Legal Development Guidelines for Protection and Assistance Victims or Injured Person in Computer and Technology Crimes Case

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Supatra Phanwichit


Nowadays, the offence and the threat of technology has a tendency to be increase which greatly affects to the victim of crime or the victim. According to the legislation for protection and assistance victim of crime at the present contains only general criminal measures or some criminal measures which is not put special emphasis on protection and assistance for victim of crime of computer and technology crime case. Because of the legal constraints in providing the protection and assistance under the Declaration of Basic Principle of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power, It is crucial to analyze the problem and seek the legal constraints in protection and assistance of the victim of crime or victim. Both access to Justice and fair treatment will be considered such as restitution, compensation and assistance for victim or victim of crime. To propose the recommendation for amendment the legislation in computer offence and guarantee to victim in computer and technology crime case for receiving legal remedy, assistance and treat fairly from the state officials.

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