
  • Chutamas Peeraphatchara Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon


Innovative Entrepreneurs, Role of Innovative Entrepreneurs, Modern Organizations, Creating Modern Organizations


Innovative entrepreneurs serve as the primary driving force behind organizations, employing management strategies to ensure their survival and growth. However, the challenging and ever-changing contexts of today necessitate entrepreneurs to adapt their roles accordingly. This academic article presents a systematic literature review to explore the role of innovative entrepreneurs in the creation of modern organizations. Through an examination of concepts, theories, and relevant research, four key aspects of their roles in modern organization creation were identified: roles in generating business ideas and self-awareness, leveraging knowledge and its application, social roles, and effectively managing technology. The article also provides suggestions for future research in this field. Firstly, there is a need to investigate the role of entrepreneurs in community organizations, community enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, and industry-level enterprises, with a specific focus on understanding the trends of entrepreneurial roles that utilize innovation in organizational management. Secondly, interdisciplinary research is encouraged, incorporating concepts from various scientific fields to enhance our understanding of both internal and external phenomena related to innovation entrepreneurship. Lastly, there is a call for the development of specific theories pertaining to innovation, particularly those organizational models in response to the dynamic global landscape, with a particular emphasis on innovation and technology. Such theories would aid in comprehending the innovation process in management and contribute to the creation of new concepts and theories relevant to modern entrepreneurs and organizations.


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How to Cite

Peeraphatchara, C. (2023). INNOVATIVE ENTREPRENEURS AND THEIR ROLE IN CREATING MODERN ORGANIZATIONS. Academic Journal Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 14(2), 211–224. retrieved from



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