Administration of Students Supporting System for Developing the Quality of Life for Students in Secondary Schools Under Secondary Educational Service Area Office Area 9


  • Narunat Wisitanuphong
  • Tirrat Sithithul
  • Jeerath Sintuaree


Office of Administration, Student Support System, Secondary Education Service Area 9



The objectives of this research were 1) to examine the management of secondary school student assistance systems. Dvaravati Group is part of the Office of Secondary Education Service Area, District 9, Suphanburi Province. 2) to compare the administration of the student support system of secondary schools under the supervision of the Office of Secondary Education Service Area, District 9, Suphanburi Province, Dvaravati Group, classified by position and work experience; and 3) Research the guidelines for the development of the student support system's administrative system. Purposive sampling was used in this study's sample group. And, using Craigie and Morgan's ready-made tables, determine the sample size, which is 40 school administrators, 120 teachers, and 80 teachers in charge of the student support system of schools under the office. Secondary Education Area, District 9, Suphan Buri Province, Dvaravati Group, 240 people in total. The research tool was a questionnaire. The following statistics were used in data analysis: percentage (%), mean (x̅), standard deviation (S.D.), and t-test. The finding of the research was as follow:

  1. The administration of the student caring system of school overall was rated at a high level. In descending order as follow: in the aspect of student promotion and development, in the aspect of student screening, in the aspect of recognizing individual students, in the aspect of prevention and troubleshooting, and the aspect of student transfer, respectively.
  2. The findings of a comparison of secondary school administration of the student support system the overall picture was not different under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 9, which was classified by position and work experience.
  3. According to the guidelines for the development of the Secondary school administration of student support systems Service, it was found that, on the recognition of individual students, the schools had systematic data collection. For the student screening aspect, the schools analyzed students' data from systematic data collection. For the prevention and resolution aspect, the schools intensively took care of risk and problem students. When considering the promotion and development of students, school activities to promote and develop students were in accordance with school policy. Finally, for the student transfer aspect, the transferred students received accurate and prompt assistance.


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How to Cite

Wisitanuphong, N., Sithithul, T., & Sintuaree, J. (2023). Administration of Students Supporting System for Developing the Quality of Life for Students in Secondary Schools Under Secondary Educational Service Area Office Area 9. Wishing Journal Review, 3(02), AR 1–14. Retrieved from