securities is prioritized. Even though, the portfolio based on low-volatility stocks was formulated, the Gaussian copula VaR was not favorable for risk-averse investors to measure the worse loss depending on the current position.</p> Krisada Khruachalee, Surang Boonyapongchai, Peng Her Copyright (c) 2024 BU Academic Review https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/269555 Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Exploring Cultural Representation: A Case Study of Foreign Cultures in the Chinese Television Program “Informal Talks” https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/272798 <p>This research aims to discover the representation of foreign cultures in “Informal Talks” a Chinese TV program, focusing on foreign culture portrayal and cross-cultural communication through the qualitative method of textual analysis. This study examines TV program production, Topic selection, and representatives' actions to present foreign cultures. The analysis objectives from seasons 1 to 4 of “Informal Talks” are divided into cultural aspects, data collection, and analysis. Cross-cultural communication theory and the cultural dimension were used to examine the content. Results from the content analysis revealed how foreign cultures are portrayed in informal talks, and how topic selection caters to foreign guests in “Informal Talks” which indicates that “Informal Talks” use humor and relatable discussions to enhance understanding of foreign cultures, cultural sensitivity, and to promote cross-cultural communication in Chinese TV programs. This research is significant for providing insights into foreign cultures shown in Chinese TV programs, contributing to cross-cultural understanding, and promoting national communication in the context of globalization.</p> Xin Fan, Rosechongporn Komolsevin Copyright (c) 2024 BU Academic Review https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/272798 Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Development of Woven Fabric Products and Increasing Marketing Channels Through E-commerce System of Ban Lai Hin Community Enterprise, Koh Kha District, Lampang Province https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/269147 <p>This research aimed to develop Ki Kratuk woven fabric products and to increase the channels of distribution through the electronic commercial system of Ban Lai hin community enterprise, Kohka district, Lampang province. The target group, which was purposively selected, consisted of 10 members of Ban Lahin woman fabric weaving group and 50 customers. The data was collected from focus group conversation. The obtained data was analysed in terms of product development using in content analysis. The results of the research revealed that Ban Lai hin women fabric weaving group wanted to improve the knowledge of product development regarding the type of clothes to be modern and appropriate for various occasions, so that the customers could accecpt the product modernity at the highest level. In terms of increasing the channels of distribution through the electronic commercial system, Ban Lai hin woman fabric weaving group needed to use Facebook Fanpage as the channel of distribution, which was convenient and fast for making orders, at the highest level. This indicated that the customers were interested in developing products and getting accessed into the channels of distribution more easily.</p> Patitta Wongsangthain Copyright (c) 2024 BU Academic Review https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/269147 Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Effects of 5A Marketing Strategy and Online Influencers Credibility on Green Products Purchasing Behavior via Online Channel of Generation Y Consumers in Bangkok https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/272394 <p>This study aims 1) to study green products consumers' purchasing behavior via online channel, 2) to examine the influence of marketing strategies (aspect of aware, appeal, ask, act, and advocate) on green products consumers' purchasing behavior via online channel, and 3) to explore the influence of online influencers credibility (aspect of expertise, attractiveness, trustworthiness, and similarity) on green products consumers' purchasing behavior via online channel. This research applies quantitative methods, using an online questionnaire to collect data from 400 Generation Y consumers in Bangkok who aged 27 to 42 (as of 2023) and had purchased green products via online channel. The statistical techniques used to analyze the data included percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The findings showed that in overall, the level of green products consumers' purchasing behavior via online channel is at high level. Marketing strategies factors in aspect of aware, appeal, and advocate positively influenced on green products consumers purchasing behavior via online channel, while the ask aspect negatively influenced on green products consumers purchasing behavior via online channel. Additionally, online influencers credibility factors in aspect of attractiveness, trustworthiness, and similarity positively influenced on green products consumers purchasing behavior via online channel with a significance of 0.05.</p> Panward Jitpairoj, Leela Tiangsoongnern Copyright (c) 2024 BU Academic Review https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/272394 Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Impact of Debt Levels on Savings Cooperatives' Profitability https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/275378 <p>This study aimed to examine the relationship between the debt ratio and profitability of savings cooperatives, using a sample of 1,115 savings cooperatives operating over a 9-year period (2012-2020). The analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics and least squares regression equations, considering the ratio of total debt to total assets, short-term debt to total assets, and long-term debt to total assets. The results of the study found that: 1) the ratio of total debt and long-term debt has a significant negative relationship with profitability; 2) short-term debt has a significant positive relationship with profitability, indicating that short-term debt can enhance the profit-seeking ability of savings cooperatives in Thailand.