The Process of Inheriting Local Wisdom of KanomFarang-Kudeejeen


  • กิติศักดิ์ ทองมีทิพย์ -


The Process of Inheriting, Local Wisdom, KanomFarang-Kudeejeen


The objectives of this research are to study the development of Kudijeen Kanom farang, including to study the process of inheriting the wisdom of making Kanom farang Kudeejeen and to study the factors affecting the production of Kanom farang Kudeejeen. Existence of Kanom Farang Kudi Jeen and ask research questions that will lead to successful qualitative research in order to preserve and carry on wisdom. Data analysis was performed by How to conduct an in-depth interview and analyze related research papers. And credibility to support research

The results showed that Kanom farang Kudi Jeen It is a dessert with a unique identity, fragrant, similar to the egg-shaped dessert. Making desserts starts at Bringing duck eggs and sugar Beat until fluffy, and then add the prepared wheat flour to mix well and mix well. After that, people get together. Then pour it into the mold and put it in the oven that you use. High heat temperature later, the dessert was developed from the original without a face. Let us add more of the dessert topping by sprinkling raisins with dried persimmons. then sprinkle with sugar Bake at the right time and then take the dessert out of Pim has inherited the wisdom of making Kanom farang Kudi Jeen in 3 levels: 1) household inheritance. It is inherited within the household from generation to generation. 2) Inheritance within the community. It is for people in the community who being relatives to help make desserts and 3) inheritance outside the community with outsiders who give Interested in learning how to make Kanom farang Kudi Jeen? Moreover, there are 4 factors affecting the existence of Kanom farang Kudeejeen, namely 1) producer 2) consumer 3) public relations and 4) product development.


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How to Cite

ทองมีทิพย์ ก. (2023). The Process of Inheriting Local Wisdom of KanomFarang-Kudeejeen. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Loei Rajabhat University, 5(1), 46–57. retrieved from