Guidelines for Managing Student Activities to Enhance a Meaningful and Valuable way of Life According to the Ikigai Concept of the Students at the Affiliated School of Khlong San District Office Bangkok Metropolitan


  • Amornthep Sasima -
  • Pratumthong Trairat


Approaches to student affairs management, Living valuable life, Ikigai concept



          It aimed to (1) explore the current and desirable states; (2) examine the strengths, weaknesses, and priority needs; and (3) propose approaches to student affairs management creating a guide to living valuable and meaningful life according to the Ikigai concept among school students under the Khlong San District Office of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. It employed a quantitative research method which included a sample of school administrators and teachers, totally 140 persons, with 104 respondents accounting for 74.29%. The tool used was a 5 point rating scale questionnaire with IOC value = 1.00 and reliability of .986. For the analysis of priority needs index, informants were 9 experts. The tool used was propriety and feasibility evaluation form as a 5-point rating scale. Research statistics consisted of percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Priority Needs Index Modified.

          Research results revealed that the current state of student affairs management creating a guide to living valuable and meaningful life according to the Ikigai concept among school students under the Khlong San District Office of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, based on the analysis of overall and individual aspects was at a moderate level. The desirable state based on the analysis of overall and individual aspects was at a highest level. The analysis of priority needs for student affairs management suggested that school health was in a low group as strength, while student activities were in a high group as weakness. With respect to a guide to living valuable and meaningful life according to the Ikigai concept, harmony and sustainability was in a low group as strength, while living in the present moment was in a high group as weakness. Regarding the purpose according to the Ikigai concept, the work was in a low group as strength, while the duty was in a high group as weakness the results were taken to determine the following approaches. 1) Developing holistic student activities appropriate for individual differences to allow for discovering and developing self-potential, enhancing life skills, with value and meaning. 1.1) Developing student activities to create diverse experiences, knowledge, and expertise, and happiness in living a sustainable life. 1.2) Developing activities to enhance students' potential according to their aptitudes and interests beneficial to oneself and society. 2) Developing student support and assistance work on promoting, preventing, and solving problems to ensure students living valuable and meaningful life. 2.1) Developing the formulation of a plan to develop the quality of student support and assistance work to ensure students living valuable and meaningful life. 2.2) Developing quality and standard tools for operating student support and assistance work to ensure students living valuable and meaningful life. 2.3) Developing the internal and external involvement by encouraging all sectors to develop knowledge and abilities in operating the support and assistance work to ensure students living valuable and meaningful life. 3) Developing the guidance work to promote students living valuable and meaningful life with the involvement of all parties. 3.1) Developing the guidance work by providing a variety of services and activities to promote students living valuable and meaningful life. 3.2) Developing a guidance system in relation with other works and individuals both inside and outside of school.

          The results of this research can be used to formulate policies for educational management to create guidelines for educating learners to see their goals in living a valuable life.


Keywords : Approaches to student affairs management, Living valuable life, Ikigai concept


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How to Cite

Sasima, A., & Trairat, P. (2024). Guidelines for Managing Student Activities to Enhance a Meaningful and Valuable way of Life According to the Ikigai Concept of the Students at the Affiliated School of Khlong San District Office Bangkok Metropolitan. Wishing Journal Review, 4(02), AR 1–22. Retrieved from