Development of Secondary Students Standard 7, English Vocabulary Pronunciation Skills Through Phonics at Wat Bangpakok School


  • Phra Narong Thanawuttho Srakaew -


Development, English Vocabulary, Through Phonics, Wat Bangpakok School


         The research entitled “Development of Secondary Students Standard 7, English Vocabulary Pronunciation Skills Through Phonics at Wat Bangpakok School. It was Experimental Research. The objectives were namely; 1) To study development of Secondary Students Standard 7, English Vocabulary Pronunciation Skills Through Phonics at Wat Bangpakok School. 2) To compare development of Secondary Students Standard 7, English Vocabulary Pronunciation Skills Through Phonics at Wat Bangpakok School. 3) To study suggestions as concern with development of Secondary Students Standard 7, English Vocabulary Pronunciation Skills Through Phonics at Wat Bangpakok School. The instruments used for the studying were Lesson Plan and Pre-test and Posttest from exampling 30 persons using Krejci & Morgan then In-dept interview administrator 6 persons. Researcher used Descriptive Statistics. There were analyzed by 1) Frequency 2) Percentage 3) Mean 4) Standard Deviation for research.


The result of research was found as follows;

         1.The development of Secondary Students Standard 7, English Vocabulary Pronunciation Skills Through Phonics at Wat Bangpakok School. It had pre-test points by average as 8.57 and posttest points by average as 14.17 then comparing result t-test found that posttest more point than pre-test by significant as .05.

         2.The result outcome from expertise persons about lesson plan (Index of Item – Objective Congruence or IOC) for development English Vocabulary Pronunciation Skills Through Phonics total 10 points from experts’ 6 persons. The conclusions had found that = 1, mean appropriate for learning management.

         3.The summarizing of lesson test for (Index of Item – Objective Congruence or IOC) from development English Vocabulary Pronunciation Skills Through Phonics total 10 points from experts’ 6 persons. The total conclusions had found that = 6, then IOC = 1.00, mean appropriate can use them all points.

        4.The comparing point from enable about for development English Vocabulary Pronunciation from pre-test and posttest. It had found that pre-test 20 points total = 257, = 8.57, S.D. = 2.27, then posttest 20 points total =4 25, = 14.17, S.D. = 317. They were difference (D) ᴰ= 168, = 5.60 and difference² (D²) ² =989, = 32.9. There were by evaluation from capability 3 parts as follow, (Consonant Sounds) (Vowel Sounds) and (Stress).


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How to Cite

Srakaew, P. N. T. . (2023). Development of Secondary Students Standard 7, English Vocabulary Pronunciation Skills Through Phonics at Wat Bangpakok School. Wishing Journal Review, 2(01), AR 1–14. Retrieved from