Teacher’s role in the 21st century, "Teacher who Creative Persons”


  • PhraMaha Tui Khantithammo Kham Nua
  • Phuttiphong phutthithiwoso klamthawi


Teacher’s role, the 21st century, Creative Persons


Teachers are very role important for society until their precursor because in addition to teachers teaching various knowledge subjects, teachers must take care of happiness.  The students' suffering, the advancement of the students, and the protection of the disciples from the evil acts of the teachers, the work of the teachers is pure creation because it is the foundation of knowledge, goodness and all abilities for the disciple to help them to be a person.  Good has a career as evidence and benefits to society for the success, progress and happiness of others throughout their lives. Teachers are important persons to society and the nation because teachers are both the creators and the creators of the future of the youth society.  And the nation to develop in the desired and correct direction, but the expectations that many people have for teachers to be fulfilled must depend on responsibility, earnestness, sacrifice, care and patience in educating the teacher's students.  Thus, 1.  A teacher must be a researcher and collect detailed information about the current social problems 2. A teacher must be an analyst. 3. Being a critic of both students' own problems and society through psychological methods. Teachers must be courageous to show that teachers understand problems and are ready to solve them.  4. Also become an integral link to be an effective solution to social problems.    


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How to Cite

Kham Nua, P. T. . . K. ., & klamthawi, P. phutthithiwoso . (2022). Teacher’s role in the 21st century, "Teacher who Creative Persons”. Wishing Journal Review, 1(3), AA 13 – 26. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/WJR/article/view/254577