Promotional Needs of ‘One Tambon, One Product’ Manufacturers under Dried Food and Local Woven Textiles, Ban Khok Salung, Phatthana Nikhom District, Lop Buri Province


  • Surachai Suasoongnen Vice President, Thai Beng Khok Salung Cultural Tourism Club


Need, Promotion, One Tambon One Product


This research aims at understanding basic socio-economic conditions and promotion of operating conditions, problems and promotional needs for members of dried food and Local Woven Textiles, and comparing the promotional needs for members of ‘One Tambon, One Product’ manufacturers under dried food and woven fabrics categories. The target group includes 141 members of ‘One Tambon, One Product’ manufacturers in Ban Khok Salung, Khok Salung District, Phatthana Nikhom District, Lop Buri Province. Statistics include percentage and average, and analysis is performed by using in-depth interviews. Research findings are as follows; 1) Key issues are 1.1) Increase in manufacturing costs, 1.2) Out-of-date tools and equipment, 1.3) Lack of public relations about products and no follow-up from staffs and 1.4) Lack of funding. The manufacturing group has a high level of promotional needs in every dimension, including operation knowledge, promotion techniques, and promotion and support. 2) Results of comparing the promotional needs among the members shows that there are different in some topics.


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