Cognitive Intelligences in the Cannabinoid Nursing lesson of Professional Nurses


  • Thichaluck Narongvit


Professional, Buddhadam, Cannabinoid Nursing


Buddhist Principle appeared in Buddha’s history and Tipitaka regarding to be holy and without condition from time (timeless) for always. Therefore, it could be integration with all subjects to adjust element knowledge for clearly practicing in social. It was an objective for, 1) study Buddhist Principle as concern with nursing treatment. 2) To study an effectiveness for medical Cannabinoid. 3) to assist scope of interdisciplinary for the Cannabinoid Nursing lesson of Professional Nurses by mean of quality from theory and literature situation and empirical result. The major founding must be used Professional Nurses then mixed with Buddhist Principle such as Foundation of mindfulness, Subline states of mind, Basis for success, and the Three admonition or Exhortation of the Buddha. Ethical of professional on behalf of the Cannabinoid Nursing. It must be concerning with Tipitaka principal example Patient-sutta, Enlightenment factors, Ukamatitanya-sutta, and Aspiration-Purani, then Strength power 1. Therefore, an effectiveness for using medical Cannabinoid that is Knowledge faithful and disciplinary. Then for the Cannabinoid Nursing lesson of Professional Nurses creation found that Cognitive Intelligences in the Cannabinoid Nursing lesson of Professional Nurses evaluate from explicit knowledge tacit knowledge Reasoned attention (Yônisômanasikâra) and integration with nursing theory. So that, it could be creating for the Cannabinoid Nursing lesson to continue developing and absolutely with using medical which development from Cannabinoid as founding that has properties for medicine as treatment disease cancer and chronic disease as difficult for treatment, so that Cannabinoid has usefully for all human being for both treatment and for good physical too.


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How to Cite

Narongvit, T. (2024). Cognitive Intelligences in the Cannabinoid Nursing lesson of Professional Nurses. Wishing Journal Review, 4(01), AA 31–44. Retrieved from