
  • สายรุ้ง ตุ่มม่วง Doctor of Education Program in Educational, Faculty of Education, North Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand


การพัฒนารูปแบบ, การบริหารการจัดระเบียบ นักเรียน, โรงเรียนประถมศึกษา


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the state and the problems of the Students’ Discipline Management Model for the primary schools in Nonthaburi, 2) to develop the model of the Students’ Discipline Management for the primary schools in Nonthaburi, and, 3) to evaluate the model of the Students’ Discipline Management for the Primary Schools students in Nonthaburi.

The results of this research were as follow: 1. The study for the state and the problems of the Students’ Discipline Management Model for primary schools in Nonthaburi revealed that: 1) the state of students’ discipline management model for primary schools in Nonthaburi, as a whole, was at the high level. 2) the problems of the Students’ Discipline Management model for the primary schools in Nonthaburi were mostly
found as follows: the lack of the cooperation networking from the other schools in the development
of the Students’ Discipline Management Model, and after the evaluation affairs, the result has rarely been continually improved. 3) There’re 4 aspects for the Students’ Discipline Management Model for the primary schools which are the students’ discipline planning, the students’ discipline organizing, the students’ discipline leading, and the students’ discipline controlling. 2. The development of the Students’ Discipline Management Models for primary schools in Nonthaburi was shown that there were four aspects; students’ discipline planning, students’ discipline organizing, students’ discipline leading, and students’ discipline controlling. These patterns were appropriately and possibly developing at the highest level. 3. The evaluation of the Students’ Discipline Management Model for Primary Schools students in Nonthaburi, were found that all models were useful, possible, and appropriate at the high levels.


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How to Cite

ตุ่มม่วง ส. (2018). THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STUDENTS’ DISCIPLINE MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR THE PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN NONTHABURI PROVINCE. Academic Journal Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 9(1), 172–185. retrieved from



บทความวิจัย (Research Article)