Citizen Satisfaction towards Services by Kaeng Sua Ten Sub-district Municipality, Phatthana Nikhom District, Lop Buri Province


  • Anuwat Keadsalung Policy and Planning Analyst, Kangsuaten Municipality


Satisfaction, Service


This study aims to explore and compare satisfaction of citizen towards services provided by Kaeng Sua Ten Sub-district Municipality, Phatthana Nikhom District, Lop Buri Province. A population of this study is 1,925 participants who are residents under administration of Kaeng Sua Ten Sub-district Municipality, Phatthana Nikhom District, Lop Buri Province and sample, calculated from Taro Yamane table, includes 333 residents under administration of Kaeng Sua Ten Sub-district Municipality who are at least 18 years old. Data is collected between October – December 2018. A research instrument is survey of citizen satisfaction towards services by Kaeng Sua Ten Sub-district. Statistics include percentage, average ( ), standard deviation (S.D.), t-test, F-test, and pairwise comparison with Scheffe's method. Results of the study find that; 1) Satisfaction towards services provided by Kaeng Sua Ten Sub-district Municipality, Phatthana Nikhom District, Lop Buri Province in general is at the highest level. 2) Pairwise comparison of satisfaction towards services by Kaeng Sua Ten Sub-district Municipality, Phatthana Nikhom District, Lop Buri Province shows the difference among three pairs of occupations at the statistically significant level of .05 namely farmer and government official/government employee, farmer and private employee, and trader and government official/government employee. 3) Additional suggestions of research participants include continuous improvement and repair of public utilities for all communities, asking executives or officers to survey communities to acknowledge problems and needs, and further career promotion and development for community residents especially a second job.


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