BCG Model to Guidelines for Resource Management in Ban Non Sung Sufficiency Economy Learning Center, Sa Kaeo Province

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ปรีชญา รุ่งวิกรัยกานต์


This study aims to 1) review the potential of internal resource management. of the learning center Sufficiency Economy, Ban Non Sung, Sa Kaeo Province, and 2) to study the application of the BCG economic model as a guideline for application in the area. in developing the sustainability of the learning center The research team studied by observation method. Collect information and ask directly from people in the community. The results showed that the strength of its diverse biological resources. can be used for maximum benefit by using the BCG economic model to act as an integration development from upstream to downstream By using the knowledge of science and technology to generate income. Reduce unnecessary expenses for sustainability and can survive on their own of the learning center and to be a learning center that can apply the philosophy of sufficiency economy towards truly sustainable development and promoting the Sufficiency Economy Learning Center Ban Non Mak Mun Based on the important foundation of the use of resources within the area. to create the most value There are positive impacts in all 3 dimensions: economic, social and environmental dimensions

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How to Cite
รุ่งวิกรัยกานต์ ป. . (2023). BCG Model to Guidelines for Resource Management in Ban Non Sung Sufficiency Economy Learning Center, Sa Kaeo Province. SSKRU Research and Development Journal, 10(1), 20–31. retrieved from
Research Articles


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