Life Style According to Three-Fold Training


  • Phrasamu wirote wirochano Laiwarin -


Life Style, Dhamma Priniciple, Three-Fold Training


       Three-Fold Training mean precept meditation wisdom which good understand for revolutionary but for academic only. There were used for analysist remember for Three-fold Training. Mostly for those who remember as what is Three-Fold Training. Exactly Three-Fold Training is the main important then should be well known. Buddha has given for abbreviation as follow, right effort right meditation and right mindfulness. Then those who have some right wisdom should be wisdom for release. Knowing for Three-Fold Training no necessary for more detail as remember like some birds. Therefore, the core value for Three-Fold Training mean heart of them as cannot depend on books as all.    


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How to Cite

Laiwarin, P. wirote wirochano . (2023). Life Style According to Three-Fold Training. Wishing Journal Review, 2(02), AA 17–30. Retrieved from