The senator acquisition problem : Comparative Notes to United States of America


  • ดร.พีรพล ดร.พีรพล สิมมา -


This research aims to study the issue of Thailand's obtaining senators compared with the United States. Through research, people are allowed to participate in the part of national management according to democratic principles, and it is used as a guideline to propose changes to the dog rules. Senate Takeover Rules and Procedures

The study found that the acquisition of Thai senators It does not conform to democratic principles, because citizens do not participate in the Senate election. Therefore, compared with the United States, the senators won cannot really understand the well-being of the people. Facts have proved that senators must be elected by the people.


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2023-02-24 — Updated on 2023-02-25


How to Cite

สิมมา ด. ด. (2023). The senator acquisition problem : Comparative Notes to United States of America. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Loei Rajabhat University, 5(1), 16–29. retrieved from (Original work published February 24, 2023)