Factors Affecting the Decision to Choose to Enter Service in the Artillery Unit of the Army Non - Commissioned Officer School, Class 26.


  • Adirek Wasansakul
  • Chanchai Chitlaoarporn
  • Jidapa Thirasirikul


decision, artillery, Army Non - Commissioned Officer Student


The purposes of this study were: 1) to study the decision-making process in choosing to enter service in the Artillery of the Army Non-Commissoned Officer School. Class 26; and 2) to study factors affecting the decision to enter service in the Artillery of the Army Non-Commissoned Officer School. Class 26. The study was a quantitative research, using questionnaires as a tool for collecting information from samples of 310 Army Non-Commissoned Officer School students.

         The major findings were: 1) the Army Non-Commissoned Officer School students, who were enlisted soldiers, made the decision to join the Division as their first choice for military service after the ranking process. This decision was primarily driven by their intention to choose the Division as their top preference after entering the ranks of student soldiers. Furthermore, even before becoming student soldiers, they expressed initial interest in selecting the Division for their military service; and 2) The factors influencing the decision to join the Division among the Army Non-Commissoned Officer School students were attitude and motivation. Both factors have statistically significant positive correlation with the decision to join the Division at a significance level of 0.05. However, in terms of personal factors, including economic status, hometown, and pre-enlistment status, the study found no statistically significant relevance.


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How to Cite

Wasansakul, A., Chitlaoarporn, C., & Thirasirikul, J. (2023). Factors Affecting the Decision to Choose to Enter Service in the Artillery Unit of the Army Non - Commissioned Officer School, Class 26. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Loei Rajabhat University, 6(1), 1–15. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husolru/article/view/268610