How does Systemic Functional Linguistics differ from Traditional and Transformational Grammar?


  • Pongthep Bunrueng


The paper aims to differentiate three types of grammar under prescriptive grammar and descriptive grammar. Traditional grammar is based on prescriptive grammar which states only rules for what is considered the most correct usage whereas transformational grammar and systemic functional grammar share the same view of descriptive grammar that is how language is actually used. Nevertheless, both systemic grammar and transformational grammar are entirely different in terms of meaning. The former focuses on logical meanings or social contexts while the latter focuses only on grammatical analysis.  Consequently in a language classroom, these three categories of grammar should be intertwined, not only to focus on forms, but on functions as well. 


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How to Cite

Bunrueng, P. (2018). How does Systemic Functional Linguistics differ from Traditional and Transformational Grammar?. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Loei Rajabhat University, 1(1), 31–43. Retrieved from