The Online Operating time Management System


  • Wachara Hareasang โรงเรียนบ้นอีต้อม


Information Systems / Management


The research aims to a development for management personnel attendance online system. Researcher
has studied and developed the system by data flow diagram, database relationship (E-R Diagram)
is a tool for system design and using PHP language, MySQL is a database program.
System satisfaction assessment results the researcher determined the population of 66 people found that
Satisfaction with web applications, management personnel attendance online system. The system can be
used for practical purposes. From the assessment using questionnaires, divided into 3 parts. Get the following
mean the satisfaction results in the usability of the system (Usability Test) mean 4.29, the evaluation is
good. In terms of the security of information in the system (Security Test) the average is 4.22, the evaluation
is good. Functionality according to the function of the system (Function Test), the average is 4.25, the evaluation
is good.
Keyword : Information Systems / Management


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How to Cite

Hareasang, W. . (2020). The Online Operating time Management System. SSKRU Research and Development Journal, 7(2), 31–37. Retrieved from



Research Articles