Guidelines for Leveraging Teamwork Relationships in Conjunction with Academic Affairs Administration to Enhance the Teaching Effectiveness of Secondary Schools under Bangkok Educational Service Area Office 1 Group 4


  • Jantida Jankla
  • Trairat Sithithul
  • Jeerath Sintuaree


Teamwork, Academic Affairs Administration, School Aministrator



Academic management is the core of educational institutions, necessitating teamwork in decision-making, planning, process sequencing, assistance, and mutual support. Active participation in decision-making, transparent communication, and mutual trust contribute to effective teamwork. Successful academic teamwork tends to positively impact educational management efficiency. Conversely, limited teamwork among school personnel may lead to decreased academic performance, negatively affecting educational management.

The researcher, a teacher in a secondary school under the jurisdiction of the Educational Area Office, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Zone 1, Group 4, aims to investigate and improve the relationship between teamwork and academic management for enhanced teaching and learning efficiency. The study involved administrators and teachers from 11 secondary schools in the mentioned area during the 2023 academic year.

The objectives of the study were to: 1) Examine teamwork in secondary schools within the specified educational area. 2) Investigate academic management practices in secondary schools within the specified educational area. 3) Explore the relationship between teamwork and academic management in secondary schools within the specified educational area. 4) Develop strategies for effective teamwork and academic management in secondary schools within the specified educational area. The research used a sample group determined by Krejcie & Morgan's (1970) sample size table, comprising 38 administrators and 829 teachers, totaling 867 participants from 11 secondary schools during the 2023 academic year. The data collection tool was a questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale. Data analysis included mean, standard deviation, and Pearson correlation analysis.

The research found that 1) Teamwork in secondary schools within the educational area was generally at a high level, encompassing aspects such as interpersonal relationships, acceptance of opinions, communication, and mutual trust. Team goals were consistently high across all dimensions. 2)  Academic management in secondary schools within the educational area was rated as high overall, with specific practices related to research, outcome measurement, technology integration, learning process development, educational leadership, and curriculum development all scoring high. 3)  Teamwork in schools showed a positive correlation with academic management at a statistically significant level of .01. The areas with the highest correlation were outcome measurement, evaluation, and learning outcome transfer, as well as internal quality assurance systems. The least correlated areas were team goals and outcome measurement.


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How to Cite

Jankla, J., Sithithul, T., & Sintuaree, J. (2024). Guidelines for Leveraging Teamwork Relationships in Conjunction with Academic Affairs Administration to Enhance the Teaching Effectiveness of Secondary Schools under Bangkok Educational Service Area Office 1 Group 4. Wishing Journal Review, 4(02), AR 79–94. Retrieved from