Implementing academic management practices according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Education to enhance the academic performance of schools in the Mueang Phichit Campus affiliated with the Office of Secondary Education


  • Montira Nimsomboon
  • Trairat Sithithul
  • Jeerath Sintuaree


Academic management, Mueang Phichit Campus



The current global societal landscape is undergoing rapid and profound changes. This situation has led to significant impacts on educational management, necessitating adjustments to adapt to the evolving context. Thailand has initiated educational reforms that rely on adapting educational processes to keep pace with global changes. This has resulted in changes to curriculum, assessment criteria, and educational management principles. Schools must be aware of these changes and be prepared to elevate the standard of education to meet evolving demands. Educational management has become crucial for schools, with administrators being required to prioritize it significantly. Academic performance serves as a vital indicator of education quality, with Thai society and the Ministry of Education placing great importance on it. Efforts are being made to enhance the quality of education across all institutions. It is essential to instill confidence in society that education can be managed effectively to meet societal expectations and ensure that teaching and learning processes lead to improved academic outcomes, aligning with established educational standards. Researchers are interested in studying educational management following the guidelines of the Ministry of Education to enhance the academic performance of schools in the Phichit Educational Service Area under the jurisdiction of the Phichit Provincial Education Office. The objectives of this research are to:1) Study the educational management practices of schools. 2) Explore strategies to enhance academic performance through educational management in schools within the Phichit Educational Service Area under the jurisdiction of the Phichit Provincial Education Office.

Population consists of school administrators and teachers in secondary schools within the Phichit Educational Service Area under the jurisdiction of the Phichit Provincial Education Office. The sample group was determined using the Taro Yamane formula (1973: 727-728, cited in Sutthanoon Srisai, 2008: 53) at a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 0.05. With a population size of 372 school administrators and teachers in secondary schools within the Phichit Educational Service Area, the sample size is 193 individuals. The selection was done through simple random sampling.

The objectives of this research are : to study the academic management practices of schools within the Phichit Educational Service Area under the jurisdiction of the Phichit Provincial Education Office.To explore strategies for developing the implementation of academic management in line with the guidelines of the Ministry of Education to enhance the academic performance of schools within the Phichit Educational Service Area under the jurisdiction of the Phichit Provincial Education Office.

The population consists of school administrators and teachers in secondary schools within the Phichit Educational Service Area under the jurisdiction of the Phichit Provincial Education Office, during the academic year 2566. There are a total of 7 schools comprising 18 administrators and 354 teachers, totaling 372 individuals. The sample group was determined using the Taro Yamane formula (1973: 727-728, cited in Sutthanoon Srisai, 2008: 53). With 5 administrators and 188 teachers, the research utilized a questionnaire with a proportional scale of 5 levels. Data analysis was conducted using mean, standard deviation, and correlation analysis.

The research findings indicate that the academic management of schools within the Phichit Educational Service Area under the jurisdiction of the Phichit Provincial Education Office is generally practiced at a high level. When considering each aspect individually, it was found that each aspect is rated high in the following order, based on the average values: 1. Learning process: Ranked highest, indicating a high level of practice. 2. Educational administration: Ranked second, also at a high level. 3. Assessment, evaluation, and grading: Ranked third, indicating a high level. 4. Internal quality assurance system and educational standards: Ranked fourth, still at a high level. 5. Curriculum development: Rated lowest in average value but still considered at a high level.


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How to Cite

Nimsomboon, M., Sithithul, T., & Sintuaree, J. (2024). Implementing academic management practices according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Education to enhance the academic performance of schools in the Mueang Phichit Campus affiliated with the Office of Secondary Education. Wishing Journal Review, 4(02), AR 95–112. Retrieved from