</p> Sasipa Pojanavatee Copyright (c) 2024 BU Academic Review https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/275378 Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Practices of Social Marketing in Health Promotion and Their Sustainability in the Sights of Thai People https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/272348 <p>Social marketing is widely discussed. However, little is known about sustainability in social marketing in public health and health promotion. The objectives of this study were to examine how social marketing was practiced in health promotion in Thailand and to study if social marketing used in health promotion in this country was sustainable. Apart from reviewing various prior studies, the interviews were also conducted with five public health and health promotion professionals and ten general populations. Likewise, the mini-questionnaires were initially distributed to the 40 general populations including those who shared their perspectives through the interviews. The findings revealed that social marketing practices in Thailand involved the organisations, health volunteers and subdistrict health promotion hospitals, and communities and people. The collaborations between these threesome partners, i.e. organisations, health volunteers and subdistrict health promotion hospitals, and communities and people were for longevity, lifelong learning, and benefits for holistic society through a variety of strategies and tactics including advertising and marketing, relationship, assessment, interaction, opportunity in business, and networking. In this case, a so-called collaboration model was developed. Although sustainability of social marketing practices in health promotion and health behaviour, struggles and challenges in making a decision on if such social marketing practices and health behaviour were sustained were found at a certain level. In a sense, some elements of the sustainability framework were covered while the others were not. This study contributes the revisit of a sustainability in health promotion framework and the re-examination of criteria to evaluate sustainability. A sustainability framework should, therefore, not limit to only 5Ps of people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership. This study suggests its extension to perpetuity, procedure, publication, planning, and permanence. </p> Patama Satawedin Copyright (c) 2024 BU Academic Review https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/272348 Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Willingness to Inherit Thai SME Family Business of Generation Z: Factors Influencing the Transgenerational Intent https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/275246 <p>This study investigated factors shaping Generation Z (Gen Z) heirs' attitudes toward inheriting family businesses (FBs), with an emphasis on the drivers, barriers, and dynamics influencing succession decisions. The samples 149 FBs with multi-generation management and Gen Z successors were selected from 450 Bangkok University School of Entrepreneurship and Management (BUSEM) students (class of 2023) with FB background and volunteered to participate in the study. The data were collected through one-on-one interview covering 2 aspects: 1) the FB information and business situation and 2) the Gen Z successors’ intention to inherit the business, entrepreneurial orientation (EO), and their perspective toward the business situation and management. The former was obtained from interviewing the current management of the FBs and the latter was obtained from interviewing the prospective Gen Z heirs. Two important factors influencing the Gen Z heirs’ intention to inherit their FBs were 1) Generation gap between heirs and current managements and 2) Clear communication about succession plan. This study found significant associations between a number of Gen Z heirs who were willing to inherit their FBs. Gen Z heirs were more likely to inherit FBs managed by parents, particularly mothers, than those managed by siblings or older generations. Moreover, the Three-circle model (Business, Family and Ownership) was applied, revealing the significant influence of family ties and ownership communication on transgenerational intent (TI), while business characteristics like industry and life-cycle stage had little impact. Notably, marketing crises did not deter Gen Z heirs from succession, but human resource and cultural crises did, marking a new finding in Thai SME FB studies.</p> Arthon Prompatanapak, Yongplut Yeing-aramkul, Sasithorn Tailee, Sukhumarporn Upaicheewa, Phisanu Katjaroen, Phongphet Chutitananon, Kannapon Lopetcharat Copyright (c) 2024 BU Academic Review https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/275246 Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Thailand’s Banana Exports to Japan https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/275501 <p>Japan is the top banana importing country in the world. Thailand and Japan have signed the Thailand-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement: JTEPA) since 2007. However, Thailand has not been able to export bananas to Japan in accordance with the tariff quota received since JTEPA came into force, despite Japan's continuous increase in banana imports. This research finds that Thailand’s actual exports of bananas to Japan are less than the potential exports, which results from 2 factors. First, the actual demand for bananas is less than the potential demand for bananas, reflecting the problem of demand-driven forces. Second, the actual supply of bananas is less than the potential supply of bananas, reflecting the problem of supply inefficiency. The Thai government could implement demand-side and supply-side measures to increase the actual banana exports closer to the potential banana exports. Also, these measures could help Thailand reduce trade deficit with Japan.