Servant-model Leadership Relative to Hotel Organizations in Rayong Province


  • phadetkiat Nillabol


Servant-model Leadership, Organizations Relationship


The purposes of this research were 1) Study factors of servant leadership, factors of participation, factors of satisfaction and factors of relationship to organization base on hotel business in Rayong Province 2) Study correlation structure between servant leadership and factors of participation to organization base on hotel business in Rayong Province 3) Study the correlation structure between factors of participation and satisfaction to organization base on hotel business in Rayong Province 4) Study the correlation structure between factors of participation and factors of relationship to organization base on hotel business in Rayong Province, and 5) Establish a Model of correlation among servant leadership, participation, satisfaction and relationship to organization base on hotel business in Rayong Province. Sample of target group of 252 persons was used to collect data by questionnaire rating scale. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, average and standard deviation.

The research found that:

  1. Servant leadership that correlated to hotel organization in Rayong Province has three factors which are participation, satisfaction and relationship to organization.
  2. Servant leadership and participation to organization has positive correlation statistically significant (p <.01), with a correlation coefficient of Pearson at .578.
  3. Participation and satisfaction to organization has positive correlation statistically significant (p <.01), with a correlation coefficient of Pearson at .655.
  4. Participation and relationship to organization has positive correlation statistically significant (p <.01), with a correlation coefficient of Pearson at .616.


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How to Cite

Nillabol, phadetkiat. (2017). Servant-model Leadership Relative to Hotel Organizations in Rayong Province. Academic Journal Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 8(1), 72–83. retrieved from



บทความวิจัย (Research Article)