Use of applied relaxation to reduce anxiety and increase performance in elite thai rifle shooters


  • Naradapawee Munketkit -


Keywords: Relaxation Technique, Reduce Anxiety, Release Muscle Tension, Shooting


Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is a set of exercises designed to reduce anxiety and tension in the body. Through the practice of tensing and relaxing groups of muscles, we learn to feel the difference between tension, relaxation and release muscle tension. This study investigated whether a remotely delivered, eight-week applied relaxation technique (AR) based on PMR could reduce somatic anxiety and improve shooting performance in three elite rifle shooters of both genders (1 male, 2 females) age between 25-30 years old. The participants were required to practice the stages of applied relaxation techniques (AR: Progressive Relaxation, Release Only Relaxation, Cue-Controlled Relaxation, Differential Relaxation, Rapid Relaxation, Application Training) every day over the course of the 8 weeks intervention. AR was delivered remotely by the experimenter and independently to each participant. This study was aimed for the performer to recognize early signals of anxiety and learned to cope with it, and further using the applied relaxation techniques can reduce anxiety and stress. The primary hypothesis of the study is that the AR would enhance elite shooters' performance and mental skills. To conclude, the study demonstrated that relaxation intervention could be a viable option for enhancing performance and reducing anxiety over a medium period of the time in elite shooters.


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How to Cite

Munketkit, N. (2022). Use of applied relaxation to reduce anxiety and increase performance in elite thai rifle shooters. SSKRU Research and Development Journal, 9(1), 55–64. Retrieved from



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