Lesson Learned the Building Process of Civic Engagement Loei Province In The Case Study Of “Na Haeo Model”


  • Yonchan Kamolrut and Other
  • seefar Na nakorn


The Building Process of Civic Engagement, Forestry and Land, Rights, Duties


Objectives for this Lesson Learned the Building Process of Civic Engagement 1) To summarize the body of knowledge on the process of creating civic engagement in the field of forestry and land (Na Haeo Model) 2) To enhance knowledge and understanding and to show the rights and duties of citizens in forest land in ​​Loei Province 3) To expand the body of knowledge and publicize the role of the Center for Civil Political Development King Prajadhipok's Institute, Loei Province, in the area of ​​Loei Province A model of lessons learned on the process of building citizen participation, a case study of “Na Haeo Model” by the process of civic engagement by using a post-practice review technique. (Retrospective Technique) A target group is a group of stakeholders, Na Haeo District, Loei Province in total 216 persons.

The lessons learned finding

The process of enhance in civic engagement the case study of the Na Haeo model, where there is an emphasis on participation in every process from the beginning of thinking and raising problems to be a common solution and find Solutions in every process and with good cooperation in every stage of the “Na Haeo Model project” It also includes the process of this lesson learned. It creates participation in all sectors. whether it is the people, the state, the leaders, as in the steps of the project of lesson learned “Na Haeo Model” project implementation Lessons taken from the Na Haeo Model are as follows: 1) Introduction for “Na Haeo Model”,  2) Processes after receiving an order for arranging land for communities according to the National Land Policy Committee(NLPC), there are a total of 8 processes, which follow the process as follows:  that Creating participation is important in every processes, listen to the opinion of others Using a group of communities to help verify each other which raises awareness of cooperation to unite in action in driving the project


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How to Cite

and Other, Y. K., & Na nakorn, seefar. (2021). Lesson Learned the Building Process of Civic Engagement Loei Province In The Case Study Of “Na Haeo Model” . Wishing Journal Review, 1(2), AA 11–28. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/WJR/article/view/250577