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Guidelines for soild waste Management of nong phue subdistrict administrative rganization tha li district loei province.


  • Isarapap Keawchofong Pisada Intavong. Master of art Thesis in Social Development Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Loei Rajabhat University.


Subdistrict Administrative Organization and Solid Waste Management


This research Objectives : 1) to study the state of solid waste management problems of Nong Phue Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Thali District, Loei Province. 2) To study the needs of solid waste management of people in the Nong Phue Subdistrict Administrative Organization and 3) To propose a solution to the problem of solid waste management according to the needs of people in the area of ​​Nong Phue Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Thali District, Loei By using quantitative research methods and qualitative research Quantitative research The population of the study was people from 2,666 households. The sample consisted of 380 people. The target groups in the study were: Including community leaders, representatives of the people There were 13 representatives of government agencies, the private sector and officials involved in waste management of Nong Phue Subdistrict Administrative Organization. The quantitative data collection tools were questionnaires and qualitative data were : Group Discussion Issues Statics used are percentage, standard deviation, and summary of content. The results of the research found that : 1) The state of solid waste management problems of Nong Phue Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Thali District, Loei Province, as a whole of the four aspects, was at a moderate level. found that waste collection (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 3.63, S.D = 0.92) It's the first and foremost problem. followed by waste sorting and waste collection (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 3.48, S.D = 0.92) and the lowest level of problem was waste control (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 3.38, S.D = 0.91). 2) The need for solid waste management of the people in Nong Phue Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Thali District, Loei Province, as a whole of the four aspects, was at a moderate level. Article Waste control (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 4.00, S.D = 0.89) is the first requirement. followed by item waste collection (gif.latex?\bar{X} = 3.91, SD = 0.94) and item 4) waste collection (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 3.90, SD = 0.94) and the lowest requirement was item Waste sorting (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 3.83, SD = 0.96) 3) Guidelines for waste management according to the needs of people in Nong Phue Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Tha Li District, Loei Province found that 1.1) guidelines for waste disposal control 1.2) waste separation guidelines 1.3) waste collection guidelines and 1.4) waste collection guidelines


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How to Cite

Keawchofong, I. (2022). Guidelines for soild waste Management of nong phue subdistrict administrative rganization tha li district loei province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Loei Rajabhat University, 4(2), 24–39. Retrieved from