</p> Pisut Kulthanavit Copyright (c) 2024 BU Academic Review https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/275501 Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Marketing Strategies from the Consumer’s Perspective Affecting Purchase Decision of Schizophyllum Commune Extract Skincare Products https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/274313 <p>This study aims to investigate the levels of consumers’ perspectives regarding marketing strategies and to examine how marketing strategies influence consumers' decisions to purchase Schizophyllum commune extract Skincare products. This research gathered data in the 14 provinces of the southern region from a group of consumers who have previously used or purchased or both used and purchased Schizophyllum commune extract skincare products. Therefore, the Cochran formula was used to calculate the sample size, and a purposive sampling method was employed, ensuing a total of 385 participants. Questionnaires with a five-point Likert scale were used to collect data and inferential statistics and multiple regression analysis were run to analyze the data. The results showed that the consumers’ perspectives of marketing strategies were significantly high. Furthermore, it was also found that marketing strategies perceived by consumers influenced their purchase decisions, with consumer needs (B = 0.223), consumer cost (B = 0.222), convenience of purchasing (B = 0.230), and communication (B =0.356). Various variables can explain the variance in product purchasing decisions of Schizophyllum commune extract skincare products by 45.10% with a statistical significance level of 0.05.</p> Wanlapa Phattana, Tanwalai Chirandorn Copyright (c) 2024 BU Academic Review https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/274313 Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Marketing Enhancement Strategy of Cultural Tourism: Secondary City - Suphanburi Province https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/274088 <p>The objectives of this research were (1) to study the potential of tourist attractions, service quality, service marketing mix, tourist satisfaction, intention to revisit of Thai tourists traveling for cultural tourism in secondary city, Suphanburi province, (2) to study the influence of tourist attraction’s potential, service quality, service marketing mix, intention to revisit of Thai tourists traveling for cultural tourism in secondary city, Suphanburi province, and (3) to propose marketing enhancement strategy of cultural tourism in secondary city as Suphanburi province for sustainability. Applying mixed method research, quantitative research involved collecting data through questionnaires from 400 samples including Thai tourists who have been travelling to Suphanburi province at least one time and qualitative research using in-depth interview involved key informants who are leaders and community representatives of tourist attractions, representatives of tourist attraction operators, representatives of Tourism and Sports Office, Suphanburi province, totally 44 persons. The results of the study found that (1) Thai tourists had intentions to revisit at the highest level and Thai tourists saw the potential of tourist attractions, tourist satisfaction, service marketing mix, and service quality were at a high level, respectively. (2) the potential of tourist attractions and service marketing mix influenced tourist satisfaction and tourists' intention to revisit with statistical significance at the 0.05 level. Service quality influenced tourist satisfaction and tourists' intention to revisit with statistically significance at the 0.01 level. (3) guidelines for developing and improving marketing strategies, and has been presented to relevant agencies for the preparation of action plans, strategic plans, and policy strategic plans for the future.</p> Puchong Manasin, Pakaporn Krachadthong Copyright (c) 2024 BU Academic Review https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/274088 Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ESG Ratings and Financial Performance of Thai Listed Companies https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/274805 <p>Starting in 2023, the Stock Exchange of Thailand will release evaluation results in the form of ESG Ratings, which assess the Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI). A company that has undergone evaluation is one that has integrated the concept of sustainability into its business operations. This study investigates the impact of ESG ratings on financial performance, as measured by return on total assets and return on equity, using secondary data from publicly listed companies. The study examines the Thailand Stock Exchange for the fiscal year that concludes in 2023. We employed multiple regression analysis to evaluate the influence of 615 sample groups in accordance with the research objectives. The research determined that ESG ratings affected financial performance, as measured by the return on equity. However, it did not affect financial performance, as measured by the rate of return on total assets. Investors and stakeholders may consider fundamental information from financial performance measured by return on equity in evaluating investment securities as well as in making economic decisions.</p> Worakorn Pumiviset, Prempa Duangtong Copyright (c) 2024 BU Academic Review https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/274805 Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Consumers' Purchasing Intention Regarding Environmentally Friendly Products: An Empirical Analysis of Japanese Consumers https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/274165 <p>The objective of the research was to study lifestyle and consumption behavior factors affecting Japanese consumers’ Purchasing Intention for eco-labeled products by using a questionnaire of 221 random samplings. Statistics were used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The research results found that most respondents lived in the Kanto area, 57.9% were male, 78.7% were 15-20 years old, 85.5% had a bachelor's degree, 91.9% had an income less than or equal to 100,000 yen, 84.6%. Hypotheses Testing results showed that lifestyles in terms of opinions on global warming had an effect to the factors of if there are products of the same type available in the future, you choose to purchase products with an eco-label, and purchase intention eco-labeled products (in total) among Japanese consumers statistically significant at the 5% level. It was also found that the consumption behavior of consuming products for environmental conservation affects the factor of if there are products of the same type available for purchase, and intention to purchase eco-labeled products (in total) among Japanese consumers statistically significant at the 5% level. But it was found that there was only consumption behavior that affects the factor of Japanese consumers expectation to purchase eco-labeled products in the future.</p> Tanyamai Chiarakul Copyright (c) 2024 BU Academic Review https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/buacademicreview/article/view/274165 Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700