
  • Thitinut Bhodthipuks -
  • Patrapan Tamdee
  • Teeraporn Thongpunya


Counselor, Depressive disorder, Self, Self-management


The objective of this qualitative research was to study the limitations in life and self-management approach of the counselors for patients with major depressive disorder to create work-life balance. The research instruments consisted of a semi-structured interview form and information on experiences of care and counseling for patients with major depressive disorder on social media. Data were collected from 4 counselors for patients with major depressive disorder, whether as a close person, volunteer work, or profession. Data were collected from in-depth interview. Moreover, a study of experiences in taking care of and counseling patients with major depressive disorder published on Pantip's website during 2019 – 2021 were added for content analysis. The results showed that the limitations in the life of the counselors for patients with major depressive disorder were: 1) fatigue from counseling, 2) relationship maintenance with close people who suffer from depression, and 3) being stigmatized and teased. With the aforementioned limitations, the counselors needed to redefine themselves as counselors in order to balance with other dimensions and to response with the consultations’ expectations and people around them by 1) integrating the counselor self with other-selves, 2) being persistent in the self of the consultant, and 3) having a clear separation of the counselor's self from other aspects of self.


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How to Cite

Bhodthipuks, T., Tamdee, P., & Thongpunya, T. (2022). REDEFINING SELF FROM EXPERIENCES OF THE COUNSELORS FOR PATIENTS WITH MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER. Academic Journal Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 13(2), 16–31. retrieved from



บทความวิจัย (Research Article)