The development of morality and ethics of Generation Y people according to the concept of sociology


  • Sutin Phanit


Morality and ethics, Generation Y, Concept of sociology


Morality and ethics are good things that are accepted by society, which arises from the public and education, actions until the birth is a habit and It is the restraint and control over the behavior of the person who expresses their desire in response to the desires, which is the process of developing oneself to perfection in the body, speech and mind. The concept of sociology is a concept that focuses on the study of social interaction processes and patterns of relationships between human beings in organization and society. The morality and ethics development of human beings can occur through socialization such as parenting and good parenting practices, teaching and training from teachers, teaching from monks, learning from peer groups and learning from the media, etc. This birth of morality and ethics occurs through a 4-step process consist of imitation, instruction, copying, and self-moralizing. The principles of morality and ethics that are a model for life are diligence, frugal, honesty, discipline, health, cleanliness and harmony. Among the world in this social age, the generation Y people are the ones that will be the most important human resource of the country caused understanding of their roles and duties is the development of morality and ethics, because morality and ethics will be an island to prevent from doing evil. Therefore, the guidelines for morality and ethics development through a variety of strategies include 1) the cultivation of morality and ethics in the educational curriculum, 2) the instillation by the family institute, 3) the use of religious principles as a guideline for morality and ethics upbringing, and 4) a model of morality and ethics instillation by the community. This will lead to a society that coexists with happiness and to achieve stability, wealth and sustainability.


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How to Cite

Phanit, S. (2021). The development of morality and ethics of Generation Y people according to the concept of sociology . Wishing Journal Review, 1(01), 61–78. Retrieved from