Calorie Control Applications


  • Anongnart Namchompoo โรงเรียนขุขันธ์ราษฎร์บำรุง


Calorie Control Applications, Body mass


This research aims to 1) To study the development of a calorie control application. 2) To find the satisfaction
of a calorie control app. The organizer can study related theories. On the meaning of calories the process
of burning calories definition of body mass index the importance of water in the body. Blood work processes
in the body studying in the development of systems, technology and language used in program development.
Development of a calorie control application using Eclipse Java language to make it more convenient
to use the author has designed it to be in an offline system that can be accessed anywhere. No
need for internet analysis, system design and system development. By an application to control calories,
categorize food can be added to the record of calorie accumulation. Contains activity information that
helps burn energy calculating body mass index energy required find the amount of water your body needs
and find the amount of blood in the body for the user to use in their daily life to the maximum benefit.
The results of the development of the calorie control application summarize the application
can work properly. Meet the purpose can show results effectively to be ready for actual use.
Keyword : Calorie Control Applications, Body mass


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How to Cite

Namchompoo, A. . (2020). Calorie Control Applications. SSKRU Research and Development Journal, 7(2), 38–45. Retrieved from



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