Learning Management and Important Skill on 21st Century


  • Reverend Somkiat Jufod


Learning Management, Important Skill, Learning on 21st Century


Learning Management and Important Skill on 21st Century was the purpose of Thailand up to nowadays. Therefore, by emphasize learners have knowledge as along with “Good”. There were means self-disciplinary interesting and mindfulness by themselves. They should be known good and bad then have responsibility for good reason and honor for “Expecting”. So that, they were had some characteristics for language all parts for listening speaking reading and writing both Thai and international language too. They should have to know logic mathematics and science. That will have guarantee for observing evaluating grouping connecting for hypothesis for education to make real learning and dept for important “Happiness”.


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How to Cite

Jufod, R. S. (2021). Learning Management and Important Skill on 21st Century. Wishing Journal Review, 1(01), 25–36. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/WJR/article/view/251347