The development in the reading for gathering the content of students in Prathomsuksa 6 with KWLH Plus technique. By this will use the additional reading book in the set of Thai local legend, Bantakro School (Ratprachachanootit) Paisalee District, Nakornsawan Province


  • Areerat Tuilon


The learning management with KWLH Plus technique, The reading for gathering the content


This research has the objective for studying the capacity in the reading for gathering the content after the learning management with KWLH Plus for 80% of students who can pass 75% of the criteria or have the good level up for comparing the study achievement in the set of the reading for gathering the content before and after the learning management with KWLH Plus technique and for studying the satisfactory of students after the learning management with KWLH Plus technique. By this will use the additional reading book in the set of Thai local legend. The population are students in Prathomsuksa 6, Bantakro School (Ratprachachanootit) who have studied in the subject of Tor 15101, Thai Language 5 in the title of the reading for gathering the content, the 1st semester / 2018). Using tool will be the learning management plan in the title of the reading for gathering the content, the additional reading book in the set of Thai local legend, the form of recording of reading, the form to measure the reading for gathering the content, the test for measuring the study achievement and the form to measure the satisfactory of the student, Using statistics in the research will be the percentage the average score, the standard deviation. The research result is found that; 1) For the result of measuring the capacity in reading for gathering the content of 33 students, there are 30 persons who have passed the 75% criteria. This can calculate to be 90.90%. 2) For comparing the study achievement before and after the study, this will have the study achievement that is higher than before the study. (+3.31) 3) For students who have the satisfactory on the learning management with KWLH Plus technique, this is in the highest level (µ = 4.72).


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