Teaching and Learning Towards Excellence in the Digital Age


  • Manot Hutthayamad
  • somsak Boonpoo
  • Sin Ngamprakhon


teaching and learning, towards excellence, the digital age


The objective of this article was to present the concept of teaching and learning towards excellence in the digital age in the situation of the COVID-19 in the first semester of the 1/2564 .There has been an impact on the change in online teaching and learning all over the country, resulting in All teachers must learn to use technology to manage teaching in a variety of ways. This situation shows the potential of teachers in teaching and learning as 1) Teachers have the ability to change themselves in the use of digital media. 2) Students have to adjust their learning well. 3) Parents are involved in teaching and learning management. 4) All sectors, both public and private, provide good support to learning resources. If we can do this, we believe that the nation's education will drive education very well.


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How to Cite

Hutthayamad, M., Boonpoo, somsak, & Ngamprakhon, S. (2021). Teaching and Learning Towards Excellence in the Digital Age. Wishing Journal Review, 1(2), AA 53–64. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/WJR/article/view/251149