A Study of State and Problems on Educational Resource Management of Educational Institutions under Sing Buri Primary Educational Service Area Office


  • Phongsatorn Saenmuang Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Silpakorn University


Educational resource, Administration, Problems on Educational Resource Management


This research aims to study the state and problems towards educational resource management of educational institutions under Sing Buri Primary Educational Service Area Office and to compare administration state and educational resources of educational institutions under Sing Buri Primary Educational Service Area Office.  The sample group used in the research included 109 executives and 148 teachers totaling 257 participants.  The research instrument for data collection included a questionnaire on state and problems on educational resource management.  Statistics for data analysis included average, standard deviation, t-test and One-Way ANOVA. Results revealed that: 1) At the operational level, educational resource management of educational institutions under Sing Buri Primary Educational Service Area Office was in general at a high level, and the state and problems towards educational resource management of educational institutions under Sing Buri Primary Educational Service Area Office was overall at a low level. 2) The state of educational resource management of educational institutions under Sing Buri Primary Educational Service Area Office was indifferent across genders and positions at the statistically significant level of .05, and also the state of educational resource management of educational institutions under Sing Buri Primary Educational Service Area Office was indifferent across work experience and school sizes.


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