
  • Dusadee Jantraka มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเชียงราย
  • Gomin Wang-on
  • Viklom Boonnoon
  • Lelar Treeackanukul


Prevention and Problem-solving strategies, Human trafficking, Northern Border of Thailand


The purposes of this study were: to find out the situation of human trafficking, to analyze causes leading to the process of human trafficking and its effects, and to propose prevention and solution of human trafficking problems along the Northern border of Thailand. The study employed qualitative approach. Data were collected from 5 target population groups by using in-debt interview with 32 victims of human trafficking and a focus group discussion with 25 risk members from 5 districts in Chiang Rai. The interviewees and focus group discussion members were selected from 20 members of youth leader network in the GMS, Thailand, Myanmar and Laos PDR, 10 members from Chiang Rai multidisciplinary team. The total number of key informants were 112 persons. The results of the study have led 3 situations of human trafficking in the Chiang Rai border as the area of origin, transition, and destination. The provincial multidisciplinary team from the Center for the Prevention and Suppression of Human Trafficking in Chiang Rai province implemented 5 strategies to prevent and solve the problems on human trafficking including: 1) Prevention strategies, including campaigns, disseminating knowledge, raising awareness, strengthening the immune system for the target group, building a network at all levels to prevent and monitor human trafficking in the areas of origin and border areas. 2) Prosecution strategy by integrating the cooperation, creating safety in society, suppressing the prosecution of offenders, increasing efficiency of law enforcement, and developing capacity of the multidisciplinary team. 3) Protection strategy by helping, protecting, rehabilitating the injured person, or sending them back to the society. 4) Policy and Mechanism strategies by promoting and supporting the mechanisms of cooperation at all levels in order to put policy into practice. 5) Partnership strategy by building cooperation against human trafficking at the border level both within the country and in neighboring countries.


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How to Cite

Jantraka, D., Wang-on, G., Boonnoon, V., & Treeackanukul, L. (2021). The PREVENTION AND PROBLEM-SOLVING STRATEGIES AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING ALONG THE NORTHERN BORDER OF THAILAND . Academic Journal Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 12(2), 331–345. retrieved from



บทความวิจัย (Research Article)