The Development of Income Generating Potential of Debtors in Buriram Province


  • suphatut srivipatana BURIRAM RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY


potential development, informal debtor, income generation


The purpose of this research is to condition Problems of informal debtors in Buriram Province Study the context of economic, social and  propose guidelines for promoting the income generating potential of informal debtors. This research focuses on qualitative research by collecting data from in-depth interviews and focus group discussions involved person in promoting the earning potential of informal debtors coupled with participatory observation. The results of the research revealed that the interviewees who had informal debt because their income was insufficient for their livelihoods, had no job, and lacked the knowledge of how to use resources in the community to develop value. Guidelines for developing income generating potential of informal debtors is to promote and support knowledge about their own career that is correct. as well as having legal knowledge to use as a tool for conducting their own business appropriately

Therefore, it is appropriate to strengthen the potential of generating income for the people in Thung Saeng Thong Sub-district, Nang Rong District, Buriram Province, namely developing products to upgrade them to be a community brand in a modern style. Promoting occupational training, providing knowledge from livestock agencies in responsible areas to be able to adapt to animal husbandry to reduce unnecessary costs. Cultivation of rice according to the season should be developed in terms of planting methods that reduce the risk factor in terms of cost. Reduce unnecessary problems for farmers


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How to Cite

srivipatana, suphatut. (2023). The Development of Income Generating Potential of Debtors in Buriram Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Loei Rajabhat University, 5(2), 70–83. Retrieved from