The Effects of Providing Storytelling Activities with Video Media to Promote Thai Manner in Young Children


  • Rattiya ็Hakkayanon Major Early Childhood Education, Faculty, Kasetsart University
  • Pattamavadi Lehmongkul


Storytelling Activities, Video media, Thai manner, Young children


The purpose of this study was to study the effects of providing storytelling activities with video media to promote Thai manner in young children. The target group used in this study was 18 young children who were studying in kindergarten year 2, academic year 2019, Rajini School Bangkok. The tools used in the study were storytelling stories with video media, fifteen plans on storytelling activities of young children, behavior observation form on Thai manner. Data was analyze by mean, and standard deviation.

The study found that young children who participated in storytelling activities had higher scores in showing Thai manner both verbal and physical manner.



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How to Cite

็Hakkayanon R., & Lehmongkul, P. (2021). The Effects of Providing Storytelling Activities with Video Media to Promote Thai Manner in Young Children. Wishing Journal Review, 1(2), RA 1–12. Retrieved from